Title 42 Expires Soon. Flood the Sanctuary Cities

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Democrats have been playing the long game for a couple decades now. I don't think 3rd world communist shithole is their intention, though it may well be the eventual result regardless. I think the New World Order is their goal. And for the record there are plenty of old, white republicans on board with this plan as well. The politicians like to divide us up by race and drive wedges in between us with things like guns, religion, abortion, transsexuals, etc. because it makes their jobs easier and keeps them in power.

The reality of it isn't black v white or left v right. It's rich, elite "Leaders" v the rest of us. It's much more a matter of classism than racism.

I agree to an extent, because there’s money to be made in division, but some of the general arguments presented in a lot of these threads are very short term gambles that have no defined end goal, and more often than not lead to a literal counter productive dead end revenue curve.

Someone will need to pay the bills. Rich elite leaders don’t want a finite pile of money, they want the ability to continue making money.

The government continuously makes moves to allow that tax base spigot to flow. I love it when people say “I own my house and my land outright!”. Well, don’t pay your tax bill and see who does in an asset forfeiture court.
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I agree to an extent, because there’s money to be made in division, but some of the general arguments presented in a lot of these threads are very short term gambles that have no defined end goal, and more often than not lead to a literal counter productive dead end revenue curve.

Someone will need to pay the bills. Rich elite leaders don’t want a finite pile of money, they want the ability to continue making money.

The government continuously makes moves to allow that tax base spigot to flow. I love it when people say “I own my house and my land outright!”. Well, don’t pay your tax bill and see who does in an asset forfeiture court.

If you think about how this country was founded and what it was intended to be, government has advanced in a predictable way. Governments and the people that "Lead" them are constantly trying to accumulate and retain power and control. As long as almost all of the population consists of self reliant people there is little opportunity for them to increase their control and power. That's the way it was intended by the framers. For the last 40 years, well maybe really since the mid 1960s, the people in control of this government, having figured that out, have been trying to keep us in a self induced state of crisis. The addition of foreign immigrants has went from the "Great melting pot" theory to a useful strategy for making the population less self reliant and thus more reliant on government.

We could expound on this in almost every aspect of government intrusion and intervention almost infinitely, but the bottom line is that our government has been incrementally increasing their control and power since before most of us were born. And almost every crisis or political issue or bit of political theater has been perpetrated with that objective. That's why they want to disarm us. They don't care about people who get shot to death whether it's kids or inner city black folks or middle class white folks. If they did they certainly would have figured out something that would effectively decrease it, yet they just keep harping on the same old failed strategy. Universal disarmament. They don't want us all to be too comfortable financially. If they did they certainly wouldn't have thrown away untold trillions of dollars on all the wasteful government spending that has been going on forever. If you just look for instance at what it cost us for the War on terror, or even just what we have spent in Ukraine in the last 2 years. Think of that dollar amount and then divide it by the number of US citizens. They could have made us all millionaires several times over. We certainly have the means to be self reliant as a country. Produce all our own consumables.

With this in mind it's easy to take any single political issue and imagine how it benefits the government to divide us and make it all seem like a crisis. Sadly idiots on both sides of the aisle fall for this shit. We're all going to die from global warming. Gays and transgenders are going to ruin the country and our morals. And on and on. Literally EVERY FUCKING THING anyone has ever argued about politically in the last 50 years is complete made up fantasy bullshit.
Poll: Most Democrats In Favor Of Welcoming Immigrants Into Someone Else's Neighborhood

U.S. — A new USA Today poll has found that an overwhelming majority of Democrats are in favor of welcoming immigrants from Central and South America into other people's neighborhoods.

The study showed that Democrats are very pro-immigration as long as the immigration is to areas very far away from themselves.

"We found that 92% of liberal Americans are 'strongly in favor' of as many immigrants as possible moving into the country, as long as they never have to see them or deal with them in person," said the study's lead researcher, Dr. Henry Bollickson. "When we posed the question of whether immigrants should be welcomed with open arms into other people's areas, Democrats were strongly in favor of that idea. But when we posed the question of whether immigrants should be welcomed into one's own city, neighborhood, or home, the number of Democrats in favor of that idea went down dramatically."

"This just goes to show that Democrats are some of the most loving and welcoming people, as long as other people are doing the, you know, loving and welcoming."

At publishing time, sources had also confirmed that a majority of Democrats are in favor of raising taxes to pay for social programs, as long as the taxes are paid by other people.


Biden Regime Caught Colluding With Mexican Gov’t to INTENTIONALLY Allow Migrant Invasion​


That's a lot of people! Hey, maybe you'll find a cute Latino boyfriend! There's hope for you!

What really needs to happen and what I always hope for is that a third world savage violently rapes and beats a liberals daughter because way too many of these prehistoric barbarians are doing that to innocent people who never voted for this third world invasion .

Liberals having Shit4brains always support the destruction of the USA but rarely suffer the consequences of what they support and I think that's going to change because the people in Chicago , NY etc... are now screaming and infuriated at how their party is intentionally destroying their lives .

The ONLY thing that might change a retarded liberals mind is for their own children to suffer the wrath of these third world parasites .
What really needs to happen and what I always hope for is that a third world savage violently rapes and beats a liberals daughter because way too many of these prehistoric barbarians are doing that to innocent people who never voted for this third world invasion .

Liberals having Shit4brains always support the destruction of the USA but rarely suffer the consequences of what they support and I think that's going to change because the people in Chicago , NY etc... are now screaming and infuriated at how their party is intentionally destroying their lives .

The ONLY thing that might change a retarded liberals mind is for their own children to suffer the wrath of these third world parasites .
Hmmm...I dunno. I get along with every immigrant I've ever met. No worries there. Of course, I hang out in circles of...well...let's just say higher levels of income and education.

I imagine it's the white trash trailer park scene that begs for the violence they receive. Drugs are bad, m'kay?
Yep, and an expressed opinion in the US today is free- that may change with Grampa in charge though.
You must be so darn angry that Grampa sent your guy packing for the border with no weapons! Wow, look at all those people, too.