Stupid things you've done

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Texting while driving, rolled three times and had to be cut out of the car. Last time I ever did that.

Guitar stuff: Went to swap guitars of a guitar stand and knocked them together. The input jack of the one left a smiley face on other.
Had an old explorer we used to do coke and meth off of.
No razor blade,just credit card style. Ruined the finish. Didn't give a fuck.

(had a whole list of shit written out,but it was all variations of the above story. The basics are broken guitars,amps,cabs,hearts and souls. It was the 80s and the drugs and sex were still good,plentiful and cheap.)
When I was about 15(1987) I bought a brand new new JCM800 head. I didn't have the money for a cab so I got a 1/4" to RCA adapter and ran the speaker out of the Marshall into my boombox. Sounded killer for a few hours but then something blew and I had to take in in for repair. Picked up a 4x12 shortly after.
Holy crap man, lol ?
In 1981 I traded a decent car stereo for a 1968 100 watt Marshall because I knew that's what EVH used.. Got it home and played it but was not impressed with it. Took it back and got my car stereo back. Have fired up various heads while not being plugged into speaker cabs luckily never screwing things up. I check them thoroughly now before the switch is flipped.
There's this other guy I've talked to from tgp (yes I know, but he's actually a great guy) who back in the '80's traded a Dumble for a Twin Reverb... I think we can end the thread there
If we are talking about non gear related dumbshit I would be here all day typing. It's amazing I'm still alive. My wife has seen me turn blue twice in the short time we have been together. One time was an accidental overdose another time was when I tied an electrical cord around my neck and stepped off a chair. Both of those was when I was a grown ass man who should have known better. When I was a dumb kid it was even worse.
Gave thorough responses to guys that almost never write more than one line or sentence or anything thoughtful. Just kidding. For something actual, I didn't look at these vintage power tubes I got recently carefully enough. They didn't have the guidepins (still can't believe I forget to check that), so I put them in my amp, ready to bias them, really excited to hear them, but then blew a screen resistor causing smoke to come out, but luckily it wasn't too pricy or bad of a repair for my tech to fix
Too many to list.
This. Like, daily.
If we are talking about non gear related dumbshit I would be here all day typing. It's amazing I'm still alive. My wife has seen me turn blue twice in the short time we have been together. One time was an accidental overdose another time was when I tied an electrical cord around my neck and stepped off a chair. Both of those was when I was a grown ass man who should have known better. When I was a dumb kid it was even worse.
Shit I’d done the whole guitar at that point. Call it a Murphy lab model and add $4k to the value ?
Right? It’s my die with guitar so I don’t really care to be honest. I was pissed and a little embarrassed at the time but it doesn’t matter now.
Right? It’s my die with guitar so I don’t really care to be honest. I was pissed and a little embarrassed at the time but it doesn’t matter now.
I mean who else would know? Freeze the rest rub a belt buckle on the back and it’s instantly worth more. That’s how it works right?

Jokes aside I feel your pain.
Had a flat tire on I94 in Kalamazoo. (My work Van my dad and I are business partners). Pulled over on the shoulder. Got the jack out and the spare.

I’m laying on my back, watching semis and cars racing at my head, upside down.

Get done and tell my dad about it the next day. My dad says ….why did you got through all that???

I said …I didn’t have a choice.


Now you tell me!!!!
I could write a book on the stupid shit I've done. Here are some:

I had a bunch of original Gibson PAF's and I took them apart to steal wire from bobbins to wind onto other paf's in an attempt to make them hotter. Some of my experiments include actually changing direction with adding wire to the original paf bobbins. Yeah, my friend and I likely destroyed 4-5+ original PAF pickups.

I had an original USA Kramer 5150 guitar. I ended up stripping the finish off the neck and routing the body (freehand) to recess the floyd. Looked like shit. I ended up throwing out the body. I still have the neck though. Just sitting around with a bunch of other necks. lol

Had an 80's tokai body. Left my soldering iron propped on the body. Yes it moved and fell into the body. It burned it....because I walked away and forgot about it.

Have an 80's DiMarzio body.... you know, the ones that everyone wants because the were good! I ended up putting a floyd on it. Then I routed the neck single coil spot deeper so I could hide a neck humbucker under the guard. Has another soldering iron issue where it moved close to the body and caused a burn (not like the tokai body, but this looks like a cigarette burned 1/2 way down. I still have the guitar.

THE STUPIDEST thing I did was to play my 67 Plexi on 10 with a DOD Preamp 250 out front. I did this in my fathers basement of our townhouse and house for many years. Caused lots of ear damage.... I've had tinnitus since I was 18-19 years old. My actual hearing is okay according to my ear doctor, but did damage to cause the ringing. I've had the ringing so long it never bothered me much.
In my early twenties, me and my friends got caught and charged for vandalism and multiple property damage in the neighborhood.
It was the national day and we all got drunk. Than it just somehow happened.
Fell in love with a succubus who ripped out both my heart and soul. Then left me in a total state of self-loathing and hateful despair.

This happened twice. These incidences are at the top of a very loooong list of fuckups.
When I was just getting into experimenting with pedals, bought a few cheapies, delay, chorus and a noise gate - put the noise gate in the 'wrong place' and could'nt hear any effects.......doh!
Playing a gig ages ago, lead singer was very influenced by Norwegian metal and had the very, very long hair to match. In the fury of one of our thrashier numbers, I did'nt realise his hair was wrapped around the machine heads of a very, very pointy and black and red crackle Aria..........I can still hear that fucking scream now!

Just realised that was 30 years ago!, Russel, Maffy and wee Sarah on a BC Rich bass that was nearly bigger than her!
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