Granted I didn't exactly make my point obvious and said it in a joking manner, but it flew way over your head. Not that it'll do anything, but I guess let me spell it out for you.
The MSM has numerous times called something misinformation and chastised anyone who disagreed with them only to be proven wrong later. It's no wonder why trust in the media is at an all time low and their ratings are in the toilet. Just look at their whole fiasco with the election. On a near daily basis they fed everyone lines of BS that Kamala was the most popular candidate since sliced bread and the fascist Trump had no chance of winning. Kamala's rallies were huge, she didn't bus in or pay people to be there. We all know how that turned out and we're now seeing just how much they payed people for their "support".
This is just a recent example. We can go back a decade and find all kinds of similar examples. And every time the MSM is shown to be wrong and biased, do they offer any kind of retraction in an attempt to keep the public trust? Is it really that hard for them to say something like "we didn't have all the facts on the initial report and fucked up"? No, they don't. Instead they double & triple down pushing their opinions as facts and continue to call proven facts "fake news" and/or dis/misinformation. Anyone who doesn't go along with that is a wacko conspiracy nut job, racist, fascist, misogynist, or any other name they can say on-air.
Yeah, I referenced one article you posted. But don't sit here and pretend you haven't posted all kinds of other bullshit MSM articles of "orange man bad" or media driven misinformation they were proven wrong on. I'm pretty sure you're still sulking about the loss, but at least you admit it. Have you shaven your head and joined the 4b movement yet? Sure, there'll be some overhauls of government to chase the rats out the swamp. Don't worry though, the next 4 years are not going to be the collapse of democracy as the MSM keeps telling you.
You should probably gracefully bow out now since there's nothing you can say, do, post, or link to that would refute the MSM isn't full of biased lies & BS and on a downward spiral. By all means though, feel free to continue posting ridiculous stuff and keep digging that hole you're in even deeper. If anything it's entertaining watching you do so. Maybe if you keep digging you'll pop out the other side.