PSA: "Who is the real Larry?" thread is live

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The British Purist & Rock Wizard models never had a grille on the back

And to this day these amp models do have none.

There was only one exception upon customer request prior to SBlue's order.

I had 2 grills made at the time and just wanted to make SBlue happy...

... but didn't find the second grille in time before FedEx came to pick up the amp ?‍♂️
So you lost SBlue’s grill somewhere in your house? And because of that, it’s simply too bad for Sblue? Seems like the right thing to do is ship it to him on your dime. If it’s still lost, you should cover the cost of a new one. Seems this falls completely on you.
You sent me this email on 02/12/2020:

""Good morning Tiago,

just came to mind, that I still haven't sent you the export invoice,
which is attached to the shipment.
For any means you should have it, hence find it attached.

The BP usually has a real grill for protecting output tubes, but as
small, that you can get by the character switches on the rear chassis edge.
Unfortunately I didn't have one remaining anymore, or simply didn't find
it in my basement due to time hurry at the day of shipping.
I've already mounted the holders of this rear grill, the mounting screws
are screwed in - and the grill I'll send you after I've found it or
after I've had made new ones. So please be careful in the meantime,
because you know how roadies are doing at live event.

And now... puh man, I'm already so much excited :-D
Watching the clock says just still 7 hours from writing this email, then
you'd get handed the amp.
UPS tracking says, that the parcel already has left Louisville, KY

Speak to you soon again.

Lying sack of shit.
Just for reference.
Just for reference.
Correct, that's exactly how I wrote SBlue while his British Purist was already on the way.

And I just saw that I didn't send FedEx but UPS, which I remembered wrongly.

However, I phrased it this way because it was simply more convenient than explaining at length that I actually wanted to give him a treat to go with his amp, but unfortunately I couldn't find it in time before picking up the amp and the amp therefore will reach him without the treat.

Up to this point, SBlue had no idea that a rear grille for the British Purist even existed - and only existed because I had previously had one made for someone else at the customer's request 'and for an extra fee'.

So when SBlue ordered his British Purist he was unaware of such a grille and had never seen a photo of a British Purist on my website or anywhere else on the web until then.

He had therefore ordered a British Purist and knew that it does not have a protective grille on the back as standard.

There are some amps that don't have a protective grille for the tubes on the back. The best example would be the Trainwreck Express, but also numerous MESA/Boogie models

Knowing that the British Purist is open at the back, he ordered this amp, he had never paid for a protective grille - and he therefore has no legal claim to such a grille.

He derives his claim, which he underlines emotionally very agitated with deafening tears, solely from the fact that I wrote him something ambiguous in this email out of convenience.

But no matter so far - since I know you won't believe me again (because apparently not-believing has already become a hobby for some members here?) I offer the following to ALL OF YOU:

I will immediately pay $100 to anyone here who finds a photo on the web of a British Purist WITH this rear grille that was posted on the web PRIOR to SBlue having their British Purist shipped in February 2020.

The only exceptions to this are 2 British Purist models:

1 - the British Purist of a client known as MAI in German forums

2 - the British Purist, which was reported on in a German journal - see appendix (!)


The same five tards posting the same crap over and over.

Stop feeding the trolls Larry. Please.
and he therefore has no legal claim to such a grille.
He certainly has.


SBlue said:
Unfortunately I didn't have one remaining anymore, or simply didn't find
it in my basement due to time hurry at the day of shipping.
I've already mounted the holders of this rear grill, the mounting screws
are screwed in
- and the grill I'll send you after I've found it or
after I've had made new ones

Correct, that's exactly how I wrote SBlue while his British Purist was already on the way.


keep digging.gif
So you lost SBlue’s grill somewhere in your house? And because of that, it’s simply too bad for Sblue? Seems like the right thing to do is ship it to him on your dime. If it’s still lost, you should cover the cost of a new one. Seems this falls completely on you.
I was badly insulted by SBlue for the lack of that cheap grille,

which is not even a regular part of the British Purist,

but I had only promised it him as a gift, as an enclose,

and because I couldn't find the only remaining grille in time before FedEx came to pick up the amp,

only and solely because of this I was then accused by him in countless of his posts among other 'nice' words as:

Liar -->

Thief -->

thief scumbag -->

fucking thief -->

evading taxes -->

He stole money from Steve K widow -->

Larry got away with murder -->

your lies and your thievery -->

you fucking cunt -->

Fucking lying thief -->

You fuck tard -->

fucking scumbag thief -->

Lying Larry -->
So judge for yourself how mentally disturbed, immature, bitchy like a pubescent teenage girl,

defiant, unreasonable and bossy someone has to be...

... or completely alienated from the real world due to excessive use of alcohol and/or drugs, to write all this...

... and publicly readable for everyone on this planet at any time - that all as a grown man at the age of 55

And all this fuss just because of a grill worth 25 euros. Here is the 'corpus delicti':


And you 'thegame' seriously think I would ever send him that grille again?

How stupid do you think I am?

SBlue wouldn't get this grid from me even if he paid 500 euros plus 100 euros express shipping for it ? :devilish:
How to convince people you are trustworthy - Larry Edition:

- Ignore direct questions and evidence, threaten law suits, make insults.
- Show pictures of your "girlfriend" and money to prove you're super cool and rich.
- Say you've been grooming her (pubes) "for over 7 years" after saying she's 25, in order to eat her poo.
- Act like petulant insecure child

Bonus: Jump in your Bronco with a disguise, 25k in a cash, and drive down the interstate. Works EVERY time. Reputation = Saved.

I will publicly tell the cheap grille story to the entire world, and gladly burn Larry's already shitty name in every occasion and situation I can. And have already started in the best way possible!
I'll be happy to show every single amp buyer and makers, what happened, and show them how Larry decided it was better to have another enemy, after sending his over $7,000.00, paid in full amp, missing parts.
If Hairy Caterpillar Larry send me the panel, then I'll lose the right to tell everyone I know how much of a liar and a thief he is.
So, as far as I'm concerned, he is more than welcome to shove that back cover up his ass.
I would rather keep the right that I've earned, when he decided to steal me, to say whatever the fuck I want regarding his lack of integrity.
Just another lie to you. This was before he changed the knobs to the shitty looking white knobs. Way before I even ordered mine:
Just another lie to you. This was before he changed the knobs to the shitty looking white knobs. Way before I even ordered mine:
He doesn't deny that he promised you the back panel he even "mounted the holders" and he doesn't deny that he didn't deliver it which means that you have a legal claim against him even though he seems to believe otherwise. ?‍♂️

Therefore all this stuff about these amps not having a back panel doesn't matter at all, it's merely deflection.
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