THE OCT CUTTIN CORRAL - Come Hang Out For A Whilst and talk about Retards and dumb shit…

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See that's what I'm talking about! Why you gotta be such a hater?
So you're for the first amendment until it doesn't fit your beliefs. Its likely for every other amendment as well... no need to answer, I can see your bullshit a mile away.

Why would I restrict freedom of expression, or petitioning the government?
We’re both expressing ourselves freely here.
The difference is, I will not tolerate individuals who seek to curtail, censor or restrict said freedom of expression. That is what is intolerable.
Simple, no?
I think you missed my posting the definitions of intolerance and bigotry: I don't support intolerance, you do. I tolerate someone else having a different belief than me. You don't. Every society tolerates and doesn't tolerate certain things. What you seem to want is our society to not tolerate the things you happen to find intolerable. You're so wrapped up on your own view of the world that you can't see anything else.

I’m pretty sure fascist regimes like the Nazi’s who censor the media and shoot people who hold opposing viewpoints should be not tolerated.
Anyone gets a fair crack on the microphone in my book, until they start restricting people’s freedom of expression.
Both the Far Left (Communism) and Far Right (Fascism) have been guilty of this.
My point is that any form of intolerance itself should not be tolerated.
Yes, you would. You'd force. Because you're right and they're wrong. You're just a wanna be tyrant with a god complex.

Your government and parents forced you to go to school, so you’d learn knowledge and the ability to think critically.
Have you sat your folks down yet and told them they’ve got “…a god complex…” ???.
Write to your local member of Government and invite them over while you do it.

What I’m saying is, nothing teaches you perspective and respect like travelling and living amongst other cultures.
I just remember Donnie telling mods to fuck off, etc and him getting short bans. That was my only reasoning for asking.
Donnie's case was a long-and-intricate web of near-misses and clearcut breaches.

IIRC the "fuck off" incident did in fact result in one of the permabans.

No matter. That goose was cooked to the point of being a cinder now.

General observations given the thread's title:

We're tolerant, as you'd know - one-off accusations have been levelled at us countless times over the years. In such cases we're confident that "perpetrators" will eventually come 'round to seeing that we're fair after they've spent a little time here. Anyone who repeats such accusations ad-nauseum however presents a risk to members' enjoyment and the forum's wellbeing and reputation (repeat a lie often-enough...), such that it is (a genuine outlier in the guitar-forum "community"), but one that's respected for occupying the niche it does with consistency - you know what you're gonna get when you join here.

OTOH repeated (like, 100 times or more) accusations of this being "Rigged Talk" with paid posters annoyed everyone on the team without exception. Requests for explanations and cessation fell on deaf ears. Doesn't matter who behaves that way; it's never tolerated. Innuendo / thinly-veiled accusations directed at the mods and site owners, especially if repeated ad-nauseum and as if they’re factual, is never a wise course of action to take in a free-service (or any, for that matter) forum IMHO. Duh. Should be obvious to anyone with a brain.

All they had to do was pull back on denigrating the manner in which we run the forum.

As a side-note, the mods were sick and tired of the thousands of posts accusing people of being Donnie and repetition of ad-hominem attacks on him, even now in his absence, polluting practically every thread. It detracted from an enjoyable experience for most and complaints were many-fold. It would have been a bonus and good for their long-term viability here if they'd just eased up on this. It was obviously entertaining for a few but came across as unnecessary given that the point could have been made with a single post, not thousands... in practically every thread, ruining continuity and context of discussions and frankly the overall enjoyment of OTC by many members on both "sides".

Not sure if there'll be any value in my saying this but I know full-well that peeps who spend a lot of time / energy here do like to understand the minutia of the forum as best they can. Please don't press me further on this; there's nothing more to say and you guys have all the "details" now. The Murderator™ stepped in and murderated; it's what he does. He's the "unmentionable" every team should have.
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