The weak administration strikes again. Isreal and Hamas going at it

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Except only one side is doing the false interpreting now aside from some scattered settlers who are pretty much violating all the laws, lol. They use the Torah to justify what they are doing so perhaps I can admit you are at least technically correct. Practically. I would disagree but it's minutiae not worth typing. See my answer to your third quote below.

Opinions aren't beliefs. You just suit yourself to the situation. The floater.

WWII and White paper forward. That would probably be the best area to discuss if you wanted to.
Well go ahead and tell me where you think I’m wrong or inconsistent. Maybe I’m missing something. And opinions are informed by beliefs to the extent that the two are effectively synonymous, at least in my view, but feel free to argue it.
don't be too sure. many who didn't convert were beheaded, or enslaved, historically
He's intentionally naive. Or maybe unintentionally since he is irreligious.

At best a muslim society will tolerate or tax non muslims. The tolerant nations seem mostly to be in east asia. If you said the koran was fake, or lies, in even a lenient islamic majority nation you might face prison time, get a beating, or be killed. Possibly by the inhabitants themselves. There is no christian nation I know of like that so he's naive.
He's intentionally naive. Or maybe unintentionally since he is irreligious.

At best a muslim society will tolerate or tax non muslims. The tolerant nations seem mostly to be in east asia. If you said the koran was fake, or lies, in even a lenient islamic majority nation you might face prison time, get a beating, or be killed. Possibly by the inhabitants themselves. There is no christian nation I know of like that so he's naive.
You're changing the subject from what I asked you to expound on, apparently because you don't have anything good to add. I never said I wanted to live in any theocracy, christian or muslim. I said you can live in muslim countries without converting. There are no christian theocracies left that I'm aware of. In the past, you'd get the same treatment in a christian theocracy — for denying the ridiculous trinity for one:
You're changing the subject from what I asked you to expound on
I told you if you wanted to talk about the jews/Israel and this conflict from WWII and british white paper that I would talk about it. Not sure I could've laid it out any more plainly.
Except only one side is doing the false interpreting now aside from some scattered settlers who are pretty much violating all the laws, lol. They use the Torah to justify what they are doing so perhaps I can admit you are at least technically correct. Practically. I would disagree but it's minutiae not worth typing. See my answer to your third quote below. Opinions aren't beliefs. You just suit yourself to the situation. The floater. WWII and White paper forward. That would probably be the best area to discuss if you wanted to.
Well go ahead and tell me where you think I’m wrong or inconsistent. Maybe I’m missing something. And opinions are informed by beliefs to the extent that the two are effectively synonymous, at least in my view, but feel free to argue it.
@denialist post 920.
Yes, that's what I was responding to. You suggested I might be mistaken about my understanding of the history and inconsistent or biased in my views. I was asking you to expand on that, specifically. I said:
Well go ahead and tell me where you think I’m wrong or inconsistent. Maybe I’m missing something. And opinions are informed by beliefs to the extent that the two are effectively synonymous, at least in my view, but feel free to argue it.
Yes, that's what I was responding to. You suggested I might be mistaken about my understanding of the history and inconsistent or biased in my views. I was asking you to expand on that, specifically. I said:
I don't know what you believe about the founding of the state of Israel but it seems tto have the typical "evil apartheid nation stolen from palestine" flavor to it. So it struck me that maybe you weren't aware of all the restrictive laws against jewish immigration during the war when intelligence services knew what was happening and perhaps how that played out into jewish violation of british white paper. It seems like you subscribe ot an alternate history.
I don't know what you believe about the founding of the state of Israel but it seems tto have the typical "evil apartheid nation stolen from palestine" flavor to it. So it struck me that maybe you weren't aware of all the restrictive laws against jewish immigration during the war when intelligence services knew what was happening and perhaps how that played out into jewish violation of british white paper. It seems like you subscribe ot an alternate history.
This is probably the third time I've posted this. It's not long. Watch it and tell me where you disagree, to start:

Al jazeera?

Ok then.

Well in the meantime, here you go:

Lemme know what you think.

Your documentary was helpful in adding nuance and got into a lot of detail with the 1982 war. I’m not sure it really contradicts the account I provided, just focused on certain aspects which can create an entirely different picture when taken alone. It seemed to glance over the question of formation, other than referring to the “Ancestral land of the Jewish people.” It also is somewhat limited as a lot has happened since 1982, and especially recently. I appreciated it though.
the restrictive laws against jewish immigration during the war
That was before Israel was formed. What’s the significance? …I thought it was notable that the 700k Jews got expelled from Arab countries only after the state was formed.
That was before Israel was formed. What’s the significance?
Basically the world turned their back on the plight of the jew, galvanizing support among jews for a homeland in palestine so it kind of plays in to everything that happened afterwards.
Back to current times: many interviews with suffering palestinians, hour after hour and day after day giving testimony of their plight. The one question that does not get asked; “what is your opinion of your ruling party Hamas that started the current conflict?”
I would certainly like to know what residents of Gaza think of hamas now, are they absolved for what they have done?
Basically the world turned their back on the plight of the jew, galvanizing support among jews for a homeland in palestine so it kind of plays in to everything that happened afterwards.
So you are arguing that because the international powers turned their backs against the plight of the Jews, the subsequent formation of Israel and all that ensued was justified?

White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion – $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief.​

The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy.

The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border.