The weak administration strikes again. Isreal and Hamas going at it

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Please. Islam is a vile religion. You may want to review the bloody history of the religion of PIECES since it's inception. Second, spare me the whataboutism.
I’m not a big fan of any organized religion, but what makes Islam more vile than say, Christianity? “What aboutism” is the stupidest ducking invention of progressive Reddit since i don’t know what… you’re mad because of the barbarism allegedly committed by people representing one side. I’m pointing out that the other side is also guilty of such barbarism. Does that not impact your opinion, or is this like a real life sports game to you, and you’re committed to your chosen team, even when (or especially when) the ref makes a bad call against the opposing team?
I’m not a big fan of any organized religion, but what makes Islam more vile than say, Christianity? “What aboutism” is the stupidest ducking invention of progressive Reddit since i don’t know what… you’re mad because of the barbarism allegedly committed by people representing one side. I’m pointing out that the other side is also guilty of such barbarism. Does that not impact your opinion, or is this like a real life sports game to you, and you’re committed to your chosen team, even when (or especially when) the ref makes a bad call against the opposing team?
It's a fools errand to apply moral relativism to religions. Get with the program.
Most of the Internet is a psyop. Even more so than mass media.
I’m not a big fan of any organized religion, but what makes Islam more vile than say, Christianity? “What aboutism” is the stupidest ducking invention of progressive Reddit since i don’t know what… you’re mad because of the barbarism allegedly committed by people representing one side. I’m pointing out that the other side is also guilty of such barbarism. Does that not impact your opinion, or is this like a real life sports game to you, and you’re committed to your chosen team, even when (or especially when) the ref makes a bad call against the opposing team?
You have your views, I have mine. Can I defend mine? Sure. Do I want to? Sometimes. Not today. We're not going to change each other's minds.
You have your views, I have mine. Can I defend mine? Sure. Do I want to? Sometimes. Not today. We're not going to change each other's minds.
Even if a Muslim committed that act, it doesn’t mean all Muslims do, or approve. And my point was that I don’t think it has to do with religion anyways, I think it’s political and related to the occupation. And again, I’m not condoning it.
Even if a Muslim committed that act, it doesn’t mean all Muslims do, or approve.

I haven't said or implied they did. What I did say is that Islam is a vile religion, and it is.

And my point was that I don’t think it has to do with religion anyways, I think it’s political and related to the occupation. And again, I’m not condoning it.

Muslim hatred of Jews isn't limited to the State of Israel's existence. That's been going on for around 1,500 years now.
I haven't said or implied they did. What I did say is that Islam is a vile religion, and it is.

Muslim hatred of Jews isn't limited to the State of Israel's existence. That's been going on for around 1,500 years now.
Okay, I think you’re wrong, but when you get a chance, please elaborate.
Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money. While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.

The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations. What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.

Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference. The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East. Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations. Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.

Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood. In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.

We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests.

EXAMPLES: •When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. •When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar. •When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar. •When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood, they went to Turkey. [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.] •When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar. •When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.

Qatar is aligned with the Obama/Biden worldview of all things political. The Obama/Biden worldview is not opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a consequence, the Obama/Biden worldview is in alignment with the Palestinian Authority. In essence, in many ways of laundering money, Qatar is an Arabic version of Ukraine.

Without Qatar radical Islamic extremism could not exist. Without Qatar the Muslim Brotherhood, the political arm of Islamic extremism, could not exist. Qatar is the bank for all operational terrorist groups.

Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken sending the $6 Billion in sanctioned Iranian money to Qatar, is essentially like making a deposit into a bank that funds Islamic extremism, including Hamas. The transfer gave Iran a $6 billion line of credit – or, put another way, was essentially a deposit into an Iranian escrow account. Qatar can give Iran money, money from the nation state of Qatar, while still holding the $6 billion transferred from Biden/Blinken on their books.

Okay, you still with me?

It gets more interesting, because the Iranian-Hamas (Palestinian) angle against Israel now overlaps with the Obama/Biden worldview.

The Obama administration first created the public-private partnership with Twitter and Facebook to support the “Arab Spring” uprising.

