Thanks for the details. I've had a few rectifier revisions 2 & 3 channel, dual & triple, nothing later than a G. Mark iv, triple crown 100, tremoverb, roadster. So pretty familiar with those voicing. I tried boosting, never was my thing. Just use more mids and less bass seemed to clean all that up for me. Even on a rectifier. I know Tremonti liked the Uber also. I really loved the archon 100 I had probably longer than any other amp besides an SLX 100. Haven't had the EVH versions only the 5150, 6505 & 6534. I sold a cobra and a savage 120 to try this herbert mk3 I have now.
I have been curious about the Tremont head, almost got one when I got the triple crown, which is a great amp also. I'd like to try one, haven't spotted one in the local GC. I also miss my deliverance 120 too so it's like... do I really want a mt100? Or will I be disappointed? ????