So, what do you guys do for a living?

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I'm retired, so I have time to spend driving around town looking for a homeless person to kill so I can get an erection.
Wow, looks like Rigtalk has its first official out of the closet real life serial killer!! And one of the super depraved ones at that!! The erection inducing kill, old school Ted bundy style. Whoa….madman…..
Shit, at the time that you posted this I was hiring a Sr IT Project Manager. Now the job is frozen and I can’t recruit it till things suck less again.

Oh, and my job is that I manage a handful of IT project managers. It’s decent work.
Let me know when ready (if things ever suck less again ?
I'm a software and database developer/architect, the world seems to change my titles about every 4 years lol.
Wow, looks like Rigtalk has its first official out of the closet real life serial killer!! And one of the super depraved ones at that!! The erection inducing kill, old school Ted bundy style. Whoa….madman…..
That's a bona fide TGP'er right there, my friend.

Fund manager; statistical arbitrage in the volatility space and with a global macro component. I stare at squiggly lines all day and read private intelligence/analysis reports.
I remember looking at charts and the screen all day. Worked on the equities floor at PSE. Big positions, very short term. Pretty solid stress levels. I liked the money, but I didn’t really like the job. That was long ago, in another life, and the PSE is now gone as well.

You’ve been at this for quite a while Rdodson. You must be one of those guys that doesn’t really feel much stress, ever, or figured out a way to master it. All the guys I know that kept at it, look 25 years older than their actual age and all have a number of stress related health issues. I’ve seen your guitar videos and you don’t look like the guys I know that kept at it. Well done sir! And you still achieve tasty licks while playing some bitchin gear. Keep me in mind. If you ever let go of that killer Charvel employee guitar.

To me, the money they’ve made (stock longhaulers I know) would not be worth the issues they are now dealing with. They constantly have to spend time at the doctors office. They take many medications, have uncomfortable and irritating procedures, and have to do all manners of therapy. They have to do this just to manage borderline to questionable health. I can’t imagine them pulling out of their ill health and ever becoming, “healthy,” again. All their time is spent, “managing,” these heinous issues and they never focus on getting rid of them. I don’t want to trade in any of my years for money, no thank you.

The older I got, the faster time passed. This was an alarming revelation. That’s when I realized, that time, much more than anything else, is the most precious commodity. Remember being in grade school and looking back on life? It seemed that you’d been alive forever at that point. But then, at the end of high school when you looked back, you thought, “hmmm, this seems to be passing a bit faster than I previously thought!?” And then, when you turned 30, and looked back, it was more like, “HOLY SHIT! This is PASSING AT AN ALARMING RATE, and I DON’T LIKE THIS ONE LITTLE BIT!!!”

It hits you, time is immensely precious. I wanted to maximize everything I could like joy, pleasure, contentment, fulfillment, fun, and do whatever I had to in order to achieve this! Nor did I wish to have any regrets. I decided to do what I wanted regardless of others opinions. If I had to take a chance I would do it. I remember looking back on high school and regretting not asking this girl out. Why? I was a wimp, the thought of the unknown or rejection overpowered any potential future good times.

Things that mattered intensely to most people no longer mattered to me at all. The clothes I wear were now are chosen based on comfort, and I arrived at the adidas track suit, Russian mafia members the world over will attest to this. Running shoes are the height of comfort for one’s feet. I no longer care if I am sporting cool or bitchin threads. Although, I do like cars, so I must have a car I enjoy. Guitars and amps became very important to me as they are the tools of my enjoyment. And I do like good food. So as long as I have a car I like, some awesome guitars and amps, and I don’t have to make myself dinner every night, I am totally content. I’m not talking 4 star dining and sports cars. But I am talking about Friedmans, Charvel Custom, Andersons and PRA, Bogner cabs, and a few tasty and choice pedals to maximize my tonal enjoyment and increase touch sensitivity, tighten up the amp while adding a little articulation and clarity.

Ok, I’m rambling like a lunatic. I will stop now. Well done Mr. Rdodson. You seemed to have mastered a good life.
That's a bona fide TGP'er right there, my friend.

