The weak administration strikes again. Isreal and Hamas going at it

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The Israelis are going to grease their tank tracks with the blood of these half wit desert dwelling douce guzzling sand maggots.
Damn, where do I even start?

I'm Palestinian, from the west bank, not gaza. So don't shit on me too hard. Growing up we were taught to hate the Jews. My parents always showed us propaganda movies that showed what awful things Jews did to us. The village I am from went under Israeli occupation after the 6 day war. There were land confiscations and what not, my parents ended up fleeing to South America because of the conflict. None of the other Arab countries would have wanted to take them in. Unfortunately Palestinians have a habit of causing all sorts of trouble, for example in places like Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon multi generational Palestinians still have limited rights. So the idea that "Palestinians should just go to another arab country!" doesn't work. Anyways, rambled a bit.

The Palestinians who cause the least trouble happen to be the Christians. Saying that what has happened has nothing to do with Islam is incorrect. I come from a muslim background, and while my parents were not particularly religious, it still influences culture. Islam and arabization was the worst thing that could have happened to the middle east. It replaced our religion (except the christians who stuck to their guns), our culture to an extent, our language, etc. Sometimes I feel like God is playing that game Civilization. lol.

This is a terrible tragic event, and Hamas just sealed the fate of 2 million Palestinians. Israel has told Gazans to flee, however they can't exactly flee as the area is blockaded, although supposedly specific instructions were given. I don't know the details. The idea of Palestine might have just been thrown out the window. I have always dreamt of going back to my homeland. But that wasn't possible in the past, definitely not now and likely ever.

Anyways, I am sure someone will accuse me of trying to appease the westerns by saying this. Islam is indeed a death cult. I'm not very political, I rarely talk about politics these days as the only thing I care about is music. I barely even have a presence online. I think the middle east would have been far better off if Islam never took hold. My opinion. ?‍♀️

Say what you will to me.
Damn, where do I even start?

I'm Palestinian, from the west bank, not gaza. So don't shit on me too hard. Growing up we were taught to hate the Jews. My parents always showed us propaganda movies that showed what awful things Jews did to us. The village I am from went under Israeli occupation after the 6 day war. There were land confiscations and what not, my parents ended up fleeing to South America because of the conflict. None of the other Arab countries would have wanted to take them in. Unfortunately Palestinians have a habit of causing all sorts of trouble, for example in places like Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon multi generational Palestinians still have limited rights. So the idea that "Palestinians should just go to another arab country!" doesn't work. Anyways, rambled a bit.

The Palestinians who cause the least trouble happen to be the Christians. Saying that what has happened has nothing to do with Islam is incorrect. I come from a muslim background, and while my parents were not particularly religious, it still influences culture. Islam and arabization was the worst thing that could have happened to the middle east. It replaced our religion (except the christians who stuck to their guns), our culture to an extent, our language, etc. Sometimes I feel like God is playing that game Civilization. lol.

This is a terrible tragic event, and Hamas just sealed the fate of 2 million Palestinians. Israel has told Gazans to flee, however they can't exactly flee as the area is blockaded, although supposedly specific instructions were given. I don't know the details. The idea of Palestine might have just been thrown out the window. I have always dreamt of going back to my homeland. But that wasn't possible in the past, definitely not now and likely ever.

Anyways, I am sure someone will accuse me of trying to appease the westerns by saying this. Islam is indeed a death cult. I'm not very political, I rarely talk about politics these days as the only thing I care about is music. I barely even have a presence online. I think the middle east would have been far better off if Islam never took hold. My opinion. ?‍♀️

Say what you will to me.
Nothing bad to say about what you said.
Yes a religion of hate.

They are all religions of hate when that's what's required. The current white Christian Nationalist movement in the United States is almost entirely a hate based movement. They never talk about love and inclusion. It's all about cancelling everything in the country they believe their God doesn't approve of.
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They are all religions of hate when that's what's required. The current white Christian Nationalist movement in the United States is almost entirely a hate based movement. They never talk about love and inclusion. It's all about cancelling everything in the country they believe their God doesn't approve of.
Telling you to poke your rainbow flag where the sun don't shine is a long way from taking a nice sharp machete and briskly detaching your head while chanting praises to God so I'm not sure you've made an accurate equation.
They are all religions of hate when that's what's required.
This is kinda my point. Sure, some are better or worse. But it’s like claiming one culture is better than another. I mean, one can make the claim, and I might even agree, but these things are subjective. In my view, it’s the supremacist mentality, whether religious, cultural or national, that leads to problems.
Damn, where do I even start?

