Dan Gleesak
Well-known member
https://fb.watch/jJwV44XNNK/?mibextid=qC1gEa@Beigelemon You called?
https://fb.watch/jJwV44XNNK/?mibextid=qC1gEa@Beigelemon You called?
Proper tits.@Beigelemon You called?
I disagreeProper tits.
If she rode the pony, you could be suffocated.Proper tits.
Proper tits.@Beigelemon You called?
Death by tits. What a way to go.If she rode the pony, you could be suffocated.
DONT YOU NUB ME BABY?You were nubbing as a nubber in a nubbing bar
When I nubbed you
I nubbed you out, I nubbed you up
And nubbed you into someone new
I think every one should add nub to their name... Nub$quat would be mine, You could be Anub27I’m going to change my name to Ayninan27
(All you need is nub and nub)
@$hit$quat No, Bag Man has a HUGE ----------------Bag Man would be Nub Man ?
Well I became famous and unfeasibly narcissistic, so no.DONT YOU NUB ME BABY?
PLX and The Suspicion. Great band name.I really DON'T think this guy is the authentic Shredsquatch..............I'm now leaning with PLX and the suspicion.
Bilbo BagnubYou fuckas are as lame as stripes on an elephant.
"nub" THIS is what amuses you dipshits.............................sad indeed.
Exchange NUB for KNOB and then it sort of becomes funny as you're ALL knobs. Some bigger than others of course.
Nub you verses Knob you. See, MUCH funnier. Nub$quat verses Knob$quat again, MUCH funnier.
You guys are about as funny as a fart in an elevator. Knob up and carry on......................................
If you change your name back to yabadabbado it could be knobIwannaDoYou fuckas are as lame as stripes on an elephant.
"nub" THIS is what amuses you dipshits.............................sad indeed.
Exchange NUB for KNOB and then it sort of becomes funny as you're ALL knobs. Some bigger than others of course.
Nub you verses Knob you. See, MUCH funnier. Nub$quat verses Knob$quat again, MUCH funnier.
You guys are about as funny as a fart in an elevator. Knob up and carry on......................................