The 5150 is a one trick pony?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Holy-diver
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Stratotone, that sounds like a killer idea! Although I still prefer the bias modded version.
saxxamafone":vn5e4pkq said:
moltenmetalburn":vn5e4pkq said:
saxxamafone":vn5e4pkq said:
moltenmetalburn":vn5e4pkq said:
Holy-diver":vn5e4pkq said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

then its no longer a 5150 in the sense that the "vibe" of that amp is gone. No crossover no extra crunch n grind. you would then be far better served by many other amps.


a bias modded 5150 still sounds like a 5150

have you ever played both?!

yes I have , I currently own one that collects dust that I modified for adjustable bias so I can go either way at will. There is No BS about it, the ONLY thing that separates a 5150 from a plethora of high gain amps out there (aside from price) is the power amps' crossover distortion.

If you want a high gain amp that doesn't have crossover distortion why wouldn't you buy the Soldano SLO 100 which the 5150 preamp is very heavily based on? It will kill a bias modded 5150 dead.

What does the bias modded 5150 do better than the SLO 100, or that the SLO 100 cant do?

Mine's bias modded too
doesn't matter if I run it cold (stock) or still sounds like a 5150
And a 5150 doesn't sound like every other high gain amp

Well lets just agree to disagree then. :cheers:

There is little difference between the sound of a bias modded 5150 when compared to a dozen other SLO derivatives IMO. Sure the voicings are slightly different but the 5150 as I said before does nothing special other than crossover IMO. Bias modded 5150 sounds are easily coaxed out of many other amps with the same preamp topology.
All of this serious business is giving me some wicked 5150 GAS.

...and where's the :snax: when you need it?
Sixtonoize":k1czlty1 said:
All of this serious business is giving me some wicked 5150 GAS.

...and where's the :snax: when you need it?
Strangely, me too :doh:
We have all been reminded that people have differing opinions.
Gave up half way through page 2 lol. Anyway, Ive made quite a few videos and clips of the 6505 doing stuff other than metal. Here is one example....the cleans start getting better with the different pickup settings...check out around 2:45 and on...

Heres a clip of some lower gain stuff...

And heres a video I did a while back of various gain settings on the 6505 rhythm channel...

And a straight up clean clip...

Also, note that I use the lead channel for cleans and the rhythm channel for my main high gain sounds...
A 5150 sounds like a 5150...Setting it clean doesnt sound good to me. Pretty bland.....bias mods are not necessary imo. Play them cranked and you'll see why they are biased "low". If you never play them cranked a hotter bias can be alright. But what' s the fun in that? :lol: :LOL:
moltenmetalburn":1xf1457l said:
saxxamafone":1xf1457l said:
moltenmetalburn":1xf1457l said:
saxxamafone":1xf1457l said:
moltenmetalburn":1xf1457l said:
Holy-diver":1xf1457l said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

then its no longer a 5150 in the sense that the "vibe" of that amp is gone. No crossover no extra crunch n grind. you would then be far better served by many other amps.


a bias modded 5150 still sounds like a 5150

have you ever played both?!

yes I have , I currently own one that collects dust that I modified for adjustable bias so I can go either way at will. There is No BS about it, the ONLY thing that separates a 5150 from a plethora of high gain amps out there (aside from price) is the power amps' crossover distortion.

If you want a high gain amp that doesn't have crossover distortion why wouldn't you buy the Soldano SLO 100 which the 5150 preamp is very heavily based on? It will kill a bias modded 5150 dead.

What does the bias modded 5150 do better than the SLO 100, or that the SLO 100 cant do?

Mine's bias modded too
doesn't matter if I run it cold (stock) or still sounds like a 5150
And a 5150 doesn't sound like every other high gain amp

Well lets just agree to disagree then. :cheers:

There is little difference between the sound of a bias modded 5150 when compared to a dozen other SLO derivatives IMO. Sure the voicings are slightly different but the 5150 as I said before does nothing special other than crossover IMO. Bias modded 5150 sounds are easily coaxed out of many other amps with the same preamp topology.
