Sorry about your manhood and your shitty Mark 2C

Maybe Wayne could chime in as I am not an electrician or amp maker but isn’t the pop just a sudden surge in DC? Couldn’t it be managed without affecting the tone with pulldown resistors? Or just clicking it on and off a couple of times before using it?
I have a theory that Glenn shits on brands that won’t give him stuff.

Fuck Glenn. Listening to him play guitar may be the only thing more painful than listening to him speak…

It all starts making a bunch more sense when you listen to him play guitar.

It's amazing though that as an "engineer", he feels entitled to force his dogshit, dated, boomer metal guitar tones on every band that comes into his studio.

Wow Glenn, you use every client as an opportunity to force your own preferences on the band, and then complain that bands don't want to pay you? Crazy. I've never had problem with a client paying me for engineering their record. Funny how that works.
TBH I haven't tried the pedal so I was only commenting on the original lunchbox units. I am open to the opinion that the pedals are good. The reviews seem to be mixed though. At any rate, I recall that the originals had no 1/4" in/out jacks and resultingly, required custom 500 series lunchbox enclosure interface units in order to be connected with amplifier FX loops. And IIRC, since these were originally meant to be studio only tools, didn't even operate at typical +4 db line levels. I think it was much higher so I wonder if the interface padding down the signal influenced the tone.
This is actually something I’ve been wondering for a bit. Can you in general use recording gear like that functionally as a guitar pedal or rack type unit? Not just with eq’s like the Aphex, but what about my recoding preamps being used like a boost or overdrive pedal? Can it be done? For units without 1/4 jacks can I use cables with the xlr type at one end and 1/4” at the other?
This is actually something I’ve been wondering for a bit. Can you in general use recording gear like that functionally as a guitar pedal or rack type unit? Not just with eq’s like the Aphex, but what about my recoding preamps being used like a boost or overdrive pedal? Can it be done? For units without 1/4 jacks can I use cables with the xlr type at one end and 1/4” at the other?
Not 100% sure but I'm inclined to say no. Amp inputs don't like to see balanced (XLR) line level signals. Besides the levels, there'd be impedance issues.
Not 100% sure but I'm inclined to say no. Amp inputs don't like to see balanced (XLR) line level signals. Besides the levels, there'd be impedance issues.
How were you able then to use that Aphex EQ in that way?
I'm guessing in a 500 enclosure that has buffered or selectable I/O
My current preamps are all 500’s that are in my lunch box. Would that make it possible? I don’t know my tech stuff too well, so sorry for my ignorance lol
This is actually something I’ve been wondering for a bit. Can you in general use recording gear like that functionally as a guitar pedal or rack type unit? Not just with eq’s like the Aphex, but what about my recoding preamps being used like a boost or overdrive pedal? Can it be done? For units without 1/4 jacks can I use cables with the xlr type at one end and 1/4” at the other?

Pigtronix Keymaster allows you to connect basically anything to anything

TBH I haven't tried the pedal so I was only commenting on the original lunchbox units. I am open to the opinion that the pedals are good. The reviews seem to be mixed though. At any rate, I recall that the originals had no 1/4" in/out jacks and resultingly, required custom 500 series lunchbox enclosure interface units in order to be connected with amplifier FX loops. And IIRC, since these were originally meant to be studio only tools, didn't even operate at typical +4 db line levels. I think it was much higher so I wonder if the interface padding down the signal influenced the tone.
The one I played thought had a box like you describe and a big box for the power supply. I think Mike B had a part in making it work like a pedal.
I have nothing nice to say.

I clicked "Do Not Recommend Channel" and then went ahead and manually blocked his channel. It's been that way for over a year and it's a breath of fresh air not having this loudmouth nitwit popping up on my feed.