this dude shreds

I fucks with that ^_^
I’m learning how to play Demonberrie without his presets . Playing them with a normal time makes it extra hard . Still sounds amazing . Better I think without the effects for the solo part
I'm not the biggest fan of the polyphia-style trend of "ultra technical guitar making video game noises over rap beat" thing that's been happening over the last couple years but I've never heard playing like that before. Feels like he's expanding the boundaries of what people can expect guitar to sound like, which I'll always be cool with.

Also I'll go out on a limb and say I bet if that rhythm work was done over a Meshuggah style drum and bass backing track, most people here would be shitting bricks freaking out about that guy's right hand instead of talking shit. :)
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I think it's really cool, definitely a unique style and sounds musical to me.