Reaching out to Mark Cameron

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It's been made clear by quite a few people around here that they couldn't care less about all the people who have been screwed, and supporting his thievery and lies as long as they "get what they want".
Which people? Nick said any 'new' stuff. I don't think anyone has bought/sold/trade anything other than older stuff that's been passed around many times here. No one that I know of, supports his behavior or buys any new products off him.
I asked, long ago, 2016 or so, someone who DOES know him and lives nearby if he would be able to contact him about doing a mod. He said he wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole. That's all I needed to hear.
hold you diarrhea samhain atomic meme rant meltdown incoming

it really sucks that this scameron is still doing this shit
that jason exp dude is the guy you should contact
he posts here and is like mark's nanny or something

Thats not like Marcus to not return an amp.
Must be some kind of mistake.

Where do these donor amps disappear to? I’ve never heard a story of anyone tracking one down and getting it back?
I'm sorry to hear you lost your amp. Mark is a very talented individual and has been very helpful to me back in the days of Metro amp circa 2005-2009 in the past but he has personal issues and I am afraid he has burned everyone that has tried to saddle his talent and go into business with him.

Brad King had legally enforceable contracts with him and still ended up getting burned. Let that be a cautionary tale...
Gonna say this yet again. Any "new" Cameron amps , mods or products should not be allowed to be sold on rig talk. Guy burned many members here including me. Goodluck but not hopeful for you unfortunately...
? percent
Where do these donor amps disappear to? I’ve never heard a story of anyone tracking one down and getting it back?

He certainly mods or straight up sells the donor amps to someone else. If you have the serial #, maybe you'll see it on eBay or reverb someday?
He certainly mods or straight up sells the donor amps to someone else. If you have the serial #, maybe you'll see it on eBay or reverb someday?
But dude, think of the honor it would be to have YOUR stolen amp sitting in some LA studio that the owner bought under shady circumstances.
He certainly mods or straight up sells the donor amps to someone else. If you have the serial #, maybe you'll see it on eBay or reverb someday?
Why spread rumors that you can’t confirm?

Yet one day/week/month from now year after year someone here will be posting : "New Cameron Day" !!!
And all the nutt0huggers will be schwingin.
Its a sickness.
And yet all we have been hearing for the past few years is
"he hit a rough patch but he is good now." "He has always helped me when I called him".
"He is going to make good with everyone owed"

During my partying days I knew smack addicts, meth and crack heads that had their talents or good traits but they will always fuck over people. The only thing that keeps people safe is how desperate they are or how useful you are to them.

A few months down the road you will see him selling a new moded amp for 3-4k.

I dont care if that amp sounded like god singing, made me play like Malmsteen and made my dick feel like it had every vagina I've ever lusted after on it at once and continuously... I wouldn't give him one sliver of a penny.

I hope you get your amp back I really do but unless you take a trip and do some evil shit I dont think its going to happen. You will likely just end up on that "we will make it right someday" list.

Seriously people can chime in on how nice he is but when it really counts he is a scumbag of the highest order.
Of course we want everyone made whole.
But by God someone needs to put an end to the shit for good.
Remember when people kept going out of their way to give their money to Bernie Madoff after they knew he'd been caught defrauding his clients? Of course not, because (almost) no one is that fucking stupid. People just need to stop giving their amps or cash to Mark Cameron. Just send to it me instead, then I'll kick you in the balls, and we'll call it a day.


I know Fred Cameron, Marks 3rd cousin. He started modding air conditioners for famous people and has morphed into guitar amps.
Fred has a unique Jose style 10,000 BTU window unit circuit that will play "Lay it down" while keeping 200 sq ft of space @ 70 degrees.
Can be wired for both 115 & 230 vac.
PM for details.
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Gonna say this yet again. Any "new" Cameron amps , mods or products should not be allowed to be sold on rig talk. Guy burned many members here including me. Goodluck but not hopeful for you unfortunately...

It’s amazing he has constantly gotten away with his crimes. Truly unbelievable. He is a criminal.

give me a bad ass Friedman any day.
Where do these donor amps disappear to? I’ve never heard a story of anyone tracking one down and getting it back?
Here's one
I sent Mark one of my Marshalls several years ago for his mods.
After a couple of years go by with minimal updates, I decided to get it back from him in person.
He was working at Bogner in Hollywood, so I drove down there & confronted him when he left the shop. He agreed to give it back, so we went to a storage unit that looked like he was living in it.
He had dozens of amps piled up in there, I found mine and just left before it ended badly.
Here's one
I sent Mark one of my Marshalls several years ago for his mods.
After a couple of years go by with minimal updates, I decided to get it back from him in person.
He was working at Bogner in Hollywood, so I drove down there & confronted him when he left the shop. He agreed to give it back, so we went to a storage unit that looked like he was living in it.
He had dozens of amps piled up in there, I found mine and just left before it ended badly.

Do you remember the unit#? Maybe someone could get an investigator involved.