Stage Fright who has it?

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has he said he hates playing live because he is scared or does he just not enjoy it? they are 2 different things.... everyone should be a little bit nervous every time they get on stage, that's when you know it is your passion
He has played a ton of shows in the last 2 years and he just doesn't enjoy it. Drunks, club managers etc. Some of his past stories the drunk crowds were abusive.
My Wife and I only been to one of his shows an outdoor venue which was pretty cool.
I couldn't go to one of those late-night clubs. Id probably in up in jail.
is this him in the video? if it is then he looks like he knows how to "perform" ..... If he wants to be in the band and the band want him to stay then maybe suggest adding a second guitarist (there are rhythm guitars under the solo and harmonies here so it would work) .. that would take some playing pressure off him and maybe help him relax a bit

OH and this song fucking rocks dude
Thanks, their song writing has gotten better in the last couple years. I think the guy who mixed and produced it work with another North Carolina band MY HEREO IS ME.
No that's not him he was the 2nd guitarist in the band. He did record and help put this song together.
He has played a ton of shows in the last 2 years and he just doesn't enjoy it. Drunks, club managers etc. Some of his past stories the drunk crowds were abusive.
This sort of stuff sorts a lot of people out of the gig life. The drunks generally don't bother me but some of the clueless club managers get on my nerves. Unfortunately most people who open live music clubs have absolutely no idea how to run one.
@MetalHeart your son's band's clip is a great effort IMHO; you must be proud.

As an engimaneer I'd not have pushed the geetar so far back in the mix; it's literally a spacial-location thing. Those awesome parts need to be upfront and heard! :LOL:
@MetalHeart your son's band's clip is a great effort IMHO; you must be proud.

As an engimaneer I'd not have pushed the geetar so far back in the mix; it's literally a spacial-location thing. Those awesome parts need to be upfront and heard! :LOL:
I am proud yes sir. I agree 100%
He has played a ton of shows in the last 2 years and he just doesn't enjoy it. Drunks, club managers etc. Some of his past stories the drunk crowds were abusive.
My Wife and I only been to one of his shows an outdoor venue which was pretty cool.
I couldn't go to one of those late-night clubs. Id probably in up in jail.
I wouldn't sweat the no live thing then, but sadly it means he won't be involved with that band anymore but just keep encouraging him to maybe do the studio one man band thing
There’s a great article that explains how nerves and excitement share very similar bodily reactions. Body temperature goes up, heart rate increases etc. Sometimes it’s about refocusing those emotions. I’m not saying it’s either easy or that everyone can do it. I also share a similar experience with others that, when I’m prepared or have a ‘panic button’ (hit clean/dry signal or mute) then it makes things easier. If I’m not prepared, the nerves go up.

There are different levels of knowing songs. Alone against the CD, rehearsal and live. Playing a song first time out tends to highlight what each of the band members know or need to work on. It might also be your son is focused on his parts assumed he’s playing it wrong if the song goes out of sync, it could well be other band members and he’s taking the blame on himself.

That said, lots of players simply don’t enjoy playing live. I used to get a lot of nerves before playing and put that energy into playing. These days I realise people are there to see the band and want to enjoy the night. They want us to play well and aren’t there to criticise.

Lots of singer songwriters choose the route to write songs for others to perform, so he has a career there if he wants it.
I got a degree in guitar performance (full ride talent scholarship) and I had to play in front of people pretty much daily. I hated every minute of it. I’ve never enjoyed being in front of people or being the center of attention. I threw up most days from being a constant anxious mess. It never got any better even after doing it daily for years. It’s not always something you can just push through. I still wake up sometimes in a cold sweat dreaming I have a gig coming up and I don’t know the songs.

I ended up getting a 2nd degree in recording engineering because I wanted to be in music but I didn’t want anything to do with performing or being in front of people.
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People here seem to get it when it comes to even posting a clip of themselves playing guitar.

