ronnie le tekro

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Didn't Ronnie also use very high action on his guitars?

And who else has Knights Of The Old Thunder? There is one tune that the guitar tone is completely different from the rest of the Album. I think it was a tune called USA?
Chubtone":7g58hmem said:
Digital Jams":7g58hmem said:
I had to buy special sippy cups for the kids due to the Gs that Mustang creates, I velco the cup to the kid's hands :lol: :LOL:

:lol: :LOL:

I would think that live rear axle would bounce the lids right off of those sippy cups and give the kids spinal injuries. It's amazing how ecologically sound it was for Ford to recycle the axles from old covered wagons into their sports cars. That's economically sound and green! :thumbsup:

Dude, Ford uses the old iron from the Navy ships so they are MilSPEC to begin with :lol: :LOL:

The guys on Top Gear LOVE the Mustang :lol: :LOL:
Chubtone":3ikiu53h said:
FortinAmps":3ikiu53h said:
My orders and work load say different as a large percentage of them are west coasters ;)

That's cool if you don't dig my mods/amp :thumbsup: Maybe someday if you get a chance to plug into some of my work, you can give me some more constructive feedback on it. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks for giving up the goods on my mods :gethim: I had to install a special port on the back of Scott's amp and told him to plug into that massive oil drum in his runs on oil :lol: :LOL:

I hope you know I am totally kidding around here Mike, in this thread and Scott's Cali thread. Like the Canadian jokes with Scott that go back to the Harmony Central days. When I saw you were in Canada I had to throw those in there too. I'm kind of disappointed you're not a real Canadian, you just illegally immigrated there to do the work that Canadians don't want to do. Gracias. :thumbsup:

I have never heard one of your amps so I can't really criticize it and don't believe I actually ever have. I did say that the Cali mod clip on You Tube sounds like something Satan would plug into and not something Jeff Spicoli would plug into so I don't know if that's a compliment or a criticism. We have all been kidding Ralph about how accurate his forum name is for years now. You're his boy now so maybe I just assumed guilt by association with the gain levels. :yes:

Like donbarzini, I have owned a lot of modded amps over the years, but unlike donbarzini I have actually liked a couple of them. I don't think your mods sound like Axe FX's or Metal Zones, just messing with Scott and Ralph. And as fas as Rig Talk goes your amps are freaking white hot popularity wise and you have the heavyweights (and Scotty :D ) in your corner. If I truly didn't dig your amps I wouldn't pop into these threads, but when Scott and Ralph are around there's normally lots of fun to be had.

All the best for you AND your business Mike. You seem to be a very cool guy, with a great sense of humor and a great product.

PS. If you decide to label a knob Stun or Obliterate on one of your mods in the future we're all going to remember where that came from. And I still think you should get your next door neighbor, Paul Dean to do a sig model. Randy Van Sykes will be all over that one! :rock:

Thanks for the clarification :thumbsup:
I'm relatively new to the whole forum scene. I did not know that you guys have a long history of breaking each others ballz :lol: :LOL: I will make sure to label Ralph's amp with Stun and Obliterate and well as renaming the Depth control to Chubtone :rock:
Having a small gathering this weekend. I will get a chance to try cyndicates Fortin. I think it is a modded Marshall. I will leave some feedback.
danyeo":wcmka9mj said:
Didn't Ronnie also use very high action on his guitars?

And who else has Knights Of The Old Thunder? There is one tune that the guitar tone is completely different from the rest of the Album. I think it was a tune called USA?

Ronni's action is the highest you have ever seen and I'm not kidding. In all my years of owning and working at guitar shops I have never seen a guitar with higher action. Not even a First Act acoustic from Walmart that was left in the trunk all summer. Seriously, I just watched that gear video again today and he shows it with a close up and I swear it is 1/2" off the fretboard at the highest fret. I showed it to the guy who does the set-ups at my shop and he just looked at me and asked what was wrong with that guy. On the video Ronni says he has to have the action that high because that's how he learned to play on a crappy guitar and then he says that he couldn't do all the palm muted stuff with normal action and to demonstrate this he plays some muted line that any normal guitarist could play with low action.

On the Intuition tour I went to see Ronni in a tiny club by my house, There were maybe 50 people there. This club never had heavy rockbands play there either. So we're there pretty early and there is no one there. Ronni's guitars are on a big stand right by the front door and his tech is tuning them up. Me and the other guitarist in my band walked over to him and were just looking at the guitars from just a foot away and laughing at how high his action was. His tech was cool and held them out for us to kind of touch and check out, but not play. So we saw the black, big headstock strat and the white Kramer with the symbols on it. They were both with ridiculous action.

And "USA" from Knights of the New Thunder was from their first album that was sung in Norwegian by their original singer. Harnell just wrote new lyrics and sang them and Ronni put on a different lead.
Knights and Tell no Tales and Intuition were amazing albums.
but I saw them play at Jezebels on the intuition Tour and it was pretty bad.
Digital Jams":1qrm5jzg said:
Dont fall for it Mike, Curt will screw you hard when you are not looking :thumbsdown: While at NAMM he got all excited telling me " DUDE!!!!! Here comes Vai!!!!!!!!!" I start to make a move looking like a school girl in heat and I see him reaching for his camera and the look on his face just screamed " oh these pics are going to be AWESOME..I GOT HIM NOW!!!!!"

Held my ground to his disappointment :lol: :LOL:

OH yeah Curt...........911 = vw bug :lol: :LOL: ;) :D
:lol: :LOL:

;) :D



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tweed":2v6iykcx said:
Digital Jams":2v6iykcx said:
Dont fall for it Mike, Curt will screw you hard when you are not looking :thumbsdown: While at NAMM he got all excited telling me " DUDE!!!!! Here comes Vai!!!!!!!!!" I start to make a move looking like a school girl in heat and I see him reaching for his camera and the look on his face just screamed " oh these pics are going to be AWESOME..I GOT HIM NOW!!!!!"

Held my ground to his disappointment :lol: :LOL:

OH yeah Curt...........911 = vw bug :lol: :LOL: ;) :D
:lol: :LOL:

;) :D
Quick get the garlic Count Dracula is on my neck
Chubtone":3gcysc35 said:
danyeo":3gcysc35 said:
Didn't Ronnie also use very high action on his guitars?

And who else has Knights Of The Old Thunder? There is one tune that the guitar tone is completely different from the rest of the Album. I think it was a tune called USA?

Ronni's action is the highest you have ever seen and I'm not kidding. In all my years of owning and working at guitar shops I have never seen a guitar with higher action. Not even a First Act acoustic from Walmart that was left in the trunk all summer. Seriously, I just watched that gear video again today and he shows it with a close up and I swear it is 1/2" off the fretboard at the highest fret. I showed it to the guy who does the set-ups at my shop and he just looked at me and asked what was wrong with that guy. On the video Ronni says he has to have the action that high because that's how he learned to play on a crappy guitar and then he says that he couldn't do all the palm muted stuff with normal action and to demonstrate this he plays some muted line that any normal guitarist could play with low action.

On the Intuition tour I went to see Ronni in a tiny club by my house, There were maybe 50 people there. This club never had heavy rockbands play there either. So we're there pretty early and there is no one there. Ronni's guitars are on a big stand right by the front door and his tech is tuning them up. Me and the other guitarist in my band walked over to him and were just looking at the guitars from just a foot away and laughing at how high his action was. His tech was cool and held them out for us to kind of touch and check out, but not play. So we saw the black, big headstock strat and the white Kramer with the symbols on it. They were both with ridiculous action.

And "USA" from Knights of the New Thunder was from their first album that was sung in Norwegian by their original singer. Harnell just wrote new lyrics and sang them and Ronni put on a different lead.

and you bust my balls over my man love for Vai eh??? :hys: :hys: :banhim: :worship:
tweed":18d1kiam said:
Digital Jams":18d1kiam said:
Dont fall for it Mike, Curt will screw you hard when you are not looking :thumbsdown: While at NAMM he got all excited telling me " DUDE!!!!! Here comes Vai!!!!!!!!!" I start to make a move looking like a school girl in heat and I see him reaching for his camera and the look on his face just screamed " oh these pics are going to be AWESOME..I GOT HIM NOW!!!!!"

Held my ground to his disappointment :lol: :LOL:

OH yeah Curt...........911 = vw bug :lol: :LOL: ;) :D
:lol: :LOL:

;) :D

right moose pic as....................done :lol: :LOL:

When I was at the ivebeenhad booth I am sittting there checking out the new S 7 stringer and this dude sits next to me asking to check it out, it was Herman Lee :D Pretty cool dude :yes:

Ralph looks impressed! :lol: :LOL:
mentoneman":2hllwigi said:
Digital Jams":2hllwigi said:
right moose click..........

