Thoughts, prayers and battlefield tourniquets

And, nada from the 2nd amendments folk. Which is, well, what CAN you say?

How's your average 9 year old going to handle a leg or arm shot off or a head wound where the brain is hanging out? How about that gut shot with all the bowels spilled on the floor? While all the time there's still a shooter prowling around.

<spits> Texas <spits>
Awesome to own.
Different parts of the US may as well be different countries when it comes to gun culture.

I'd never seen civilians open carrying in public until moving to Arizona when I was 37!
Same with my wife and two kids (14 and 9) - was a bit mind blowing at the time.
Different parts of the US may as well be different countries when it comes to gun culture.

I'd never seen civilians open carrying in public until moving to Arizona when I was 37!
Same with my wife and two kids (14 and 9) - was a bit mind blowing at the time.
Sell your cloak and buy a sword, Donnie !

Different parts of the US may as well be different countries when it comes to gun culture.

I'd never seen civilians open carrying in public until moving to Arizona when I was 37!
Same with my wife and two kids (14 and 9) - was a bit mind blowing at the time.
you will also see the occasional dude with the kabar strapped to their thigh around these parts also.
you will also see the occasional dude with the kabar strapped to their thigh around these parts also.

Plenty of big knifes and hunting rifles growing up (right on the borders of NH and ME). That was nothing.

It was Walt & June Cleaver (and kids) with pistols on their hips strolling through a CVS that seemed nuts! 😉
Plenty of big knifes and hunting rifles growing up (right on the borders of NH and ME). That was nothing.

It was Walt & June Cleaver (and kids) with pistols on their hips strolling through a CVS that seemed nuts! 😉
Being around responsible citizens who carry is a great feeling , being around groups of people in gun free zones is terrifying because gun free zones are the first place criminals target .
We have to have this exercise every single time, because of idiots like OP..

Insane people are the problem, not firearms.

If you take away all firearms tomorrow, insane people will kill others with motor vehicle, knives, hammers... whatever.