Yes; playing in front of a bunch of guitar and gear NAZIs is unnerving BUT it makes you better if you are willing to learn from being wrong or deficient. Before I play something that I post, at least now, I really try to go through it and say what’s wrong here. Make it better, quit cheating, work on that double stop slide etc…. RigTalk has made me better as a guitarist, musician, listener; not great, just better and Knowing what I don’t know helps me ask for the tools to continue improving. @Techdeth helps too.
He has played a ton of shows in the last 2 years and he just doesn't enjoy it. Drunks, club managers etc. Some of his past stories the drunk crowds were abusive.
My Wife and I only been to one of his shows an outdoor venue which was pretty cool.
I couldn't go to one of those late-night clubs. Id probably in up in jail.
That sucks and hate to hear that. You know how shows go, you either get great, appreciative fans or people just out for a night of trouble.
People here seem to get it when it comes to even posting a clip of themselves playing guitar.

This is true..

For example: If you say you own a certain product and really enjoy it, that troll will step in the thread, claim you are trolling and don't even own it. And when you post a video to prove you do, then suddenly that same troll might go psycho, say that isn't actually you and make all sorts of strange allegations. It just continues to domino effect from there.

In that sane vein, if you post a video of some famous shredder that amazes you, someone will no doubt come in to leave a comment on how it's "meh" or how they've heard better. Never can take forums like these TOO seriously....

For me, I don't really do outside gigs anymore because I hate how the EQ sounds outside as opposed to an indoor venue. It doesn't really lessen my opportunities because my position is more or less locked in at the church. Outdoor gigs is something I've come to dislike throughout the years.
i had a gig last night and being old, I kind of arrive with an old man attitude like "we won't be able to hear ourselves, im going to forget parts, etc.". Then things work out and you are old and don't care if you screwed up. I almost expect issues, lol.

Taking on the singing AND guitar is a whole thing, especially being 54 and never having done that before. Thankfully my buddies in the band and I have the same mindset about just having fun and doing a rock/ pop punk thing. We do a song about Jell-O so yesterday and bought packs of Jell-O and threw them into the small crowd of our friends and family. Everyone was just having a great time.

I have a great job and don't need to do the band thing. My knees, back, head, etc feel it when loading gear, playing, etc. But you only live once and I want to enjoy all of this until I can't do it to this level.
This is true..

For example: If you say you own a certain product and really enjoy it, that troll will step in the thread, claim you are trolling and don't even own it. And when you post a video to prove you do, then suddenly that same troll might go psycho, say that isn't actually you and make all sorts of strange allegations. It just continues to domino effect from there.

In that sane vein, if you post a video of some famous shredder that amazes you, someone will no doubt come in to leave a comment on how it's "meh" or how they've heard better. Never can take forums like these TOO seriously....
Steve, misspelled words aside.. you're making a whole lot of sense.

For me, I don't really do outside gigs anymore because I hate how the EQ sounds outside as opposed to an indoor venue.
If I quit taking outdoor gigs I pretty much wouldn't have any shows cause somehow 95 percent of the places I play are outdoors. Hey, I'm loud!
Steve, misspelled words aside.. you're making a whole lot of sense.

I think the "sane" was an auto-correct error from same, but then again I am on my Trump special edition smartphone so the protruding keys are tightly knit ?
Yes; playing in front of a bunch of guitar and gear NAZIs is unnerving BUT it makes you better if you are willing to learn from being wrong or deficient. Before I play something that I post, at least now, I really try to go through it and say what’s wrong here. Make it better, quit cheating, work on that double stop slide etc…. RigTalk has made me better as a guitarist, musician, listener; not great, just better and Knowing what I don’t know helps me ask for the tools to continue improving. @Techdeth helps too.
Hell yes I help ! I’m your guitar master ! Lol
I deal with it every show. I hate playing in front of other players. I've played a couple of shows with over 10k in each and it was less nerve racking than playing a small local club with players I admire in the room.

Takes me about half a set to remember that I know how to play guitar and the room isn't full of Guthrie Govan's judging me lol