tales from the big house.....

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*Don’t fuck with staff….
Inmate gets drunk as fuck on hooch in the unit. Gets mouthy and acts like an idiot. He’s white. Starts yelling nigger this, nigger that….he gets the shit slapped out of him and put to bed by other inmates. He drinks more hooch and gets pissed. The officer working the unit is black. He proceeded to start calling the officer a nigger and cursing him. Officer requested assistance on the radio…non emergency…. Couple officers responded and take said inmate into custody and cuff him up. Go outside the unit and the inmate decided to spit in one of the officers face. They happened to be in an upper housing unit. After getting spit on the officer steps back, pulls his glasses off and wiped his face. He then cleans his glasses and puts them back on. Then he called control on a separate radio channel and tells him to turn off the unit entrance camera. After control acknowledged the camera was off the officer grabbed the inmate and threw him down the first flight of stairs. Remember he’s handcuffed behind his back. Yeah. Inmate proceeds to start cussing and spitting once he came to a stop..and then tries to get up. Once again the officer calmly walks down the stairs and gets the inmate up and pitches him headfirst down the next flight of stairs. Now the inmate has just gotten sober and realizes there’s two more flights of steps and he’s going to using them how they are not designed to be used. So long story short- don’t fuck with staff…… in Minecraft.
Green beans and why I would not eat them for years...

I was ODR cook in a unit down in south Texas in the early 2000s and would spend time after my shift ended hanging out helping serve dinner to pass the time and hang-out with some associates and our kitchen sergeant Luna who was a great person (rest in peace, Aaron). One evening I'm kicking back at the end of the line where the bread is handed-out and this guy walks back up with his tray and says "I don't think this was on the menu" - there was a rat tail in his green beans. About two minutes later another guy comes up with his tray and he's got a back leg and more of the rat...We pulled the insert and threw open some cans of corn to finish serving.

TDCJ is as self-sustaining as possible so a lot of the canned goods are from their own crops across the state and inmates are responsible for most of the process so no telling if it was intentional or an accident but quality control isn't at the top of their priority list. After that, I didn't eat green beans for years. There was an incident on Darrington where 90-some% of the unit got sick after being fed chicken a'la king with canned chicken that had botulism or some shit...the unit ran-out of toilet paper and people were puking and shitting their guts out for days so the tiers were filled with filthy socks and towels on the rows. Not fun times, don't commit crimes.
Green beans and why I would not eat them for years...

I was ODR cook in a unit down in south Texas in the early 2000s and would spend time after my shift ended hanging out helping serve dinner to pass the time and hang-out with some associates and our kitchen sergeant Luna who was a great person (rest in peace, Aaron). One evening I'm kicking back at the end of the line where the bread is handed-out and this guy walks back up with his tray and says "I don't think this was on the menu" - there was a rat tail in his green beans. About two minutes later another guy comes up with his tray and he's got a back leg and more of the rat...We pulled the insert and threw open some cans of corn to finish serving.

