Time for another Wizard MCII 50 watt raffle for sick children!! Dec. 23rd drawing date. Multiple prizes!! LESS THAN A WEEK REMAINING

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tone Monster
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Hey gang, Rick @WizardAmplification and I are once again teaming up for a charity raffle for sick kids. 100% of proceeds (and more) will go to St. Jude’s. Each ticket is $20, maxium 10 tickets this time around. We'll see how that works out this time. Rick, you are THE MAN!! Drawing will conclude on December 23rd. We donated $6700 last time. Let's crush this one! Share to any other forum.

The Master List in in post #129

Friends and family (should be obvious but isn’t lol)
Please include your screenname here.

Sent Venmo. I'm a sucker for fundraising raffles for a good cause.
I had some issues with the stickies on the forum recently. Lost a few of them for no apparent reason. I just stickied again!! St Jude played an important role in some close family members life at one point. They're are a great organization and anything to raise money and awareness to them gets 100% support from me.
And of course, Wizard amps are amazing so this is an all-around win!! Thank you guys for doing this.
Damn!!! I forgot to message you about this dude…
$20 bucks for the chance to win a Wizard, and other great prizes as well! No brainer! ?
…and/or just because for St Jude’s. Not gonna lie, I’m disappointed in most of our forumites. I guess I could understand some caution on the first raffle, but after that went very smoothly, the lukewarm participation baffles me. The odds are incredible versus most raffles. Also, not surprisingly, the members that I had negative spidey senses about over the years….lets just say almost 100% of “them” didn’t donate. Now hey, if you truly are struggling at the moment I get that. But there are LOTS of people here that 20 bucks means nothing. Even if you don’t desire a Wizard, do it for the kids dammit. /rant. Thanks a Bajillion to everyone that participated. Good people are the essence of life. Screw the self centered mouth breathers.