Well-known member
I agree, that meltdown is quite special. Not sure whether that is real or not. But I am referring to the posts that lead up to that. For instance, Vesmedic called him "tonedick" before that. They continued pushing the guy in several threads. I never got a chance to hear his recordings though. Must have been bad.
Come on man… really? Making fun of a guys users name is a hate crime now? I get where you are coming from about negativity etc, but I really think you are being a tad thin skinned here on this. The guy more than made an ass of himself over and over and over, when I CONSTANTLY tried to help him understand how wrong he was on even the most basic of levels. The guy wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, nor cared what anyone else had to say. And now he has a complete melt down and goes off the rails into the most vulgar shit pile of postings I’ve ever seen here, and “removed his book”, and WE are to blame? Since when is someone else responsible for your own actions? Personal responsibility. He and he alone is responsible for his actions, he needs to take a look in the mirror. After all, HE was the only one who ACTUALLY PERSONALLY attacked anyone. Screen shots of Dan, actual pictures from his YouTube page? Bodily image attacks? fuck that piece of a shit.