Roger Waters recorded DSOTM again by himself

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Roger could write some decent shit but Gilmour and Rick Wright were the talent and sound of Pink Floyd.
Agree. Just watch Echoes from the Pompeii video. Roger prob wrote the basics and lyrics but the sound of that song is mostly David and Rick. Roger didn’t write Rick’s keys or David’s guitar solo. Roger’s singing voice has character but otherwise kind of sucks.

And didn’t David play some bass on Animals?

Watch how much Roger directed the band in this video. Even the drums in some parts
If you're going to play in a band, don't act like you're a solo act.

Why don't you just let people appreciate the collective talent between such great records? No one is saying Roger Waters is a hack, or David Gilmour is the only reason the band is good. It took all of them to make the records what they were. Without all of them, it wouldn't be the same.

But hey, rockstar drama is on a whole other level of petty and it's pretty entertaining. He went and rerecorded the album and then talked over their parts? lol
If you're going to play in a band, don't act like you're a solo act.

Why don't you just let people appreciate the collective talent between such great records? No one is saying Roger Waters is a hack, or David Gilmour is the only reason the band is good. It took all of them to make the records what they were. Without all of them, it wouldn't be the same.

But hey, rockstar drama is on a whole other level of petty and it's pretty entertaining. He went and rerecorded the album and then talked over their parts? lol
^This…. But like sports… there are role players and there are stars…. It took all of them.. but there is usually a standout or 2….
Gilmour does great on his own. Waters, not so much. Idk I’m skewed because RW just seems to have flown INTO the coo coo’s nest. I’ll remember him for what he did. Not what he does.
I think I read once that RW wanted a very dry and sterile vibe to the album and DG and others pushed for reverb, ambience, space, ect. Not sure if true but I can’t imagine that album with the direct opposite vibe.
There are a shitload of Waters’ demos of the 70’s Floyd songs available to listen to on YouTube, they’re basically folk or blues songs written on an acoustic, they didn’t turn into Floyd songs until they were brought to the band and everyone laid their parts down. If Waters was Floyd, as he believes, why doesn’t any of his solo work sound like Floyd?

As for ”Roger’s” basslines, Gilmour played a fuck ton of them throughout the years. If it was a fretless or doing any kind of lead work or the tempo was important, Gilmour played it.

His Floyd-less DSOTM is going to compete with the 50th Anniversary box set of DSOTM. Good luck with that. Gilmour also sang the majority of DSOTM, I think Waters only sang on “Eclipse” if I remember right. So ripping out a fucking legend’s guitar parts AND the vocals that, literally, millions of people are familiar with…fucking dumbass.

It seems the more success he has, the more lunacy comes out of his mouth. He went and hid in a hole for a long time, made it seem like he calmed down and wasn’t as much of an asshole, but in the 2010’s as he started touring, playing primarily Floyd music and the shows did well, that ego came right back out. First he was crying because Gilmour wouldn’t let him post on the Floyd website then it was his usual “those guys never contributed anything, they never had anything to contribute because they aren’t real musicians”.

While going off album sales as a method of deciding what’s good/better is bullshit in popular music terms, I think in this case it works because the only people buying their solo albums are Floyd fans-

DAVID GILMOUR sold over 2,130,300 albums, including 1,000,000 in the United States and 500,000 in the United Kingdom.

ROGER WATERS sold over 1,184,661 albums, including 500,000 in the United States and 180,000 in the United Kingdom. The best-selling album by ROGER WATERS is THE PROS & CONS OF HITCHHIKING, which sold over 575,000 copies .

(they each have 4 albums)

Add that to the fact that when Gilmour toured his solo albums, he did about a 50/50 mix of Floyd/Solo songs, when Roger tours he does about 90% Floyd, 10% solo.

All that said, I‘m a Gilmour fanboy, he’s the reason I started playing after my dad took me to see Floyd in ‘94 when I was 11. I’m grateful for Roger’s contributions in the early years, I fucking love those albums, but Gilmour is the reason I listen to Floyd.
While going off album sales as a method of deciding what’s good/better is bullshit in popular music terms, I think in this case it works because the only people buying their solo albums are Floyd fans-

DAVID GILMOUR sold over 2,130,300 albums, including 1,000,000 in the United States and 500,000 in the United Kingdom.

ROGER WATERS sold over 1,184,661 albums, including 500,000 in the United States and 180,000 in the United Kingdom. The best-selling album by ROGER WATERS is THE PROS & CONS OF HITCHHIKING, which sold over 575,000 copies .

(they each have 4 albums)

Add that to the fact that when Gilmour toured his solo albums, he did about a 50/50 mix of Floyd/Solo songs, when Roger tours he does about 90% Floyd, 10% solo.
Gilmour is the "face" of the band. And he always was post-Dark Side. I'm not saying he was the front man or the guy who spoke for the band. But to the public, his contributions to the music were the most noticeable, since his solo's were always these grand in your face climaxes. None of them are particularly great singers, so it never was going to be a Page and Plant situation.