TDCJ is as self-sustaining as possible so a lot of the canned goods are from their own crops across the state and inmates are responsible for most of the process so no telling if it was intentional or an accident but quality control isn't at the top of their priority list. After that, I didn't eat green beans for years. There was an incident on Darrington where 90-some% of the unit got sick after being fed chicken a'la king with canned chicken that had botulism or some shit...the unit ran-out of toilet paper and people were puking and shitting their guts out for days so the tiers were filled with filthy socks and towels on the rows. Not fun times, don't commit crimes.
Housing units and seg have a smell all their own. Ass and stinking feet. In seg add the smell of burning wicks on top of the ass and feet.
Don’t piss in the pancake syrup….
I was on the midnight shift and part of the job was taking care of the evening meal seg trays from special housing. Had a dining room crew that scrubbed the floors and a dishroom guy. He washed the seg trays and cleaned the dish machine and dishroom. I caught him bagging up food from the seg trays and made him throw it away. Stuff was probably 12 hours old sitting at room temperature. So he got pissed at me. For whatever reason he decided to piss in an 80 gallon steam kettle with over 30 gallons of pancake syrup. Everything went great for him till the breakfast cook happened to see him doing it. Long story short they told me what happened and said they would take care of it. That syrup was for the inmates not me. Anyway when they opened up that morning dude got smashed. Right on the compound. He lived but he was out of the institution and transferred quick. Probably should’ve taken care of that inmate myself but oh well…
Don’t piss in the pancake syrup….
I was on the midnight shift and part of the job was taking care of the evening meal seg trays from special housing. Had a dining room crew that scrubbed the floors and a dishroom guy. He washed the seg trays and cleaned the dish machine and dishroom. I caught him bagging up food from the seg trays and made him throw it away. Stuff was probably 12 hours old sitting at room temperature. So he got pissed at me. For whatever reason he decided to piss in an 80 gallon steam kettle with over 30 gallons of pancake syrup. Everything went great for him till the breakfast cook happened to see him doing it. Long story short they told me what happened and said they would take care of it. That syrup was for the inmates not me. Anyway when they opened up that morning dude got smashed. Right on the compound. He lived but he was out of the institution and transferred quick. Probably should’ve taken care of that inmate myself but oh well…
The Greek….
One of my workers was a Greek national who was involved with the largest armored car heist in history. You all have probably seen the movie. Anyway he wound up at my joint for awhile before getting released. He was married to an Albanian woman and he had a little girl. It’s common for inmates with money to have their families transfer with them. They live in the local community with us knuckledraggers who work at these prisons also. Kinda strange but it happens. Anyway-the Greek was a good dude. I really liked him. He was done with the lifestyle and was close to getting out and he just wanted to be with his family. Apparently he was involved with a killing of a cop in the old country some time in his past. I assume that is why he came to the USA. He was released and immediately shipped back to Greece because he’s a foreign national. He bought a home and had his wife and daughter and was living his life. He had resources remember…. So one day I’m at work and another Greek inmate said he needed to speak to me. He worked for me in the past and I had a good relationship with him as well. Anyway he told me that dude was dead. ? Greek #1…. Apparently they take revenge very seriously in the old country. Remember the the dead cop I mentioned? Apparently some dudes came in his house and while holding him they murdered his wife and daughter in front of him while making him watch. Then they killed him. That’s some cold shit right there. Sad. They were innocent and didn’t deserve that. I took it kinda hard because the dude worked for me for a couple years and was a great guy. Respectful and no bullshit. But yeah…that’s some cold shit right there.

Sorry you "had" to lose him bro'. :thumbsdown:
He wasn’t mine to lose bro. I hate it because my interactions with him were all excellent. Model inmate. There’s consequences to actions I guess but damn. Kill him for killing the cop…I understand that….but the wife and daughter? That’s a bit much. I don’t know the whole story but fuck that’s some horrible shit. I have a hard time reconciling the guy I knew with basically a cop killing gangster.
He wasn’t mine to lose bro. I hate it because my interactions with him were all excellent. Model inmate. There’s consequences to actions I guess but damn. Kill him for killing the cop…I understand that….but the wife and daughter? That’s a bit much. I don’t know the whole story but fuck that’s some horrible shit. I have a hard time reconciling the guy I knew with basically a cop killing gangster.
Yeah, man...anyone or any group who harms or kills women and children - or any innocent civilians, for that matter - can go straight to Hell.
Yeah, man...anyone or any group who harms or kills women and children - or any innocent civilians, for that matter - can go straight to Hell.
Yeah it’s a mean world out there. Thats why I have 6 weapons all in condition 3 right beside me at all times. Plus I’m up to about 80 magazines also.
Love these prison tales keep em coming JBT. Obviously not fond of that woman and her daughter getting murdered though.
How can they tell a first timer within seconds.
Supposed a young street toughy walks in. He has the attitude, has the walk, the confidence, cold eyes, the look and they can still pin him out.
How can they tell a first timer within seconds.
Supposed a young street toughy walks in. He has the attitude, has the walk, the confidence, cold eyes, the look and they can still pin him out.
In NYS, reception is Elmira.
They shave newbies heads and walk them thru.
How can they tell a first timer within seconds.
Supposed a young street toughy walks in. He has the attitude, has the walk, the confidence, cold eyes, the look and they can still pin him out.
Not really to many people that have never done time in the fed. Most have done time somewhere long before ever coming to prison. Whether it’s county, pretrial or a processing center like Oklahoma or Atlanta. First thing that happens is you’re gonna get your paperwork checked. Then if you’re not a chomo or a rapist..and mainly not a snitch- then you click up and get in whatever car you would best affiliate with.
First rule of prison is segregation. Inmates do it themselves. First and foremost is gangs. Or cars as they call it. Next is race. Then geography…where you’re from or what city….then it’s religion. Last it’s your crime or sexual preference. My last joint made the fags, trannies and chomo’s sit together in one small section. Normally chomo’s get smashed unless they have money. Then they pay rent to walk the compound. Don’t worry because they are abused and mistreated daily. And we overlook…cause fuck them….