Whoa guy! Any mention of the gear page around here is considered very serious indeed. You might as well insult someone’s mother or wife when throwing around TGP related comments! That’s the most heavy offense someone could ever commit here bruh!
Since we're all here, and there are a lot of IT guys... If you're a pro at building the back end of websites and may be interested in a side gig, send me a PM. I'm involved in a startup where we're focusing on helping working musicians make more money. We're in the process of putting together a team who believes in the concept to get the idea off the ground! We're also interested in talking to a Marketing pro with music or hospitality industry experience.
Just saw a commercial on YouTube for this exact thing, is that you guys?
So blow up dolls and shit?
Dude!!! I saw a YouTube episode about guys that actually, “date,” those new high end sex dolls. These things speak, move a little, and have lifelike private parts! These absolute madmen who allowed themselves to be part of the mini documentary about dating a sex doll said the most bizarre stuff.

One guy said his favorite part was that he got to dress it how he likes each morning and it was dressed like a librarian. He then sat her at the table for breakfast and conversed with her. Her preprogrammed responses pleased him immensely.

Another guy said he likes that they can’t argue with him. But one thing they all agreed upon was that the sex was truly epic. Their real fantasies going through their minds must be the absolute greatest heights of sexual deviance and depravity.

These guys would have dinner parties and invite couples over to join them. I thought surely this must be staged and a joke, but when you look at their friends facial expressions, and especially, that of their wives or significant others, it’s quite clear these guys and their relations with their dolls are dead serious. They clearly see themselves as brave men who are further along the evolutionary chain because of their progressive views on dating inanimate objects.

It was strange that the documentary didn’t point out that these men are wildly mentally ill, and most likely necrophiliacs. Watch, soon when the dolls have a better computer in their head they will insist they are alive and press charges against these utter madmen.

To Velcro fly, I’m sure in no time these dolls will be featured in porn. As strange of a fetish as that might be.

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Thats fucked up. Good news is sex dolls won't litigate so snap there heads off if they get out of hand.
Electrical Engineer (Avionics Integration, and Aircraft Electrical Systems).

A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) Mechanic/IA.

Left the corporate plantation 15yrs ago. Could no longer gag down working for dumbasses that didn't have a clue about the resources they were tasked to manage.

I pay my own taxes, healthcare, fund my own retirement. My economic failure or success is all on me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Just wished I'd done it sooner.

I've always loved the work, just hated working with and for dumbasss. On rare occasion I still do.......but it's my choice, and no one elses. I keep the difficult clients away with high labor rates. As if you're a real pain in the ass you pay double my regular rate.

I enjoy my work and will continue to work as long as I'm able to do it on my terms. I'll never be an employee again. And if I ever have to, I'll just retire.
I remember looking at charts and the screen all day. Worked on the equities floor at PSE. Big positions, very short term. Pretty solid stress levels. I liked the money, but I didn’t really like the job. That was long ago, in another life, and the PSE is now gone as well.

You’ve been at this for quite a while Rdodson. You must be one of those guys that doesn’t really feel much stress, ever, or figured out a way to master it. All the guys I know that kept at it, look 25 years older than their actual age and all have a number of stress related health issues. I’ve seen your guitar videos and you don’t look like the guys I know that kept at it. Well done sir! And you still achieve tasty licks while playing some bitchin gear. Keep me in mind. If you ever let go of that killer Charvel employee guitar.

To me, the money they’ve made (stock longhaulers I know) would not be worth the issues they are now dealing with. They constantly have to spend time at the doctors office. They take many medications, have uncomfortable and irritating procedures, and have to do all manners of therapy. They have to do this just to manage borderline to questionable health. I can’t imagine them pulling out of their ill health and ever becoming, “healthy,” again. All their time is spent, “managing,” these heinous issues and they never focus on getting rid of them. I don’t want to trade in any of my years for money, no thank you.

The older I got, the faster time passed. This was an alarming revelation. That’s when I realized, that time, much more than anything else, is the most precious commodity. Remember being in grade school and looking back on life? It seemed that you’d been alive forever at that point. But then, at the end of high school when you looked back, you thought, “hmmm, this seems to be passing a bit faster than I previously thought!?” And then, when you turned 30, and looked back, it was more like, “HOLY SHIT! This is PASSING AT AN ALARMING RATE, and I DON’T LIKE THIS ONE LITTLE BIT!!!”

