I agree with that. However most are a derivative or attempted improvement on what are still widely considered to be the standards by which others are measured. Marshall,Fender, Vox. There are tons of good amps to be had, but with the advent in technology such as the Fryette Powerstaion etc that allow people to get these classics in the zone without killing anything within 500 yards, why bother, other than for the thrill of the chase?
Funny story, you may or may not know of or recall the Jim Wygle Purplexi. It was all the hype about 20 years ago. (Back when these now way overpriced Wizards could be had for about 1800.00 tops. ) I had a prototype, and I literally killed my wife's bird with it... this was before good attenuators

..That amp was only half as good as I had hoped and went to back to Jimmy, the builder, and then to George Lynch. But the point is, you don't have to kill you ears( or pets) to get a good old fashioned amp to deliver the magic and most of these derivatives are just that. They attempt to give you the classic tones we know and love with more modern features such as loops, boosts, and tamed volume. No need for any of those "upgrades" anymore. IMO. YMMV.