tales from the big house.....

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none of them really.....the fed is completely gang driven. Inmates separate themselves by what car(gang) they belong to. Then what race and then geographical location that they are from. They segregate themselves in the unit's and where they sit in the chow hall. Hard to explain. Gangs and races form and break alliances as needed. It's pretty interesting. Just remember-everyone is a predator and everyone has an angle.....
none of them really.....the fed is completely gang driven. Inmates separate themselves by what car(gang) they belong to. Then what race and then geographical location that they are from. They segregate themselves in the unit's and where they sit in the chow hall. Hard to explain. Gangs and races form and break alliances as needed. It's pretty interesting. Just remember-everyone is a predator and everyone has an angle.....

You must have balls of steel to work in that environment. I couldn't do it.

salute respect gif.gif
none of them really.....the fed is completely gang driven. Inmates separate themselves by what car(gang) they belong to. Then what race and then geographical location that they are from. They segregate themselves in the unit's and where they sit in the chow hall. Hard to explain. Gangs and races form and break alliances as needed. It's pretty interesting. Just remember-everyone is a predator and everyone has an angle.....

What usually happens in this sort of case: Out of shape 50 year old white dude goes to prison for voluntary manslaughter (found his wife fooling around and bashed the dudes brains in with a hammer) but he's basically just a regular 9-5 Joe with no previous record and absolutely no street cred or awareness.

Would someone like that even end up in the types of prisons you're describing? If yes, how does someone like that get by? What would have been your words of advice? Seriously.
What usually happens in this sort of case: Out of shape 50 year old white dude goes to prison for voluntary manslaughter (found his wife fooling around and bashed the dudes brains in with a hammer) but he's basically just a regular 9-5 Joe with no previous record and absolutely no street cred or awareness.

Would someone like that even end up in the types of prisons you're describing? If yes, how does someone like that get by? What would have been your words of advice? Seriously.
Killing a dude for cheating with your wife is not a federal crime unless he’s a judge…or you carjacked him, or you kidnapped him and drove across state lines and then killed him. Also depends on whether the federal prosecutor in your area decides to pick up the case. Usually they are only interested in easy cases. The first thing the white boys will do is check your paperwork. If you’re not a snitch or a chomo you will be allowed to walk the yard. If your jacket is fucked up you’re gonna be ran up top and checked in. You refuse your gonna get smashed. You tell you’re gonna get really fucked up with pointy objects. Said dude might be welcomed by the whites with open arms. For a reason though. Rarely is it because of kindness but it can be. If dude has a background or resources they can use he will be taken care of by whatever group is interested in him. Now said guy can go unaligned and be okay most likely but if involved in a trick bag he’s hit being on his own. Just depends. Like I said it’s a predatory environment. This also includes staff as well. Lots of testosterone flowing including the female staff. You can’t succeed in a place like that without being a little rough around the edges…lol
The very first day on the job as soon as I hit the floor for the first time my supervisor asked me to handle something. I got the first inmate a could find and said hey could you take that mop over there and get that for me please….he looked right at me and said fuck you…you do it co….now here’s the situation….if I would have taken that I would’ve been a bitch forever from that point on. No inmate would respect me. I was also being watched by every other inmate there to see my reaction. I stepped to inmate Byrd from North Carolina and said you take that mop over there and clean that shit up or I’m going to use you as a fuckin mop and clean it myself. That’s prison….lol….
Let me explain something about prison. I watched a video of the chow hall at usp lewisburg I think….can’t remember really. Lunch time and mainline was running. Chow hall was packed. Four inmates eating lunch….white trash Wednesday …burgers and fries. Another inmate walking by with a shank in his hand under his tray stops behind one and sets his tray down at the table behind them, turns around and proceeds to stab the one inmate in the neck about twenty times killing him. Then grabs his tray and goes straight to the dish room and gives them the tray and shank and he leaves the chow hall. The other three inmates at the table stop eating and watch as the stabbing begins without doing anything. Then when it’s done and the killer walks off they look at each others and grab the victim’s tray, divvy up his food….eat and leave. Staff had no idea what happened until ten to fifteen minutes later when they realized nobody was sitting at the table and inmates were standing waiting on seats. That’s prison….lol…
Let me explain something about prison. I watched a video of the chow hall at usp lewisburg I think….can’t remember really. Lunch time and mainline was running. Chow hall was packed. Four inmates eating lunch….white trash Wednesday …burgers and fries. Another inmate walking by with a shank in his hand under his tray stops behind one and sets his tray down at the table behind them, turns around and proceeds to stab the one inmate in the neck about twenty times killing him. Then grabs his tray and goes straight to the dish room and gives them the tray and shank and he leaves the chow hall. The other three inmates at the table stop eating and watch as the stabbing begins without doing anything. Then when it’s done and the killer walks off they look at each others and grab the victim’s tray, divvy up his food….eat and leave. Staff had no idea what happened until ten to fifteen minutes later when they realized nobody was sitting at the table and inmates were standing waiting on seats. That’s prison….lol…
I had an old co-worker tell me about a stint he did where he witnessed a dude get stabbed to death in an argument over a biscuit. I think that incident etched itself into his mind. I know the biscuit carries behind it a bigger meaning inside a prison.
Things have a way of escalating and getting out of control quickly over dumb stuff. Respect respect respect….really pretty dumb. You see the comparisons between American prisons and say Scandinavian prisons. Two totally different beasts. You can’t compare them.
That’s prison….lol…


I've been in a 'prison' only once in my life - not a cop jail cell - for a visit. My band in the late 70s had a full-time light guy who we all were good friends with. While gigging with his next band they decided to let a groupie ride the bus with them after a show. Some time later she starts puking all over the place so they pull over and let her out.

She starts hitching and gets picked up by a Mass State Cop. Next thing you know my bud is arrested for a "rock and roll fueled gang rape on a tour bus!!!" Made the TV news and all the papers. Next thing you know it's on TV that he's been sentenced to Walpole State Prison for a significant sentence.

We kept in touch throughout most of it. The chick was wild and was doing everyone and everything on the bus. After they threw her off she was pissed and got picked up by a Statey. One dude got nailed for insertion while my bud and another guy got accessory (for each holding a leg - I shit you not). The Walpole thing was all for the press. He was transferred almost immediately to a place in Western MA that was basically a college campus surrounded by barbed wire and dudes with guns.

Me and the drummer took the long drive to see him once. The process to get in was pretty strict - my buddy gave the tiniest bit of lip and immediately was shown the door before ever seeing our bud. My visit consisted of sitting at a picnic table outside on a beautiful autumn day and catching up for 20 minutes. I think he was released after only 18 months or something like that. He hadn't had a previous record prior to the bus thing.
And now he’s labeled as a rapist for the rest of his life. Rapists are a rung or two above the bottom of the barrel in there.