Super cheap wireless worth it?

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Nope, and reading the reviews here: ... 4J76A?th=1

I would avoid it.
First of all, it's not true Diversity (i.e. 2 antenna's).

I went the cheap route before (Line 6 G30) and glad I sold it and forked up the dough for the Shure GLX-D16.
Made out of Metal! :rock:

Built-in tuner (that does an auto-mute; very handy on stage).
Way better and consistent reviews too: ... B00CB39BXQ

Sure, it's 10-11 times the price of the AT, but playing live and having your sound cut out for no apparent reason... if you can cough up the dough for amps, why cheap out on getting the signal into those amps, right?
Either stick to a cable or pony up the Benjamins.


I was tech'ing at a church with cheap wireless just on the three guitars and bass (not the singers) it was a nightmare. Dropouts, failures, breaks, you name it just a mess. The vocal mics had top tier wireless (it's been a while as to which it was) and never caused problems. After a year I finally got them to pony up on a matching system and we never had a problem after that. They were astonished that it made a difference (meanwhile I am looking at them like they are dumbasses the whole time).
Thanks guys, sometimes I know the answer but I need someone to say what I am thinking.
I love, love, love my AT wireless, but it cost 10x as much as this one. If you're goofing off at home, then cheap is fine. For paying gigs you need the good stuff.
Reviving this thread a bit...
I got bumped from my old office area to my oldest girls old BR...we are turning into a game room of sorts. is like 40' long...fucking Huge. I love To walk and play. This is strictly a non-gig scenario... you guys have a recommendation in the 100$ max-ish range that'll work out?
Reviving this thread a bit...
I got bumped from my old office area to my oldest girls old BR...we are turning into a game room of sorts. is like 40' long...fucking Huge. I love To walk and play. This is strictly a non-gig scenario... you guys have a recommendation in the 100$ max-ish range that'll work out?
I just want to reiterate the Shure Glxd16. I have never experienced a dropout. I have been 100 yards away through multiple walls and brick. I know it's expensive. But my philosophy is in for a dime in for a dollar. Rather spend 500 getting quality than waste 100. However, I think if you want to go a route like what RaceU4her is suggesting, get it from a reputable dealer so you can return it if it sucks.
Reviving this thread a bit...
I got bumped from my old office area to my oldest girls old BR...we are turning into a game room of sorts. is like 40' long...fucking Huge. I love To walk and play. This is strictly a non-gig scenario... you guys have a recommendation in the 100$ max-ish range that'll work out?
I have a Boss WL-50 for this very purpose, works great. Don’t remember the exact price, but in the ballpark.
500 bucks seems a little much to me for a wireless to play at home. The other guitar player in my band used the xvive every practice and gig and never had any problems, just make sure it’s charged
500 bucks seems a little much to me for a wireless to play at home. The other guitar player in my band used the xvive every practice and gig and never had any problems, just make sure it’s charged
It is excessive for sure. The thing that sold me on it is the zero tone loss. I use all mogami cables, so I didn't want to go to something that was lower quality. I really wanted to just get the line 6 g30, but those damn amazon reviews always fear me into buying the better system. At the end of the day, I love walking and playing. It is really good practice, and I hate being tied to an amp, but I would play with a mogami cable in an instant if my tone was affected by a wireless.
I just want to reiterate the Shure Glxd16. I have never experienced a dropout. I have been 100 yards away through multiple walls and brick. I know it's expensive. But my philosophy is in for a dime in for a dollar. Rather spend 500 getting quality than waste 100. However, I think if you want to go a route like what RaceU4her is suggesting, get it from a reputable dealer so you can return it if it sucks.
Yes, the Shure GLX-D16 is awesome! It’s a bit pricey, but it’s worth it. It’s the kind of gear that just always works, so you don’t ever have to worry about it. Save the extra coin and get this one. It also allowed me to remove my beloved Boss tuner from my board. The Shure tuner is just as good (the Boss is a hair quicker) and you can recharge the battery in the receiver box. It’s really a no brainer, man. Get this one.
It is excessive for sure. The thing that sold me on it is the zero tone loss. I use all mogami cables, so I didn't want to go to something that was lower quality. I really wanted to just get the line 6 g30, but those damn amazon reviews always fear me into buying the better system. At the end of the day, I love walking and playing. It is really good practice, and I hate being tied to an amp, but I would play with a mogami cable in an instant if my tone was affected by a wireless.

Yeah you’re one of those serious home players, I’m one of those shitty fucks who’s been playing the same unlabeled knotted cables since the 90s and can’t tell the tone differences between them
I bought the cheapo ammoon system from Amazon and it actually isnt too bad for home use. I also have the xvives and they are better for sure. I don't think I'd ever gig with them but for walking around the house they're great. I also have a G30 but don't use it because the transmitter battery door design sucks ass. It's already broken once.
and you can recharge the battery in the receiver box. It’s really a no brainer, man. Get this one.
Not to mention, it uses a standard micro-USB plug, so even if you misplaced your Shure charger, you can use most cell phone chargers for this as well (and vice versa).
Yeah you’re one of those serious home players, I’m one of those shitty fucks who’s been playing the same unlabeled knotted cables since the 90s and can’t tell the tone differences between them
If you can't tell the difference, then yours must be doing well. I used my dad's old cables, and they sounded horrible and would crackle when they moved. I am really picky on sound. I play high gain but am constantly fighting to have the most clarity and least amount of noise. It is a constant battle, but it has trained my ear a lot. Plus I have a buddy that tells me when my tone sucks or my playing is We all need that.
I think the xvives are decent but I think they are $150ish
I bought one of these just over a year ago. I've been using it pretty much constantly, and I've tried walking all around the house while playing. Even two floors up from the band room, it does not cut out. For the most part it's a pretty good unit. I'm not sure I really like the ergonomics of it. It works well with a Strat, but is kinda just hangin there in the way with other guitars. Battery life seems decent, and it charges up pretty quick.
Worth the money IMO.
The Line 6 G10 is more than good for home. I gigged with it no problem. Now I use it at home, pretty solid for the price.