So, what do you guys do for a living?

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Don't know much about any of you guys, outside of here. What do you do for a living?

I'm a Branch Manager for an Industrial Power Transmission distributor. Motors, gearboxes, sprockets, chain, belts, bearings, that kind of stuff. Been in fluid power/hydraulics and power transmission since the late 80's. Spent years as a mechanic, moved into Sales, then Outside Sales, Area Sales Management, traveled, now behind a desk. Not a bad gig. Pays well, and 7:30-4:00 hours. Can't complain! (Well, for the most part)..
am a trader
i pimp #findthetone1 's ugly ass wife for 25 dollars per hour at the local MAGA rallies and interstate ohio truck stops
sometimes i get more money pimping his sister though,but not much :ROFLMAO:

Huh? Yikes, Why and how could you say something like that about another human being?
Used to do IT/web development/etc. Jumped around from e-commerce to small business IT to some public sector IT work.

When my wife finished her PhD about 10 years ago, we had our first kid and moved to a small college town, so I quit the 9-5 and figured I’d work independently while getting to actually be a Dad (my Dad was enlisted Navy and basically missed half our childhoods, family broken, same old Gen X story).

It proved to be very difficult to seriously work and not just put kids in daycare all day so I said fuck it. We no longer needed the money (my wife is in one of the few areas of academia that pays very well) and it’s not like I loved developing web apps and shit. I have all kinds of things I’d rather be doing, including music, although I don’t always have as much time for that as one might think.

It’s a good thing too, because life really went off the rails the past few years with deaths and health issues in our extended family, having to travel a lot to deal with things and estate issues etc etc. If I still was trying to maintain a business the stress would have been that much more extreme and it would have likely failed.
Electrical engineer too. I concentrated in applied electromagnetics in graduate school. I get to work on fun projects ?

Same, but I don't like getting paid well, so I kept getting degrees and work in academia now. Ironically, do very little EE, but mostly ended up in administration and program building at this point in life. (Not enough brain cells left to do research anymore.)

Irony is that the only reason I went into it was I needed a major at college. I'd taught myself to repair my own equipment, swapped electronics for other guys, etc. when playing more actively, so it seemed natural. Had no idea what it really was!
Huh? Yikes, Why and how could you say something like that about another human being?
you're kidding right ?
gloves are off
this piece of shit MAGAT findthetome1 UNPROVOKED OUT OF THE BLUE called my dead mother a crack whore because he didn't like what I posted about the war in the ukraine war thread
i know this little keyboard warrior is a coward KKUNT that would NEVER EVER have the balls to say that to my face

[mod edit]
Two wrongs don't make a right mate. He apologised and explained that he didn't know she'd passed away and that you're understandably-sensitive about it.
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I am a sniper
Always hit the mark
Paid assassin
Working after dark
Looking through the night
Using infra-red
My target on you
Aimed at your head
$10, 000 up front
$10, 000 when I'm through, and tou know I'll do it too?
Ted the killer!!!
you're kidding right ?
gloves are off
this piece of shit MAGAT findthetome1 UNPROVOKED OUT OF THE BLUE called my dead mother a crack whore because he didn't like what I posted about the war in the ukraine war thread
i know this little keyboard warrior is a coward KKUNT that would NEVER EVER have the balls to say that to my face
Reading comprehension is important in life. You REALLY need fuckin help.
Reading comprehension is important in life. You REALLY need fuckin help.

What he really needs is remedial elementary grammar and spelling.

If his mom needs more crack rocks, she can take BBCs whether shes breathing or not. We're not allowed to judge these people's fetishes and degeneracy anymore, remember? Cast not the first stone.

[mod edit]
Unnecessary Brother Dan.
The issue was put-to-bed weeks ago.
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What he really needs is remedial elementary grammar and spelling.

If his mom needs more crack rocks, she can take BBCs whether shes breathing or not. We're not allowed to judge these people's fetishes and degeneracy anymore, remember? Cast not the first stone.
[veiled threat removed]

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Bro', you paid the price for threats a few weeks ago with a temp ban. Don't do this please.
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[threat removed]

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Keep this up and you'll receive another free holiday I'm afraid.
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if there's anyway i could meet you face to face i will ASAP you cowardly keyboard warrior
where are you?
tell me
where do you live?
you piece of shit
dan travis
please say that shit to my face you little cunt

If you were smart enough to use the search function you could find out where I live, because ive literally told hundreds of people on this forum.

Luckily you're a fucking imbecile.


That's epic, calling someone else a keyboard warrior and then making empty threats on the internet.

I've got an idea for you - take your fucking lithium and stay 500ft from elementary schools and places where children congregate you obnoxious idiot.
yea asshole
you live in virgina
your band is a joke
i doubt any amp will save you larry or not you play like you have broken fingers with not one original thought in your small mind
Matt Waldenville - Guitar and Backing Vocals
Matt Conley - Guitar and Backing Vocals
which cunt are you?
dan travis
i'll meet you anywhere you want
show me how tough you really are

[mod edit]
Not backing off? Edging closer...
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