It hits you, time is immensely precious. I wanted to maximize everything I could like joy, pleasure, contentment, fulfillment, fun, and do whatever I had to in order to achieve this! Nor did I wish to have any regrets. I decided to do what I wanted regardless of others opinions. If I had to take a chance I would do it. I remember looking back on high school and regretting not asking this girl out. Why? I was a wimp, the thought of the unknown or rejection overpowered any potential future good times.

Things that mattered intensely to most people no longer mattered to me at all. The clothes I wear were now are chosen based on comfort, and I arrived at the adidas track suit, Russian mafia members the world over will attest to this. Running shoes are the height of comfort for one’s feet. I no longer care if I am sporting cool or bitchin threads. Although, I do like cars, so I must have a car I enjoy. Guitars and amps became very important to me as they are the tools of my enjoyment. And I do like good food. So as long as I have a car I like, some awesome guitars and amps, and I don’t have to make myself dinner every night, I am totally content. I’m not talking 4 star dining and sports cars. But I am talking about Friedmans, Charvel Custom, Andersons and PRA, Bogner cabs, and a few tasty and choice pedals to maximize my tonal enjoyment and increase touch sensitivity, tighten up the amp while adding a little articulation and clarity.

Ok, I’m rambling like a lunatic. I will stop now. Well done Mr. Rdodson. You seemed to have mastered a good life.
What a great post!

I really relate to all of this. Time is the most important commodity, and peace of heart - born of great relationships and an understanding that there is “more” than stuff. A materialist worldview is so unhealthy.
Dude!!! I saw a YouTube episode about guys that actually, “date,” those new high end sex dolls. These things speak, move a little, and have lifelike private parts! These absolute madmen who allowed themselves to be part of the mini documentary about dating a sex doll said the most bizarre stuff.

One guy said his favorite part was that he got to dress it how he likes each morning and it was dressed like a librarian. He then sat her at the table for breakfast and conversed with her. Her preprogrammed responses pleased him immensely.

Another guy said he likes that they can’t argue with him. But one thing they all agreed upon was that the sex was truly epic. Their real fantasies going through their minds must be the absolute greatest heights of sexual deviance and depravity.

These guys would have dinner parties and invite couples over to join them. I thought surely this must be staged and a joke, but when you look at their friends facial expressions, and especially, that of their wives or significant others, it’s quite clear these guys and their relations with their dolls are dead serious. They clearly see themselves as brave men who are further along the evolutionary chain because of their progressive views on dating inanimate objects.

It was strange that the documentary didn’t point out that these men are wildly mentally ill, and most likely necrophiliacs. Watch, soon when the dolls have a better computer in their head they will insist they are alive and press charges against these utter madmen.

To Velcro fly, I’m sure in no time these dolls will be featured in porn. As strange of a fetish as that might be.


At least we don't need to worry about these guys procreating, so there's that. I guess, in the big scheme, if they're happy, more power to them. I won't be accepting their invitations to dinner parties.....but then I'm not the sort that anyone much invites to dinner parties, so I'm safe!
At least we don't need to worry about these guys procreating, so there's that. I guess, in the big scheme, if they're happy, more power to them. I won't be accepting their invitations to dinner parties.....but then I'm not the sort that anyone much invites to dinner parties, so I'm safe!
You sir, make a valid point, at least these fellows can’t procreate with these lifelike sex dolls. But soon, soon it will be an option. They will be crankin out little homicidal beasts, half man and half beast, and depraved lunatics like themselves. God help us all.

I suppose like you, I am no longer fielding many dinner invitations either. Im not even sure why. Some friends said my impulse control has been lacking……? That I’ve…………changed?
Used to be in European auto sales/finance management for like 16 years but, now I day trade from home.
I remember looking at charts and the screen all day. Worked on the equities floor at PSE. Big positions, very short term. Pretty solid stress levels. I liked the money, but I didn’t really like the job. That was long ago, in another life, and the PSE is now gone as well.

