The weak administration strikes again. Isreal and Hamas going at it

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1858Abduction of a 7-year-old Jewish child, Edgard Mortara, in Bologna by Catholic conversionists (Mortara Case), an episode which aroused univeral indignation in liberal circles.
1878Adolf Stoecker, German anti-Semitic preacher and politician, founds the Social Workers' Party, which marks the beginning of the political anti-Semitic movement in Germany.
1879Heinrich von Treitschke, German historian and politician, justifies the anti-Semitic campaigns in Germany, bringing anti-Semitism into learned circles.
1879Wilhelm Marr, German agitator, coins the term anti-Semitism.
1881-84Pogroms sweep southern Russia, beginning of mass Jewish emigration.
1882Blood libel in Tiszaeszlar, Hungary, which aroused public opinion throughout Europe.
1882First International Anti-Jewish Congress convened at Dreseden, Germany.
1882A series of "temporary laws" confirmed by Czar Alexander III of Russia in May, 1882 ("May Laws"), which adopted a systematic policy of discrimination, with the object of removing the Jews from their economic and public positions.
1885Expulsion of about 10,000 Russian Jews, refugees of 1881-1884 pogroms, from Germany.
1891Blood libel in Xanten, Germany.
1891Expulsion from Moscow, Russia.
1891Expulsion from Moscow, Russia.
1893Karl Lueger establishes in Vienna the anti-Semitic Christian Social Party and becomes mayor in 1897.
1894Alfred Dreyfus trial in Paris.
1895Alexander C. Cuza organizes the Alliance Anti-sémitique Universelle in Bucharest, Rumania.
1899Houston Stewart Chamberlain, racist and anti-Semitic author, publishes his Die Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts which became a basis of National-Socialist ideology.
1899Blood libel in Bohemia (the Hilsner case).
1903Pogrom at Kishinev, Russia.
1905Pogroms n the Ukraine and Bessarabia, perpetuated in 64 towns (most serious in Odessa with over 300 dead and thousands wounded).
1905First Russian public edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion appears.
1906Pogroms In Bialystok and Siedlce, Russia.
1909-10Polish boycott against Jews.
1911-13Menahem Mendel Beilis, blood libel trial at Kiev.
1912Pogroms in Fez (Morocco).
1915Ku Klux Klan, rascist organization in the U.S., refounded.
1917-21Pogroms in the Ukraine and Poland. 1) Pogroms by retreating Red Army from the Ukraine (spring, 1918), before the German army. 2) Pogroms by the retreating Ukraine army under the command of Simon Petlyura, resulting in the deaths of over 8,000Jews. 3)Pogroms by the counter revolutionary "White Army" under the command of General A.I. Denikin (fall, 1919) in which about 1,500 Jews were killed. 4) Pogroms by the "White Army" in Siberia and Mongolia (1919). 5) Pogroms by anti-Soviet bands in the Ukraine (1920-21), in which thousands of Jews were killed.
1919Abolishment of community organization and non-Communist Jewish institutions in Soviet Russia.
1919Pogroms in Hungary: c. 3,000 Jews killed.
1920Adolf Hitler becomes Fuehrer, of the National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), later known as National Socialist.
1920Henry Ford I begins a series of anti-Semitic articles based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in his Dearbon Independent.
1924Economic restrictions on Jews in Poland.
1925-27Adolf Hitier's Mein Kampf appears.
1933Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany. Anti-Jewish economic boycott: first concentration camps (Dachau, Oranienburg, Esterwegen and Sachsenburg).
1935Nuremberg Laws introduced.
1937Anti-Semitic legislation in Rumania.
1937Discrimination against Jews in Polish universities.
1938After Anschluss, pogroms in Vienna, anti-Jewish legislation introduced: deportations to camps in Austria and Germany.
1938Charles E. Coughlin, Roman Catholic priest, starts anti-Semitic weekly radio broadcasts in U.S.
1938Kristallnacht, Nazi anti-Jewish outrage in Germany and Austria (Nov. 9-10, 1938): Jewish businesses attacked, synagogues burnt, Jews sent to concentration camps.
1938Racial legislation introduced in Italy (Nov. 17, 1938). Anti Jewish economic legislation in Hungary.
1939Anti-Jewish laws introduced in the Protectorate (Czechoslovakia).
1939Outbreak of World War 11 (Sept. 1, 1939), Poland overrun by German army: pogroms in Poland; beginning of the Holocaust.
1940Nazi Germtny introduces gassing.
1940Formation of ghettos in Poland: mass shootings of Jews: Auschwitz camp, later an extermination camp, established; Western European Jews under Nazis. Belzec extermination camp established.
1940Algerian administration applies social laws of Vichy.
1941Germany invades Russia and the Baltic states. Majdanek extermination camp established. Chelmno and Treblinka extermination camps established. Anti-Jewish laws in Slovakia. Pogroms in Jassy, Rumania. Pogroms and massacres by the Einsatzgruppen and native population in Baltic states and the part of Russia occupied by Germany. Expulsions of Jews from the German Reich to Poland. Beginning of deportation and murder of Jews in France.
1941Severe riots against Jews in Iraq in consequence of Rashid Ali al-Jilani's coup d'état. Nazi Germany introduces gassing in extermination camps.
1942Conference in Wannsee, Berlin, to carry out the "Final Solution" (Jan. 20, 1942). Beginning of mass transports of Jews of Belgium and Holland to Auschwitz. Massacres 'In occupied Russia continue. Death camps of Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka begin to function at full capacity: transports from ghettos to death camps. Sobibor extermination camp established.
1943Germany declared Judenrein. Transports of Jews from all over Europe to death camps. Final liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto (May 16, 1943). Annihilation of most of the ghettos. Transport of Italian Jews to death camps.
1944Extermination of Hungarian Jewry.
1945Germany surrenders (May 8, 1945) estimated Jewish victims in the Holocaust 5,820,960.
1946Pogroms at Kielce, Poland, 42 Jews murdered and many wounded (July 4, 1946).
1948Jewish culture in U.S.S.R. suppressed and Jewish intellectuals shot.
1948Pogroms in Libya.
1952Prague Trials (Slánský): Murder of Yiddish intellectuals in Russia and many Jews disappear or sent to work camps.
1953Accusation of "Doctors' plot" in the U.S.S.R., cancelled with Stalin's death.
1956Jews of Egypt expelled.
1967Arabic version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion published in Egypt.
1968Fresh wave of anti-Semitism in Poland; emigration of most of the remaining Jews of Poland.
1969Jews executed in Iraq.
1970Leningrad, and other trials of Soviet Jews, who agitate for right to emigrate.
1970-1990Spread of Neo-Nazi publications in US and other parts of the world denying the Holocaust
1972Eleven Israeli athletes massacred at the Munich Olympic Games, which continue after a brief memorial ceremony.
1975UN General Assembly passes a resolution equating Zionism with racism.
1987First Intifada
1988Steven Cokely, an adviser to the mayor of Chicago and his link to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, accuses Jewish doctors of purposely infecting blacks with the AIDS virus in order to further a plan for world domination.
1991Iraq fires scud missiles at Israel in reaction to allied attacks during first Gulf War
1996Terror attacks in Israel increase.
1999Shooting attack on Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles, CA
  • Thirteen Iranian Jews tried as Israeli spies.
  • Outbreak of anti-Israel violence at second ("Al-Aqsa") intifada.
  • The UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban becomes a platform for anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations by thousands.
  • Coordinated "9/11" attacks against United States targets by Islamic terrorists blamed on Jewish conspiracy.
  • Increase in frequency of attacks on Jews and Jewish sites in Europe
  • Attacks on Jewish targets in Europe, including bombing of a Jewish school in Paris and simultaneous bombings of two synagogues in Istanbul during prayer services.
  • University of Berlin report showing rise of anti-Semitism in Europe released after being suppressed by EU.