I know that look all too well and wish you were with me that day in up state Vermont filming................turned the corner fishing for trout at Otter Creek and this bull moose lifts his head out of the water and looks straight at me, already knowing I startled it I start backtracking which turned into a full run with neoprean wadders while this freight train runs at me.

It was a lovely hour in a tree while rack head stood their sharing his rotten veggie breath.
i love how threads evolve (devolve?)

from le tekro to a moose story and crotch shots :D
Yes, this thread has gone south :hys:

Speaking of south, NAMM is just around the corner. :rawk:
hey mentoneman. I was at that Jezebels show :lol: :LOL:
I remember a ligting problem and laughing when the backing vocal track came on.
jerrydyer":3om4r2fk said:
hey mentoneman. I was at that Jezebels show :lol: :LOL:
I remember a ligting problem and laughing when the backing vocal track came on.

I was at that show too. It was the night after they played at that dive in Huntington Beach. I thought their mix was horrible but I don't think I ever heard a good mix at Jezebels. I was right in front of Ronni for that show too and was mainly getting his amp sound from the stage. The band might not have been on 100% but Ronni was ripping!
hey we had to be right there in the same circles. Who are you and what was your band? I was in 21st Century, Mystery and Surreal. I shared space with JoeyTafola over by the doll hut.
Who am I? I AM CHUBTONE! :gethim:

:lol: :LOL:

I was in a band called Ragamuffin when I first moved to LA. Were we glammy? You could say that. :D Then I played in a band called Gun Shy (one of those guys is in Buck Cherry now. One of my best buddies from high school). Then I played in a band called Savant. That was the best band I was ever in but you want to talk about volatile relationships? Our singer ended up playing with Marty Friedman and singing on his solo album and then he played with Silver Mountain and recorded with Jonas Hansson Band. Then I walked into a Hollywood headlining band who had already done all the hard work. That band was called Stone Heart. One of those guys has played with Keith Urban for years and recently left to go with some other mega platinum country artist called Dierks Bently. Before that he played with Ozzy, Steve Vai and Doug Aldrich. You can see him painted silver in that Vai video.

Even though I always lived in Orange County, I was normally in bands with guys in LA or the Valley so I was driving up their 4 times a week to rehearse. I spent a lot of time at those slaughterhouse studios up in Vernon. That was killer. Armored Saint in one room. Racer X in another room and just tones of other great bands. I'm sure I'll think of 20 more after I post this. There were like 80 rehearsal rooms in that place.

What did I ever go on to do? Well, I'm nearing my 2,000th post on Rig Talk, so I WIN! :rock:
Chubtone":1pukticf said:
danyeo":1pukticf said:
Didn't Ronnie also use very high action on his guitars?

And who else has Knights Of The Old Thunder? There is one tune that the guitar tone is completely different from the rest of the Album. I think it was a tune called USA?

Ronni's action is the highest you have ever seen and I'm not kidding. In all my years of owning and working at guitar shops I have never seen a guitar with higher action. Not even a First Act acoustic from Walmart that was left in the trunk all summer. Seriously, I just watched that gear video again today and he shows it with a close up and I swear it is 1/2" off the fretboard at the highest fret. I showed it to the guy who does the set-ups at my shop and he just looked at me and asked what was wrong with that guy. On the video Ronni says he has to have the action that high because that's how he learned to play on a crappy guitar and then he says that he couldn't do all the palm muted stuff with normal action and to demonstrate this he plays some muted line that any normal guitarist could play with low action.

On the Intuition tour I went to see Ronni in a tiny club by my house, There were maybe 50 people there. This club never had heavy rockbands play there either. So we're there pretty early and there is no one there. Ronni's guitars are on a big stand right by the front door and his tech is tuning them up. Me and the other guitarist in my band walked over to him and were just looking at the guitars from just a foot away and laughing at how high his action was. His tech was cool and held them out for us to kind of touch and check out, but not play. So we saw the black, big headstock strat and the white Kramer with the symbols on it. They were both with ridiculous action.

And "USA" from Knights of the New Thunder was from their first album that was sung in Norwegian by their original singer. Harnell just wrote new lyrics and sang them and Ronni put on a different lead.

Dude Uli's sky guitar is beyond ridiculous high action! there is gap towards the 12 fret and above that's so high that you can probably fit a finger in between! he refused to play anything lower than that as well. Yngwie's guitars are pretty high up as well, but uli's are crazy high and the neck is like a log!