So, what do you guys do for a living?

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I was a teacher for 35 years; retired in June of '21, partially due to getting used to staying home because of Covid. Now, I do only music and whatever da fuck I want!
Covid has that effect on lots of us . Me too
Since we're all here, and there are a lot of IT guys... If you're a pro at building the back end of websites and may be interested in a side gig, send me a PM. I'm involved in a startup where we're focusing on helping working musicians make more money. We're in the process of putting together a team who believes in the concept to get the idea off the ground! We're also interested in talking to a Marketing pro with music or hospitality industry experience.
Men's room attendant
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Fund manager; statistical arbitrage in the volatility space and with a global macro component. I stare at squiggly lines all day and read private intelligence/analysis reports.
I find this intriguing. I've watched the markets over the past few years and it's so unbelievably complex for casuals like me, i find it very intimidating. I think you've got a cool job!
I'm in the aerospace defense industry where they teach you that everyone is a spy trying to steal all your shit and dont trust anyone...even your wife and kids. 39 years in so I'm like Francis in the movie Stripes now.
Lmk if anyone is hiring a remote Sr IT Project Manager ?
Shit, at the time that you posted this I was hiring a Sr IT Project Manager. Now the job is frozen and I can’t recruit it till things suck less again.

Oh, and my job is that I manage a handful of IT project managers. It’s decent work.
That’s horrible, man. That poor guy, and what a traumatic thing for you to witness. ALWAYS LOCK OUT!
I saw something unspeakable one night in San Diego outside a show and it stuck with me. Anytime you see a fellow human mangled it sticks with you.