That didn't take long...Elon And WEF Vivek push for more H1B visa foreign engineering and tech workers......

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He has started/runs 2 prominent domestic manufacturing companies. Tesla dominates EV sales in the US, and SpaceX dominates space transportation (they handle like 80% of all stuff being sent into orbit these days with hundreds of launches). Manufacturing in the US is an extreme task.

I've seen a ton of talk about "Musk fanbois" but I've never seen any one that actually fits the description. Saying what he has done is impressive is not fanboi-ism and dismissing Tesla and SpaceX as nothing special is as fucking retarded as his want to flood the US with cheap H1b labor.

Why is this dipshit so concerned about H1b but not the 20 million illegals he helped flood the country with?
Bernie Sanders didn't have a job until he was like 46 years old and it was in government. He wrote a bunch of rapey fan fic shit too before he decided to 'save the working man' by becoming an overpaid parasite. Guy is a mega creep.
As I have been saying in the Bernie thread, both of Musk's companies would not exist without taxpayer money. He's not some kind of free-market entrepreneurial genius. He is a young WEF'er, supports the new green agenda, the big-tech/finance control systems, MRNA vaccines, transhumanism/chips in your brain and so on. He is a grifter, albeit a talented one. Bernie has historically been against illegal immigration, but yeah, in recent times he's been more on board with the progressive view. He is a political opportunist but nonetheless returning to his roots.
As I have been saying in the Bernie thread, both of Musk's companies would not exist without taxpayer money. He's not some kind of free-market entrepreneurial genius. He is a young WEF'er, supports the new green agenda, the big-tech/finance control systems, MRNA vaccines, transhumanism/chips in your brain and so on. He is a grifter, albeit a talented one. Bernie has historically been against illegal immigration, but yeah, in recent times he's been more on board with the democrat view. Now he is being politically opportunistic but nonetheless returning to his roots.
Where would Bernie be without taxpayer money?

What tax money has Musk used to make Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter 'exist?'
I'm not a fan of him, I think his H1b shit is the flip side of the same coin with illegal immigration, but at least he has created or helped facilitate 2 very successful domestic manufacturing corporations which have created hundreds of thousands of well paying jobs in the US. Bernie is an opportunistic parasite, always has been. He also got in big doodoo about a decade ago by ethics board and they were thinking about prosecuting him by nepotistically getting his wife a comfy 300k a year job running a college in Vermont where she had zero experience in doing so, promptly ran the place into bankruptcy.
What tax money has Musk used to make Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter 'exist?'
AFAIK, twitter, which he bought for $44 billion, doesn't even make money, or if it does, it earns next to nothing on it's purchase price. So instead, he used to to launch a political influence campaign like all the billionaires with media companies. Tesla purchases are subsidized by tax rebates and Space X's only real customer is the US gov AFAIK. Here's this from 2015, but you can do your own research easily, it's readily available:
domestic manufacturing corporations which have created hundreds of thousands of well paying jobs in the US.
...That he would rather replace with cheap Indian labor.
AFAIK, twitter, which he bought for $44 billion, doesn't even make money, or if it does, it earns next to nothing on it's purchase price. So instead, he used to to launch a political influence campaign like all the billionaires with media companies. Tesla purchases are subsidized by tax rebates and Space X's only real customer is the US gov AFAIK. Here's this from 2015, but you can do your own research easily, it's readily available:

...That he would rather replace with cheap Indian labor.
SpaceX absolutely dominates space transport now, with like 80% of things put in orbit being done by them. No one can compete with them due to how much cheaper it's made it with their re-useable rockets. They've done close to 500 launches now. Everything else being put up there is being done by national space agencies basically as pride projects.
Tesla gets EV subsides, so does every other car maker that produces EVs in the US. There is no 'exclusive Musk EV subsidy.' Ford, Chevy, etc get the same subsidies.
That article is trash and conflating grants, loans, contracts and actual subsidy under an umbrella term of 'subsidy.' None of that stuff is unique to Tesla or SpaceX. I've never seen any breakdown that shows he is more effective than other companies at doing this sort of thing.