You’ve been at this for quite a while Rdodson. You must be one of those guys that doesn’t really feel much stress, ever, or figured out a way to master it. All the guys I know that kept at it, look 25 years older than their actual age and all have a number of stress related health issues. I’ve seen your guitar videos and you don’t look like the guys I know that kept at it. Well done sir! And you still achieve tasty licks while playing some bitchin gear. Keep me in mind. If you ever let go of that killer Charvel employee guitar.

To me, the money they’ve made (stock longhaulers I know) would not be worth the issues they are now dealing with. They constantly have to spend time at the doctors office. They take many medications, have uncomfortable and irritating procedures, and have to do all manners of therapy. They have to do this just to manage borderline to questionable health. I can’t imagine them pulling out of their ill health and ever becoming, “healthy,” again. All their time is spent, “managing,” these heinous issues and they never focus on getting rid of them. I don’t want to trade in any of my years for money, no thank you.

The older I got, the faster time passed. This was an alarming revelation. That’s when I realized, that time, much more than anything else, is the most precious commodity. Remember being in grade school and looking back on life? It seemed that you’d been alive forever at that point. But then, at the end of high school when you looked back, you thought, “hmmm, this seems to be passing a bit faster than I previously thought!?” And then, when you turned 30, and looked back, it was more like, “HOLY SHIT! This is PASSING AT AN ALARMING RATE, and I DON’T LIKE THIS ONE LITTLE BIT!!!”

It hits you, time is immensely precious. I wanted to maximize everything I could like joy, pleasure, contentment, fulfillment, fun, and do whatever I had to in order to achieve this! Nor did I wish to have any regrets. I decided to do what I wanted regardless of others opinions. If I had to take a chance I would do it. I remember looking back on high school and regretting not asking this girl out. Why? I was a wimp, the thought of the unknown or rejection overpowered any potential future good times.

Things that mattered intensely to most people no longer mattered to me at all. The clothes I wear were now are chosen based on comfort, and I arrived at the adidas track suit, Russian mafia members the world over will attest to this. Running shoes are the height of comfort for one’s feet. I no longer care if I am sporting cool or bitchin threads. Although, I do like cars, so I must have a car I enjoy. Guitars and amps became very important to me as they are the tools of my enjoyment. And I do like good food. So as long as I have a car I like, some awesome guitars and amps, and I don’t have to make myself dinner every night, I am totally content. I’m not talking 4 star dining and sports cars. But I am talking about Friedmans, Charvel Custom, Andersons and PRA, Bogner cabs, and a few tasty and choice pedals to maximize my tonal enjoyment and increase touch sensitivity, tighten up the amp while adding a little articulation and clarity.

Ok, I’m rambling like a lunatic. I will stop now. Well done Mr. Rdodson. You seemed to have mastered a good life.
Change is the only constant,
So let’s LIVE!!!
Used to be a programmer (before we were called software engineers), but have been a mental health nurse / community care coordinator working with severe and enduring mental health problems for the past 25 years. Leaving soon to specialise more in neurodevelopmental conditions.
I own a pest control company.. Living in the Valley of Northern California is an optimal location for this. Also I get to make my kids breakfast in the morning, take them to school and then pick them up, So I can then chauffeur them after for whatever other activities they have in store. (my primary Job) between I run around all day and see my "friends", much like a bartender servicing homes and businesses with the talk of the day.
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Digital forenics. I work for a private company who other companies and law enfocrement contract to piece together the details of digital crimes. If someone commits a financial crime or a sex crime, we find all the breadcrumbs, deleted images, deleted messages, etc. so whatever actions can be taken. It's a highly scientific discipline. We have to follow preservation of evidence, chain of custody, and all the stuff needed to meet the standards of evidence. We help lock up pedos, rapists, embezzlers, internet scammers, you name it.
Digital forenics. I work for a private company who other companies and law enfocrement contract to piece together the details of digital crimes. If someone commits a financial crime or a sex crime, we find all the breadcrumbs, deleted images, deleted messages, etc. so whatever actions can be taken. Preservation of evidence, chain of custody, and all that shit. We help lock up pedos, rapists, embezzlers, internet scammers, you name it.
You ever heard of "Van Malmsteen" ?