As a consequence, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was the first elected official to be taken out by former President Obama’s deployment of Twitter as a community activist tool for revolution in 2011. In direct and consequential ways, Egypt was the BETA test for a process that surfaced a decade later in the United States during the 2020 election.

Using and influencing social media was a tool created by the Obama state department, as noted years ago in Mic.Com:

[…] In countries like Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, rising action plans such as protests made up of thousands, have been organized through social media such Facebook and Twitter. “We use Facebook to schedule the protests” an Arab Spring activist from Egypt announced “and [we use] Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” The role that technology has taken in allowing the distribution of public information such as the kinds stated by the aforementioned activist, had been essential in establishing the democratic movement that has helped guide abused civilians to overthrow their oppressor. (link)

(NationalPulse) The most popular Twitter hashtags in the Arab region in the first three months of this year were “Egypt”, “Jan25”, “Libya”, “Bahrain” and “protest”.

Nearly 9 in 10 Egyptians and Tunisians surveyed in March said they were using Facebook to organise protests or spread awareness about them. All but one of the protests called for on Facebook ended up coming to life on the streets.

These and other findings from the newly released second edition of the Arab Social Media Report by the Dubai School of Government give empirical heft to the conventional wisdom that Facebook and Twitter abetted if not enabled the historic region-wide uprisings of early 2011. (link)

Fast forward to 2020, and those same elements deployed against the Egyptian government were deployed in the United States in a coordinated public-private partnership with Twitter, Facebook and social media.

[The U.S. government control over these social media platforms is ultimately what lies at the heart of Twitter File #8 release.]

But wait, it goes much deeper… much more purposefully deeper.

The ideological interests behind the 2010/ ’11 “Arab Spring” uprising were the same ideological interests behind the 2020 “Black Lives Matter” protests/uprising. Not merely similar people, but the exact same people.

The exact same group of U.S. people who were promoting the Mid-East Arab Spring in 2010/’11, are the same people who promoted the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. The same politicians, the same media voices, the same newspapers, the same social media activists. Almost every participant, and their support for the uprising ’10 -vs- ’20 was identical, including the platforms deployed.

In the background of the Arab Spring, the root control organization was The Muslim Brotherhood. Considering all of the connective similarities, and considering the U.S. advocates for the brotherhood were the same voices advocating for BLM, the BLM movement as an extension of the same overarching ideology becomes clear.



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It is not an esoteric intellectual exercise to compare the two movements, because we were not only talking about a similar level of protest, but we also saw an identical set of actions in both groups. Not only were the advocates the same voices, but the behavior also to remove and destroy common cultural connection/heritage was the same.

The Brotherhood is essentially the umbrella organization for a multitude of Islamic factions. In essence, the Muslim Brotherhood represents political Islam. Similarly, if you look at the structure of Black Lives Matter, they too represent an umbrella-type structure for a network of individual political grievance groups.

Both groups, the Muslim Brotherhood and Black Lives Matter, represent a cultural revolution by the results of their activity.

In this next section, I am going to show the alignment between Black Lives Matter and the Brotherhood. It is not accidental that BLM supports the Palestinian terrorist network represented by Hamas.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood had al-Qaeda and militant factions within ISIS. In 2020, BLM had the New Black Panthers and militant factions within Antifa.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood tore down statues and symbols they identified as culturally oppressive to their political views. In 2020, BLM tore down statues and symbols they identified as oppressive to their political views.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood burned books, destroyed history and removed their cultural opposition by force. In 2020, BLM promoted burning books, destroying history and cancelling their cultural opposition by force.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood used social media to organize their political activity, and Big Tech facilitated by setting up local networks for protest. In 2020, BLM used social media to organize their political media, and Big Tech facilitated by deploying all local networks to assist.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood attacked the police and framed their Islamist movement as oppressed by law enforcement. In 2020, BLM attacked the police and framed their movement as oppressed by law enforcement.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood destroyed the notions of secularism and viciously attacked any form of Christianity, including burning churches. In 2020, BLM advocated against secularism and viciously attacked Christianity – including the burning of churches, while conspicuously never criticizing any element of Islam.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood was very strategic as they hoodwinked moderate Islamic supporters into voting them into power. Once in power, they removed all of the institutional systems, government offices, judges, constitutional balances, local elections, and anything that would impede their ultimate stranglehold on power. Sharia Law replaced common legislative law. As a result, the ordinary population was brutalized, property was taken by force; businesses were taken by force and the Islamic regime now controlled every element of their lives.