I agree that the H1b is cheaper labor, but for his companies it's high end labor (IE paying a 120k employee 85k). I agree it shouldn't be happening. His companies have good work conditions and pay.
Tesla gets EV subsides, so does every other car maker that produces EVs in the US. There is no 'exclusive Musk EV subsidy.' Ford, Chevy, etc get the same subsidies.
Tesla is the only exclusive EV car company of the large manufacturers.
That article is trash and conflating grants, loans, contracts and actual subsidy under an umbrella term of 'subsidy.'
You'd really have to look closely, but contracts could constitute a subsidy depending on the terms and context of the grant, IE were they competitive, what were they for, etc. Regardless, the point is that the extent of his reliance on these programs give rise to the question as to whether these businesses would exist in their current form and size without the gov largess. Same critique applies to many companies. If the American people want to do it this way, fine, but then taxpayers should have a say in how these companies are run and what Musk's compensation is. What I am objecting to is the crony capitalism and "socialization of losses/privatization of profits" sort of crap that is endemic to our supposedly "Capitalist" economy.
None of that stuff is unique to Tesla or SpaceX.
I don't know that other companies have relied on it as much, but to the extent they have, I have the same critique.
Will you try to take some footage one of these days, even if it sucks?
I actually tried that one night but I do not have the quality of camera nor the skills to set it up for night shots. Wish I could because it's a playground out there at night but a lot of what you see are just dim lights that will dance around in non-airplane ways as the craft maneuvers at a distance. I have considered that they also may have detection equipment aboard to tell when there are cameras or eyes pointed at them.....

I still don't know what to make of it all because there are other weird phenomena I've experienced with it. Waking up JUST in time to see them roll out in formation has happened dozens of times. Seems to be a thing around 4-5 a.m. Shift change? Are they beaming me with something that wakes me up? I know I've def had the flashing lights trigger my closed eyes whether I was headed to sleep, asleep, or in prayer. But how come i never see them roll out like that when I'm in a fully awake state? Never getting those minute long views. I've gotten two solid uncloaked looks since 2020, everything else is cloaked and you catch a glimpse of the outline or just the dim lights moving at a distance or it's daylight and they were so far out it was just a tiny little mirrored/white triangle.
Are they beaming me with something that wakes me up? I know I've def had the flashing lights trigger my closed eyes whether I was headed to sleep, asleep, or in prayer. But how come i never see them roll out like that when I'm in a fully awake state?
That's kinda spooky ?
ve gotten two solid uncloaked looks since 2020, everything else is cloaked and you catch a glimpse of the outline or just the dim lights moving at a distance or it's daylight and they were so far out it was just a tiny little mirrored/white triangle.
Have you determined what kind of craft they are? A LOT of people have spotted these things. Have you come across anyone that has seen similar craft?
That's kinda spooky ?
Yeah no doubt. I've woke up a couple times and they were within probably 300-500 yards of my window and it startled the crap outta me, almost made me "scared". But also there are blink of an eye flashes of light associated with their jump into hyper speed so maybe those are what is alerting me or waking me up.

One night I go out to lock up the chicken shack and there is this flash, def one of the triangles, followed by a laser beam like "light contrail" or something. Perfectly straight as an arrow that maybe faded after 1/2-1 second. Like someone had a huge laser flashlight and shut it off. I hadn't seen that before. A lot of times I'm alerted to their presence when I'm outdoors as night falls because I'll catch flashes or movements out of the corner of my eye. I'll go up to the loft and sure enough they are there that night. I swear the black mother ship was hovering above my house one eveningt. Like a darker patch of sky four or five hundred feet up. Detail-less, just a black shadow against a less black sky.

All kinds of weird stuff. The march of 2020 close up was the most mindblowing. Really set me off as it was when covid was cranking up so my paranoia was high. I started holing up with a rifle under cover in the yard and doing foot patrols all night for weeks waiting for some shit to go to down. I also set up an observation post on the roof of the single wide as it gave a good vantage point and I was in the process of tearing it down.

Sorry for the long post, this stuff has been ever present to the point of ho-hum cause it's so frequent. 4-7 nights per week since late May plus some daytime sightings.
Sorry for the long post, this stuff has been ever present to the point of ho-hum cause it's so frequent. 4-7 nights per week since late May plus some daytime sightings.
No problem, thanks for all the details, that's totally weird stuff! Have you thought of trying to find someone willing to come out and try to document the phenomena? What do your neighbors think or have you not mentioned it?
No problem, thanks for all the details, that's totally weird stuff! Have you thought of trying to find someone willing to come out and try to document the phenomena? What do your neighbors think or have you not mentioned it?
I haven't thought about that. We sleep up there so I'd have to arrange an all nighter. I ain't really got that kinda time for flying machines, lol. And then dude would come by on an off night and there'd be nothing or maybe they have cam detectors and would avoid the area, I dunno.

Mr. History channel next door knows, we talk all the time, but thinks they are aliens, lol. Truth be told he's captured a couple balls and blobs of light on his security cams in the past few months. One or two stills and some live footage. He has cameras everywhere and one ball of light was going back and forth underneath his trailer. The other was moving around the bucket of a JLG lift. He's also got a cave at the front of his property that probably adds to the mystery. The other neighbor mostly leaves me alone but he's a snitch so I wouldn't broach the subject unless he mentioned it first.
WEF Vivek the Turtle on the Fencepost that sued the Klaus Schwab( WEF) to have his name removed from their website just prior to his presidential run.....