I think singers and lead guitarists are often overrated by the public in respect to their contributions to the music. David Gilmour wouldn't be who he is if it wasn't for everyone else in the band. Every great guitar solo is being set up by the rest of the song, and being pushed by a strong rhythm section. But most people don't get that. It's called guitar hero, not bass hero, or drum hero. It's guitar center, not... The lead guitarist in a rock band is on the level of the singer in the public's eye. People love Pink Floyd for more than just him, but he's the guy that does the climaxes so...

Which is probably why he gets more attention than Roger Waters. For your average listener, Gilmour's contributions are probably the first thing people notice. Considering they both sing, and people at large care less about lyrics than you might think, it makes sense.

As far as touring, Gilmour is a musician that you want to see live. You want to see him do those solo's. As he long as he plays the hits, people will sit through his solo stuff. Roger Waters doesn't have that liberty, his musicianship is much less of a draw, and if he were to just plays the hits, it's still not David Gilmour playing the solo's. I'm sure they're both touring with absolutely phenomenal world class musicians, and whoever is on guitar for Roger I'm sure is doing it justice. But people are still gonna hear it, and wish it was Gilmour playing it. No one is going to a David Gilmour show and wishing it was Roger Water's on the bass. So doing more Pink Floyd stuff is a way for Roger Waters to get people to come to the show who want to see Pink Floyd but missed the chance.
Eddie Trunk, a close personal friend of mine talked about how they are airing their dirty laundry on social media..
Even when you seemingly have it all, it's still not enough to just let shit go..
Eddie Trunk, a close personal friend of mine talked about how they are airing their dirty laundry on social media..
Even when you seemingly have it all, it's still not enough to just let shit go..

"Tensions between members of legendary rock band Pink Floyd show no signs of improving after vocalist David Gilmour backed wife's claims that Roger Waters was 'antisemitic' and 'a Putin apologist'.

Earlier this week (David's wife) Polly Samson, 60, made a series of incendiary claims about legendary musician Waters, 79, seemingly in response to an article he had shared concerning Israel.

She had posted a tweet telling Waters he is 'antisemitic to (his) rotten core' adding that he was a 'Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac'.

Bass guitarist Waters has denounced the claims as 'wildly inaccurate' and 'incendiary', adding that he is 'taking advice on his position'.

Gilmour, 76, has now supported his wife's claims on social media, saying that 'every word' of her tweet denouncing Waters was 'demonstrably true'."

The feud between iconic Pink Floyd members David Gilmour and Roger Waters reached a fever pitch in recent days as Waters slammed Gilmour for being creatively bankrupt and having no real musical “ideas” during the writing of their legendary albums.

Waters’ claims came in a recent interview with U.K. outlet “The Telegraph” where he seemed to shoot back at Gilmour’s wife’s public claims that Waters is “antisemitic” to his “rotten core,” a charge that Gilmour endorsed.
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Imagine you were in one of the great bands ever that recorded one of the great albums of all time, your bank account has nine digits in it and at almost 80 you wake up every day just pissed looking for some kind of revenge or something.. dosent sound like a fun way to live
On second thought, that sounds amazing
I'm a big Pink Floyd fan and am seeing two tribute bands with the next three months and even saw Roger Waters about 5 months ago and think it was the opening night of the tour. There is no way, I can listen to that because it is missing the magic of 1972 and that original EVERYTHING that made it so great.

Roger Waters does have issues. I loved the show but I will say that I'm an open minded person and can be in any environment, even if someone has different beliefs or exaggerated claims, etc. As a retired military member, yes there were awkward moments during the concert where I thought a spotlight was going to drop on me and "Babykiller" appear on the screen, lol.

I've been to a super right-leaning country show and RATM and Roger Waters the other way and loved both. I get to see Mac Sabbath and have laughs and ignore all of the drama of left and right and sing about French fries ???.

All joking aside, I think Pink Floyd had some drama and drugs and Roger, out of all of them, is super messed up. But that guy has unresolved issues from his childhood (The Wall) and I'm sure still has psychedelics in his system. That drama he has made Pink Floyd so awesome in my opinion.
Roger Waters had some great new stuff at the show but definitely for people with thick skin. Pink Floyd also had a very successful career after Roger was gone. There is a lot of talent in both of them. Roger is more like John Lennon, deeper and stranger and less about the hit song. More vocal about political stuff. David can write stuff in this sleep.
I never liked Pink Floyd. I like Pink Floyd about as much as I like the Doors. Growing up I thought they sucked, save for a few tunes. I thought Gilmore played lead guitar like he had a load in his pants.
The kind of music they play while you're on Death Row, waiting for your lethal injection.