So, what do you guys do for a living?

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In the Army for 22 years, 16 as a helicopter pilot. Best job I ever had :ROFLMAO:

When I was in the Air Force some guy got his finger taken off in the paper shredder. Him, his supervisor and another airman who witnessed it all drove in a hurry to the ER. They get there and the doctor says "ok, where is the fnger?" Those three jackasses all forgot the finger. So they sent the witness back to find the finger in the paper pile.
Man that sucks, but a little funny too.
Mike, I have to tell you after all these years, I still feel lucky to do what I do, in one piece, with no medical complications (yet!).
I feel lucky to have you keeping me safe. I've got enough medical problems for both of us. Got you covered brotha 😉
Work for a municipal water dept. boring, but decent pay, and great benefits and retirement.
Rehab technology supplier

I fit people for custom wheelchairs, but mostly little kids and other pieces of equipment to help them stand, walk, or bathe.
I quality control, fix, repair and build guitars. I'm also a Photographer; portraits and product photography.

I did real estate as a side gig, but quit when I realized grind life blows. Wish I still had my license now, it's like shooting fish in a bucket.
Work for a municipal water dept. boring, but decent pay, and great benefits and retirement.
I’ve got a bud that works Muni Water…the engineers and vendors cater to him big time!

I’ve been the friend in the right place a few times for some really nice rounds of golf
Super early retirement from my professional foray

Now? Working with clinical integration of entheogens in new therapies for a host of shitty ailments people can lose if they're so inclined to do so.

Cutting edge medicine. Slowly SLOWLY getting recognized and approved piece by piece by the authoritative government yes-men.
Super early retirement from my professional foray

Now? Working with clinical integration of entheogens in new therapies for a host of shitty ailments people can lose if they're so inclined to do so.

Cutting edge medicine. Slowly SLOWLY getting recognized and approved piece by piece by the authoritative government yes-men.
30+ years in software development. Spent 13 years at JP Morgan Chase and retired from an executive position there.

Currently a principal software engineer at a medium sized healthcare company. I helped my former right hand man at JPMC navigate into an executive staff position at my current company then he brought me onboard to be his right hand man.
i pimp #findthetone1 's ugly ass wife for 25 dollars per hour at the local MAGA rallies and interstate ohio truck stops
sometimes i get more money pimping his sister though,but not much :ROFLMAO:

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Might've been funny as an impulse, but not-appropriate bro'. Spiteful. Destined not to go anywhere good.