Question(s) About Mike Morin Modded Marshalls

  • Thread starter Thread starter JakeStone
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This is excellent information, thank you so much for sharing, Snave! Always nice to get more insight on Morin’s work. As noted here and other threads, now that he is no longer modding, it’s extremely difficult to gather any info regarding specifics. I am a new member here, but really enjoying this forum.

Well, that would explain why I always thought the guitars on HT sound more Marshall-Esq than any dual rectifier I’ve heard. See, I thought the M70 was the only point to point amp build Morin offered - thanks again for the info!
Hybrid Theory guitar tone has even less info than Meteora. There's no studio footage or pictures from that era. My personal theory is that it's a Dual Rectifier and Morin blend. The songs have two rhythm guitar tracks each, one more middy/ratty and the other more scooped. There are live shows from that era where Brad gets damn close to the album tone with just a Dual Rectifier and Marshall 4x12 so who knows. He toured with just Dual Recs until after Meteora, when he added two Morin Plexi reissues.

The Morin amp history goes like this:
  • Early 90s: Marshalls mods and 1.5U rack preamps introduced. He offered 4 different gain mods ranging from $350-$1000 and soon switched to 1U production preamps (~20 made)
  • Mid 90s: M70 prototype amps with similar layout as preamp, with added clean channel (probably 3-5 made)
  • 1997: Production heads with clean channels. P100 (Marshall mod tone, 21 made) and M120 (preamp layout, more note definition, 7-8 made). Both used Mercury Magnetics transformers.
The M120s have one knob next to the input jack and P100s have two mini knobs. He also made matching 4x12 cabs with M25 speakers.

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Here ya go! Just a quick clip, no eq other than high and low pass.

Different cab set up:

This one is pretty wild, gotta hear it on something you can really hear the low end on, in my car it’s enough to make me almost nauseous haha. Marshall BV cab and 57/421 combo.
thank you so much for the clips! That amp sounds absolutely insane. Wow. I think ‘head from hell’ is perfect name for that mod ?
thank you so much for the clips! That amp sounds absolutely insane. Wow. I think ‘head from hell’ is perfect name for that mod ?

It’s definitely over the top, but it does the 80s thing just as well, I’ll put up some clips without the gains pulled etc, this is just the extreme side of it for sure!
The first 2 Staind albums were recorded with a Morin Marshall. Those sound evil as hell.
No kidding? And yes they do!

Yea man, morins amps were on more records than the “big” modders names combined. You just never hear about it because of how records and gear were credited during those times. Literally everything out of NRG has a morin on it.
also I believe Mike told me the cab used on hybrid theory was believe it or not a matchless 4x12.
Here’s a clip that’s just using all volume knob on my PRS CU24 with 85/15s. These pickups are extremely percussive and aggressive sounding, but the articulation is insane with them. This is straight into the amp, Friedman 4x12, single 57, no eq, no nothing. Only one gain knob pulled.

No tone knob changes on the amp, just volume knob and pickup selection. I did put the lower gain stuff on a seperate track with some
Reverb though. Enjoy

Here’s a clip that’s just using all volume knob on my PRS CU24 with 85/15s. These pickups are extremely percussive and aggressive sounding, but the articulation is insane with them. This is straight into the amp, Friedman 4x12, single 57, no eq, no nothing. Only one gain knob pulled.

No tone knob changes on the amp, just volume knob and pickup selection. I did put the lower gain stuff on a seperate track with some
Reverb though. Enjoy

Ves. That is a crazy angry amp. Love it. Your intro through about 1:30 is very Hendrix/beck esque. Very very nice. Then obviously all hell breaks loose. ?
Ves. That is a crazy angry amp. Love it. Your intro through about 1:30 is very Hendrix/beck esque. Very very nice. Then obviously all hell breaks loose. ?

Thanks dude…it’s something I’ve never shared about this amp, its dynamics and how insane they are. It really is a “players” amp, you can do anything with this, and I truly mean anything. I’ve posted the heaviest clips around with this thing, and now I’ve shown the dynamics and how subtle it can be, and it really can get way more natural Marshall than this, this is still a gain knob pulled. Cannibal corpse to Hendrix, this thing literally can do it if you’re a good enough player.
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Here ya go! Just a quick clip, no eq other than high and low pass.

Different cab set up:

This one is pretty wild, gotta hear it on something you can really hear the low end on, in my car it’s enough to make me almost nauseous haha. Marshall BV cab and 57/421 combo.
The first clip you just posted is the best clip I’ve ever heard by any us . I really like it wow
The first 2 Staind albums were recorded with a Morin Marshall. Those sound evil as hell.
It was actually their third album, Break the Cycle. That's the first one recorded at NRG and produced by Josh Abraham, who introduced Morin amps to a bunch of bands.

From Guitar World:


also I believe Mike told me the cab used on hybrid theory was believe it or not a matchless 4x12.
No shit? Strange that they seem open back, but they do have an M25/H30 mix which Mike uses in his personal cab.
It was actually their third album, Break the Cycle. That's the first one recorded at NRG and produced by Josh Abraham, who introduced Morin amps to a bunch of bands.

From Guitar World:


No shit? Strange that they seem open back, but they do have an M25/H30 mix which Mike uses in his personal cab.

I always forget about the first one. It's funny because I listened to it about 6 months ago.
also I believe Mike told me the cab used on hybrid theory was believe it or not a matchless 4x12.

This doesn't surprise me AT ALL tbh, matchless 4x12s are really interesting sounding - especially the low end sounds unlike any other 4x12

Probably some weird construction quirk
The first 2 Staind albums were recorded with a Morin Marshall. Those sound evil as hell.
Break the cycle has vh4 more prominent then mixed with the Morin . Take the For You . I can def get that tone with my vh4 . But the Morin is in there . But the vh4 is highly prominent on Break the Cycke
Break the cycle has vh4 more prominent then mixed with the Morin . Take the For You . I can def get that tone with my vh4 . But the Morin is in there . But the vh4 is highly prominent on Break the Cycke
What year is your VH4?