Well-known member
Democrats have been playing the long game for a couple decades now. I don't think 3rd world communist shithole is their intention, though it may well be the eventual result regardless. I think the New World Order is their goal. And for the record there are plenty of old, white republicans on board with this plan as well. The politicians like to divide us up by race and drive wedges in between us with things like guns, religion, abortion, transsexuals, etc. because it makes their jobs easier and keeps them in power.
The reality of it isn't black v white or left v right. It's rich, elite "Leaders" v the rest of us. It's much more a matter of classism than racism.
I agree to an extent, because there’s money to be made in division, but some of the general arguments presented in a lot of these threads are very short term gambles that have no defined end goal, and more often than not lead to a literal counter productive dead end revenue curve.
Someone will need to pay the bills. Rich elite leaders don’t want a finite pile of money, they want the ability to continue making money.
The government continuously makes moves to allow that tax base spigot to flow. I love it when people say “I own my house and my land outright!”. Well, don’t pay your tax bill and see who does in an asset forfeiture court.
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