Now I'm done.
Listen ya thick headed cultist. Our current president is on the phone with his military commanders deploying an entire air craft carrier convoy to the area - and who knows what else that's not being reported. Yes, your messiah is holding ANOTHER press conference today where he will talk about stolen elections, how he's the poor victim of all the shit he's sowed upon himself, and to egotistically boast about how the USA was fucking Mayberry RFD during his 4 years and only he can fix the world. Who gives a shit about his serial lying - except for his worshipers?

Don't forget to bring up those distorted gas prices again in his defense...... :rolleyes:
He needs to address the people who put his ass in the big high chair.

Every developed country has daily presidential briefs. Even the mickly mouse looking guy in ice land

Ours is MIA hiding in the war room or at least i hope

He didn't deploy the navy to the eastern med.
They're there 24/7/365 on patrol.

I Spent 4 years floating off of Beirut, Libya and chased the Archille Lauro around for a week in 85

Reagan didn't deploy us. We were already there

So your boy didn't do anything extra or special
@JohnnyGtar thank you for your work. Now post context and historical evidence from multiple viewpoints for all of these.
Now either many nations went through the same troubles across the history but nobody took the time to finely document it ( or nobody cares ) or there must be more to the story.

I'm inclined to believe that most nations had troubles at many points in time.
@JohnnyGtar thank you for your work. Now post context and historical evidence from multiple viewpoints for all of these.

You can look up any of the events. Unlike many Trump followers who say "Do your research" and then provide no relevant information, I posted what you need to look up any of those events. Have at it. You may learn something.
Does historical events justify someones hatred for another today? No.
You can look up any of the events. Unlike many Trump followers who say "Do your research" and then provide no relevant information, I posted what you need to look up any of those events. Have at it. You may learn something.
You kinda did exactly the same. :LOL: :LOL: