Remembering First Amp & Guitar

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I don't even count my first guitar and amp, nor do I count my first guitar teacher.

My first guitar and amp were from a Japanese company called Norma. The guitar action was so bad, I could barely play it, so I rarely did. My guitar teacher didn't bother to look at or try my guitar or recommend a setup AFAIK; I took lessons from the same place my parents bought the guitar and amp, which is probably why he ignored my guitar's unplayability? I was 7 or 8 years old; I stopped playing for a few years because of the guitar, until I was 13 or 14 with a new guitar and amp. Played my first paying gig at 14.

I mentioned this in another thread; my first real amp was a Univox, it was two-tone blue which I painted black, and I had a no-name (or I forgot the name) flying V that was a dark translucent red with white pickguard.

Here's a pic of the Univox model amp I had:

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Christmas of 1983, I got my first guitar and amp - an Ibanez Roadstar II and a Fender Deluxe Reverb. My mom worked not a block from Rockin' Robin guitar shop and I'd spend a lot of time there after school 'til she got off work - Christmas time was always magical to me there as they'd have tons of the latest guitars hanging from the ceiling as you walked in and I remember that Christmas all of the Roadstar IIs in every color hanging from the celing.
1983 was my year as well...for my first 'real' guitar; a cherry sunburst Ibanez Destroyer. Prior to that, an Arbor LP from the JC Penney catalog. Lol.
I had gotten a Bassman head the year before, with the giant 2x12. With a few distortion/boost pedals. I ran the Bassman through a 1x12 with a K140 JBL the next year, and when I graduated HS I got a ss Marshall 1x12 combo. I had my Destroyer and Marshall combo shipped to me overseas when I was in the Army. Eventually I moved here to Wi from Minnesota and I traded the Marshall for some rack gear and a 412. The guy I traded the combo to used it up until 5 yrs ago, when the MOSFETS gave up the ghost.
In 1987 I bought a blueburst strat-style Cort Effector from Sears for my 18th birthday. The effects were mostly garbage, and there was no pickup selector, so both pups were always on. Paired it with a Peavey Backstage Plus and an Arion Metal Master pedal. That was pretty much my starter rig for my first 2-3 years of playing.
First piece of gear I bought myself was a coily cable. Was a premium at $25+ sometime in the early 90's. I still have the cable but the straight ends have gotten much shorter since it was repaired so many times. A/B'ed against a George L it was just as clear and bright sounding. So much for stories of capacitance. Still the best cable I own but I retired it.
I don't even count my first guitar and amp, nor do I count my first guitar teacher.

My first guitar and amp were from a Japanese company called Norma. The guitar action was so bad, I could barely play it, so I rarely did. My guitar teacher didn't bother to look at or try my guitar or recommend a setup AFAIK; I took lessons from the same place my parents bought the guitar and amp, which is probably why he ignored my guitar's unplayability? I was 7 or 8 years old; I stopped playing for a few years because of the guitar, until I was 13 or 14 with a new guitar and amp. Played my first paying gig at 14.

I mentioned this in another thread; my first real amp was a Univox, it was two-tone blue which I painted black, and I had a no-name (or I forgot the name) flying V that was a dark translucent red with white pickguard.

Here's a pic of the Univox model amp I had:

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Woah. Look at this beast. …never knew such a rig existed. Looks like an amp/time machine. Epic taste good sir. 🔥🔥🔥
Ibby>Metal Zone>Gorilla
The quintessential ‘how to crush’ starter pack. Excellent. Metal Zone ftw. …lots of joyful YouTube vids on Metal Zone lately. Never had one, always wanted one back in the day. Arguably one of the greatest names for a pedal, I’m my humble opinion.
The quintessential ‘how to crush’ starter pack. Excellent. Metal Zone ftw. …lots of joyful YouTube vids on Metal Zone lately. Never had one, always wanted one back in the day. Arguably one of the greatest names for a pedal, I’m my humble opinion.
Think I was 11-12 and could play one or two power chords and a couple ill placed single notes. Not much different all these years later, but it's still fun.
My first amp was a POS Darius D12. My first guitar was an equal POS EL Degas Les Paul custom copy.

However, it was all I had so I had to make use of it and I played the crap out of them until I saved up to buy some better gear.
In 1983 a black 1976 or 77 Fender Musicmaster and silverface Vibro Champ with a Boss HM-2.
Plywood Harmony guitar and a tiny 5 watt Harmony combo amp that was completely made of plastic

Fucking toane for days