Scammer Alert: VanMalmsteen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Code001
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He’s probably still posting in here by another alias or three, too
VanMalsteen had a beat Charvel Guthrie Govan for sale and totally flaked on the deal. At that time I was 90-something percent sure it was fatbagg.
Read the 3rd post in the thread I linked.?
Is that the one I followed where Van malmsteen says fatbagg is a human of true excellence and a man of taste and character? He then goes on to say that to err is simply human and we all make mistakes, and to lay off fatbagg as the mistake has been corrected, he had no ill intent! I mean, sure, outright grand theft is a mistake, I get that, no big deal.
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When you sell and take someone`s money, you need to deliver asap no fuckn around. Assholes on ebay piss me off to no extent. Pay and then they take 4-5 days to go to the fuckn post office. I keep note of who they are so not to buy from them again.
"Well ya know my schedule, my job"
Yah fuck all that noise
I sent fatbagg PPG for a Carol Ann amp a couple years ago and received the amp without drama. It feels super weird and creepy to have gotten away with it given the current situation.

Code001 was that refund you posted from fatbagg, or did PayPal really refund you a gift payment?
Is it possible that as a new member comes along, the mods define the ip address to ensure it’s not a banned address already? I’m not techy so I don’t know if this is doable but it might save 50-100-2000 bucks to some of us if possible ?? Mods ?
Even if we could define them, it'd be an inordinate amount of work.

AFAIK peeps' IP addresses are what they are, be they VPN-generated or otherwise.
i just want to say I don’t condone violence but stealing from random people is not safe or legal.
It's not my first choice, but sometimes necessary. Stealing from the wrong person isn't safe. Hope the OP gets his refund.
I sent fatbagg PPG for a Carol Ann amp a couple years ago and received the amp without drama. It feels super weird and creepy to have gotten away with it given the current situation.

Code001 was that refund you posted from fatbagg, or did PayPal really refund you a gift payment?

If some people would like, I'd be willing to forward the emails totally unredacted to the mods to prove they are indeed legitimate. This is the first time I have ever had to do something like this after dealing with people over the Internet for like 20 years, so I was honestly shocked it even worked.
Also, since some people are talking about this - I should mention I don't condone anyone randomly showing up to some else's place, even if it was in fairly clear cut situations of someone getting scammed. Technically, I never even got the dude's address since he was the one who was supposed to send something to me, and PayPal didn't release those details to me. Literally have no clue where that dude even lives. All unresolved scams should be reported to local authorities if the online help doesn't work with the potential of legal action against them.

As far as I'm concerned, I got my refund from PayPal, and the guy is no longer here, so all of this nonsense regarding this scammer has pretty much ended for my case. Other victims of this bonehead should keep pursuing PayPal as a precedence has been set that refunds are possible from this account. Try multiple times if you need to. If you tried in the past, try again. If the money is significant, and PayPal still won't resolve it, then it may be time to contact the local authorities.

For others, I would say definitely keep note of how this guy types and acts in case he shows up again with a different username, though. If this is some dude's second time here, I am sure there will probably be a third.
Use a credit card for F/F paypal, you can get your money back through the card company. Paypal wont do shit.
AFAIK peeps' IP addresses are what they are, be they VPN-generated or otherwise.
TGP uses some sort of IP banning software. My new TMobile 5G router is banned there since I unboxed it. You’ll end up banning people unnecessarily because of VPN and the way many carriers do network address translations
At some point, fatbagg decided to go from bad communicator/lazy shipper to outright plotting thief scammer. Coming up with fake screenames and playing the long con over $50 just seems like a lot of work, which makes me think he's probably in the shit deeper than any of us know. The internet is a big place.
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TGP uses some sort of IP banning software. My new TMobile 5G router is banned there since I unboxed it. You’ll end up banning people unnecessarily because of VPN and the way many carriers do network address translations
Routers do not come with an IP address pre assigned. When you plug in your router it acquires an IP address lease from your network segments DHCP server.

Sounds like you just got “lucky” and were assigned an IP address that happens to have a ban at TGP.

You can try to renew the lease to see if you can get a different IP. On windows:

1) Start a command prompt
2) type: ipconfig /release then press the enter key
3) type: ipconfig /renew then press the enter key

This will terminate your current lease and aquire a new lease. You may or may not get a different IP depending on how saturated your IP pool is.