tales from the big house.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter JackBootedThug
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Industrial and farm accidents are pretty brutal. Why would you take a nap in a compactor? What could go wrong??
Nap part was to evade cameras.
Shame on those employees who knew of his habits and never spoke up...

I'll be honest, I hated the cocksucker!
He had a toddler and newborn at home.

That location, however, is inner city Rochester.
Nobody speaks.
Its all hammers and crowbars, knives to strip the sheath off of wire.
Calls to the cops...
That one didn't bother me that much. Dang idiots. But I still couldn't go back and read the other one about the varicose. Just mentioning it makes me shudder.
I think about that sometimes and I wonder what point he was trying to make and to who? Was he going to teach the BOP a lesson? They don’t care. They are not going to treat any inmates bad per se….but caring what the fuck they do? Hell no. It’s the nature of the beast. He would garner the same reaction as if he killed him self, or another inmate, or if he would have done his time and got released. Not sure if I’m making any sense….
Nap part was to evade cameras.
Shame on those employees who knew of his habits and never spoke up...

I'll be honest, I hated the cocksucker!
He had a toddler and newborn at home.

That location, however, is inner city Rochester.
Nobody speaks.
Its all hammers and crowbars, knives to strip the sheath off of wire.
Calls to the cops...
Your work situation sounds like what happened to me at the company I was with before going to prison. I started out as the lowest man on seniority and within a year I was plant manager. Just kept adding responsibilities…..
Your work situation sounds like what happened to me at the company I was with before going to prison. I started out as the lowest man on seniority and within a year I was plant manager. Just kept adding responsibilities…..
And for no or very little extra money.
That is how I got my Class A.

Drove fuel for years, started out young hauling cars.
Tow truck endorsement when I was 18.
Started delivering propane after that.

15 years ago, was told I wasn't going to get a raise.
Took on all that responsibility!

Asked to get my Class A, truck to practice in, in lieu of a raise...
Hey JBT, you ever guard any famous people? Whether celebrity or just famous for crazy crimes. No need to mention names, just curious.
#7 Hazing
And I’m not talking about inmates, I’m talking about staff. It’s not the same now as when I started decades ago. I never served in the military but the majority of staff are veterans. I’m not sure if this is a carry over from the military or not. Anyway when I first started I was routinely ignored, grunted at, told not to speak to anyone until I got out of the academy, or just told to shut the fuck up. The worst part is being thrown to the wolves. I have actually seen rookies have nervous breakdowns and quit on the spot when locked in a unit with inmates by themselves. To tell a fng do it….on their first day is one of the most dangerous things you can do to them, your coworkers and the inmates. It just takes one bad decision to cause a bad situation that can get someone really hurt or killed…or multiple people. This treatment usually abated when you helped another staff member out, or you were involved in a pretty hairy situation. Then they knew what kind of person you were and not a snitch or a pussy. Yes I said snitch….nobody likes a snitch…staff or inmates. My first two weeks were very eventful and I was involved in a few serious incidents just by virtue of just being there. My main break was when I was on morning watch and doing the food service worker move for the night shift bakery workers. Quick version-staff member working in food service was a transfer from usp lewisburg…one of the inmate workers was a recent transfer from usp lewisburg. The staff member never worked that shift so he never came in contact with that inmate. They had bad blood from lewisburg. The staff member started talking shit to the inmate trying to get him to jump. Inmate refused the bait and just sat down. They exchanged insults of course. So this interaction culminated in the staff member wanting to see what was in the inmate’s coffee cup that he was drinking from. That was the final straw and the inmate attacked him. The staff member figured out real quick that he fucked up…especially when he was on his back with the inmate on top of him with his hands around his throat. Now remember I’m pretty new so when I saw this I just reacted. I immediately ran in there, put the inmate in a chokehold and proceeded to squeeze until his head popped off like a daisy. This is also pre ufc so mma and chokeholds weren’t in vogue. So I choked him out and staff showed up. Lt. Then proceeded to go up in me for ten minutes for choking out an inmate. I guess they thought I actually killed the inmate for a minute. The weird thing was I saw him a few days later down in special housing and his eyes were black. I guess where I choked him it actually blacked his eyes. Never seen that before. Anyway…after that incident I was considered a “good dude “, and instantly I was treated like I had worked there for years. Not sure if any of you would find this story interesting but I thought I would share it anyway.
I was the building and grounds, facilities manager of a large, corporate scrap yard.
After my first year, they liked how I did things and added Fabrication Shop manager to my title.
Two years later, they added Safety Manager to my title as well.

I did everything OSHA would recommend.
Safety meetings, "tool box" talks.
I scheduled fire extinguisher training.
I purchased all PPE.
I went to all three of my locations doing inspections and making sure everyone was complying.

Today, my opinion is that safety really isn't for the individual.
Its for insurance compliance and OSHA fines.
Sort of like the DOT...

Anyways, there were plenty of non English speaking employees.
One of which, was Cuban.
He spoke and understood English when it was convenient.

He ran what they call a Sierra Logger.
A mobile car crusher.
Gets pulled behind a tractor just like any trailer going down the road.
We could take to multiple facilities to crush cars.

Anyways, early on a Saturday morning, my phone is blowing up.
I answer and am told I have to get to our inner city location.

By time I got there, over an hour in and they still haven't extracted the body.

The unit has switches that the ram makes letting the machine know where its at in its travel.
At times, metal would get pushed ahead and make the switch shutting down the forward progress of the ram.
It is for safety.
There is a process for stopping the machine to clear faults.
It was later found out that he would take naps inside the machine.
He felt very comfortable running the machine. The crusher.
Found out he regulalry thought he was faster than the machine and would clear faults while it was still powered up.
Machine would take off slowly and he would jump out of the way after clearing the fault and work would continue.

Well, the Saturday I was getting called to come in, he wasn't faster.
I watched them extract the body.
His head was purple, and large like a pumpkin.
He got snagged, and then crushed from the waist down.

Pretty fucked up sight...
Entered Cuban...exited as a cube
Forgot all about this thread….lol
I didn't. Ever since that story about the guy with the varicose vein the thread became the sort that provided a lifetime memory. I just figured you put it down for a while cause I myself was treading carefully after that story. That was worse than that stuff you and sharvell-dan do when you camp out, which is another memory I need to forget.
Had a dude on suicide watch cut his guts out with aluminum trim from a recessed fluorescent light. His name was Jeff white. Crazy white boy from white sulpher springs wv. Believe he was in there over a firearms violation. Felon in possession. Easy fed conviction. Captain came in and asked me what my opinion was on the cell. I said everything is good except the light. Not sure if he overheard me or not but after shift change the called body alarm in medical-dry cell. We got there and there he was….standing there pulling his guts out. He jumped up and trashed the light and grabbed the metal from the cover and put that work in. He was always swallowing batteries and razor blades…sticking wires and needles up his dick hole. He didn’t give a fuck. He finally succeeded though. Dummy. When I transferred to another joint I was shooting the shit with a couple lieutenants. When one found out where I came from he asked me if I knew inmate white…I laughed and said yeah I was watching him on suicide watch the day he cut his guts out. He said they cussed us for transferring him to them. He said his first day on the compound dude got sent to their office. He said the first thing he did was grab a pencil off his desk and stab him self in the chest. He then stood there staring at him without blinking or saying anything. That’s when he told me he finally succeeded eventually. I never even asked how or why or when…who cares? Probably better he did kill him self finally.