I'm Palestinian, from the west bank, not gaza. So don't shit on me too hard. Growing up we were taught to hate the Jews. My parents always showed us propaganda movies that showed what awful things Jews did to us. The village I am from went under Israeli occupation after the 6 day war. There were land confiscations and what not, my parents ended up fleeing to South America because of the conflict. None of the other Arab countries would have wanted to take them in. Unfortunately Palestinians have a habit of causing all sorts of trouble, for example in places like Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon multi generational Palestinians still have limited rights. So the idea that "Palestinians should just go to another arab country!" doesn't work. Anyways, rambled a bit.

The Palestinians who cause the least trouble happen to be the Christians. Saying that what has happened has nothing to do with Islam is incorrect. I come from a muslim background, and while my parents were not particularly religious, it still influences culture. Islam and arabization was the worst thing that could have happened to the middle east. It replaced our religion (except the christians who stuck to their guns), our culture to an extent, our language, etc. Sometimes I feel like God is playing that game Civilization. lol.

This is a terrible tragic event, and Hamas just sealed the fate of 2 million Palestinians. Israel has told Gazans to flee, however they can't exactly flee as the area is blockaded, although supposedly specific instructions were given. I don't know the details. The idea of Palestine might have just been thrown out the window. I have always dreamt of going back to my homeland. But that wasn't possible in the past, definitely not now and likely ever.

Anyways, I am sure someone will accuse me of trying to appease the westerns by saying this. Islam is indeed a death cult. I'm not very political, I rarely talk about politics these days as the only thing I care about is music. I barely even have a presence online. I think the middle east would have been far better off if Islam never took hold. My opinion. ?‍♀️

Say what you will to me.
Thanks for sharing. Could you elaborate?

1. Why do you consider Islam a religion of hate?

2. Why and how were you taught to hate Jews?

3. Why is Egypt blockading the Palestinians, and other Arab countries not accepting them?
Telling you to poke your rainbow flag where the sun don't shine is a long way from taking a nice sharp machete and briskly detaching your head while chanting praises to God so I'm not sure you've made an accurate equation.

I've seen the eyes of some of the most extreme Christian hate mongers. They're maybe a decade of moral slide removed from lopping heads if needed to make their points.
Let's all take a moment to remember the infamous Christian Crusades and their unique recruiting methods.

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Thanks for sharing. Could you elaborate?

1. Why do you consider Islam a religion of hate?

2. Why and how were you taught to hate Jews?

3. Why is Egypt blockading the Palestinians, and other Arab countries not accepting them?

You're welcome!

1. Because I've seen the hate, and felt the hate not from just my parents, but extended family, people at the mosque, etc. Also, muslims have this feeling of supremacy; they believe that they are better than everyone. Islam is practically open to interpretation, especially with something like the hadiths, which leads to a lot of the extremism you see. ISIS had their interpretation of Islam. Some muslims believe that heinous acts are ok so long as they are done to the "unbelievers." Also Jews are pretty much unanimously hated by muslims. Because jews refused to follow mohammed. Mohammed killed Jews, then was killed by a Jew. I know its cliché to say not all muslims are bad, but a lot of them have very unsettling beliefs.

2. Well, I am Palestinian, and we are taught to hate Jews because they took our land. Of course there is a lot more to it, lots of behind the scenes stuff happened. It's more complicated than they just took our land. But that is how its presented. This is taught to us at a young age, and as I said earlier, my parents would show us violent propaganda type movies that showed the "struggle." As children mind you. I remember watching Seinfeld as a kid and I was told not to watch it because Jerry was Jewish. :rolleyes: Over the years I have befriended Jews through my school years (we have a decent jewish population here). My jewish friend and I in high school would crack jokes at each other saying stuff like "give me back my land!" and what not. Was funny lol. My mom worked for a Jewish Army Captain who ended up helping me with my military benefits which was very kind of him.

3. Because Palestinians have a habit of biting the hand that feeds them. Read up on Black September and the Lebanese civil war. All these arab countries that say they support the Palestinians, don't really support them. It would behoove the Palestinians to live peacefully with the Jewish people, so they can stay where they are. No one wants them, which is why many like my family fled to South America. There is even a heavy Palestinian Christian population in South America because if they go to neighboring countries, they would likely face discrimination, assuming if they are let in in the first place.
Right now a Mesa Stiletto Trident. It's a bit on the bright and edgy side, but smooths out with some volume. I haven't been able to crank it up lately so I am using my mesa v twin in the fx return for some slightly darker tones and it sounds great!
Right now a Mesa Stiletto Trident.

He was not being serious. He does stuff like that to try and make fun of people. See, he fancies himself a Christian boy but he's one of those cherry picking types, i.e.; a phony Christian. You'd be best to just ignore him in the future. He's a waste of keystrokes imo.
He was not being serious. He does stuff like that to try and make fun of people. See, he fancies himself a Christian boy but he's one of those cherry picking types, i.e.; a phony Christian. You'd be best to just ignore him in the future. He's a waste of keystrokes imo.
Hey, you're back !
