Bad Brain
Well-known member
As I have been saying in the Bernie thread, both of Musk's companies would not exist without taxpayer money. He's not some kind of free-market entrepreneurial genius. He is a young WEF'er, supports the new green agenda, the big-tech/finance control systems, MRNA vaccines, transhumanism/chips in your brain and so on. He is a grifter, albeit a talented one. Bernie has historically been against illegal immigration, but yeah, in recent times he's been more on board with the progressive view. He is a political opportunist but nonetheless returning to his roots.He has started/runs 2 prominent domestic manufacturing companies. Tesla dominates EV sales in the US, and SpaceX dominates space transportation (they handle like 80% of all stuff being sent into orbit these days with hundreds of launches). Manufacturing in the US is an extreme task.
I've seen a ton of talk about "Musk fanbois" but I've never seen any one that actually fits the description. Saying what he has done is impressive is not fanboi-ism and dismissing Tesla and SpaceX as nothing special is as fucking retarded as his want to flood the US with cheap H1b labor.
Why is this dipshit so concerned about H1b but not the 20 million illegals he helped flood the country with?
Bernie Sanders didn't have a job until he was like 46 years old and it was in government. He wrote a bunch of rapey fan fic shit too before he decided to 'save the working man' by becoming an overpaid parasite. Guy is a mega creep.