In 2020, the approach of the BLM movement appeared very strategic, as they also hoodwinked a multitude of supporters, voters and even corporations, by defining their victim class and role. Donations to the BLM group funded Joe Biden. Much like the 2010 Brotherhood approach, grievances were made personal. Bonds between families and friends are severed by force and demands to adhere to the movement’s ideology. Now look at the severity of what policies are being advanced.

♦ In 2010, despite the visibility of the radical elements of Islam, Egyptian candidate Mohammed Morsi ran on a platform for change as a moderate. He was supported by Obama, Clinton and the social media messaging deployed by the U.S. government. Once he achieved victory Morsi governed as a hardline leftist.

In 2020, despite the visibility of the radical leftists (BLM, Antifa), U.S. candidate Joe Biden ran on a platform for change as a moderate. He was supported by Obama, James Clyburn and the social media messaging deployed by the U.S. government. Once he achieved victory Biden governed as a hardline leftist.

These strategic political similarities are not coincidental.

The Obama/Biden network and the BLM network are in sync. Both networks support the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and the Palestinian position in the Middle East. This is why they moved the $6 billion to Qatar. This is also why those same aligned voices want the U.S. border wide open to infiltration.

Oh, and one last thing…. As soon as we outlined all these connections,
the nation of Qatar blocked access to CTH.
Okay, I think you’re wrong, but when you get a chance, please elaborate.

I think this is a good read:

Plumbing the depths of Islamic Jew-hatred​

Israel has become a central element in a collective Muslim delusion, argues Neil S. Kressel in ‘The Sons of Pigs and Apes’

One of our family friends grew up in Turkey. She's said on more than one occasion "Most Muslims fuckin' hate Jews, Israel or no Israel." That's her perspective. My Iranian buddy agrees and it's one big reason he doesn't miss living there. I've heard the same from people hailing from other Muslim majority countries, be they Arab or Persian. I've never discussed this topic with any Indonesian Muslims because I don't know any. (Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population.) Some people try to candy coat it, but the hatred runs deep.
I think this is a good read:

Plumbing the depths of Islamic Jew-hatred​

Israel has become a central element in a collective Muslim delusion, argues Neil S. Kressel in ‘The Sons of Pigs and Apes’

One of our family friends grew up in Turkey. She's said on more than one occasion "Most Muslims fuckin' hate Jews, Israel or no Israel." That's her perspective. My Iranian buddy agrees and it's one big reason he doesn't miss living there. I've heard the same from people hailing from other Muslim majority countries, be they Arab or Persian. I've never discussed this topic with any Indonesian Muslims because I don't know any. (Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population.) Some people try to candy coat it, but the hatred runs deep.
I read that whole piece. I don’t doubt that there are many Muslim Jew-haters, and it’s certainly a problem. But it’s difficult to separate the cultural and political (Israel/Palestine) aspects from the religion itself, and in a way that is prominent and unique to Islam. Judaism itself incorporates many supremacist intimations, if not outrightly supremacist writings, for example.
I read that whole piece. I don’t doubt that there are many Muslim Jew-haters, and it’s certainly a problem. But it’s difficult to separate the cultural and political (Israel/Palestine) aspects from the religion itself, and in a way that is prominent and unique to Islam. Judaism itself incorporates many supremacist intimations, if not outrightly supremacist writings, for example.

Judaism doesn't seek to make converts and there's no Jewish equivalent of ISIS. I haven't see any Jewish suicide bombers or Jews flying jets into skyscrapers. I do see incredible advances in science and technology coming from Jewish people worldwide.


Israeli children kidnapped and kept in cages by Hamas​

There is NO defending THIS.


‘Don’t hurt them’: Father of Israeli hostages offers to trade himself in for kids | NewsNation Prime​

Listen, first of all this has nothing to do with Islam.

Then WHY were Hamas murderers shouting "Allahu Akbar!" as they kidnapped people and took them into Gaza and WHY were Hamas murderers shouting "Allahu Akbar!" as they massacred over 200 people at a Peace festival who were running AWAY from them?