New member
Hey friend….. I didn’t actually look at the date, so this post may be hella old and you may not see this at all, but…… if anyone does and could help a brother out, I’d be so incredibly grateful.Wet/Dry/Wet....put between your amp and cab. Then use the line out to run into an FX unit---->Power amp---> wet cab. Or whatever other reason you may want to tap the amp out signal when you amp doesn't have a line out
I’m trying to, essentially, mimic this wet/dry/wet rig shown in the w/d/w diagram here:
The one place that has me all confused to the point of madness, lol, is the ISO Line Out Box (I have the Suhr one)….. I’m just not understanding which kinds of cables go into which jacks and where, exactly, they connect. I even tried to use ChatGPT and other AI models to try and talk me through it, but I feel like they kept messsing things up…. I KNOW they were messing up in telling me which cables to use, cause last time I checked, amps didn’t generally have Ethernet inputs/outputs -_-
If ANYONE is able to help, guide, offer assistance in any way, I’d be so incredibly grateful. Thanks so much in advance!
Peter W.