In my time of amp searching, I tried Mesa Rectifier, Soldano Avenger 50, Egnater TourMaster, Diezel Herbie and Einstein, and some Marshalls.
I am just lucky I don't play any more extreme metal (thrash, death, hardcore etc) because that evil tone that I have heard from Herbie was beyond everything else. But I really can not afford this amp.
Mesa boogie was just not for me, although I had the chance to record a song with one guitar from Einy and the second from Mesa and it was the perfect match (check out , song "ride with me" rhythm section to see what I mean).
Soldano Avenger was a fine amp, nice break up, great dynamics, great overdrive but overpriced here in Greece and "one trick pony" compered to what I have heard from Einy.
Egnater was a decent amp. For studio use where you need plenty of different sounds with less money it would be ideal. But definitely it is in a different league compared to the other amps that I had tested and I was sure that after a year or two I would have GAS attack.
So I ended up with Einy. Great cleans, Channel 1 Texas and channel 2 kills, I have tested drop D as well as Shechter Jeff Loomis 7 and it was great
But you already have Soldano, so the decision will be tough.
Ok here is my advice.
Get the Einy, then if you feel the need for a second amp sell one of the two and buy a low wattage one.
I predict that you will sell Soldano, not because it isn't a great sounding amp, but because Einy is so close and it is way more "complete".