Title 42 Expires Soon. Flood the Sanctuary Cities

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This is from 2018 .
By Devvy Kidd at NWV

For more than a decade, intellectually lazy or biased reporters and ‘journalists’ have fed the American people the 11 million illegals number. What crap. It’s more like 30-40 million illegals in this country due to ‘chain migration’ . The 11 million illegals number is about right for just the State of California.

The blood of every American murdered, killed by drunk illegals on the road, children and seniors raped by illegals drips from the hands of ALL members of Congress who have not made this a top issue from one election to the next as well as governors and state legislators. While Democrats puke up their usual propaganda about illegals being so wonderful and important, an average of 12 AMERICANS are murdered or killed (usually drunk Mexicans driving) every day in this country by an illegal alien.

All Democrat politicians want is more voters for their communist based ideology, period. Decades ago the Democratic Party became a sub-set of the Communist Party International and if you’ve done your homework you know this to be a fact.

RINO’s in the Outlaw Congress could care less about you and your loved ones or Kate’s Law would have sailed through Congress.

An illegal alien protected by the rotten SOB’s who run San Francisco murders an innocent young woman and all he gets for taking her life is time served. Thankfully, that waste of human skin is still in the joint as the feds will now get possession of him. Zarate’s attorney, another Mexican, said charges by the federal government are ‘discriminatory’. Really?

How many more funerals will it take? How many more raped babies, toddlers, teens and seniors will it take to get that wall built? How many more illegals will be allowed to stay in this country instead of rounding them up and getting them deported before Congress acts?
Pelosi's district BEFORE the invasion .

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I do not give one fuck about any illegal alien's struggles or"conditions they go through to get to the border" or how shitty the conditions are in whatever shithole country they are coming from - instead of staying and working and fighting to make their homes better they come here to further destroy our home and way of life - or are coaxed here to do just that. Fuck these people like this self-loathing White fool here:
I do not give one fuck about any illegal alien's struggles or"conditions they go through to get to the border" or how shitty the conditions are in whatever shithole country they are coming from - instead of staying and working and fighting to make their homes better they come here to further destroy our home and way of life - or are coaxed here to do just that. Fuck these people like this self-loathing White fool here:

Watson nails it as he always does (y)

They come here because our corrupt as corrupt can possibly get government pays them to be here and provides them everything they need and American citizens that overwhelmingly voted against mass immigration and wide open borders are forced to pay for it.

Why? Because these people have an average IQ of 70 and are trash...

Cool. Now do all the Irish flag wavers across the country and then do those dirty, treasonous, confederate flag waving, cousinfuckers after that.
When we get to the "pride flag" wavers, are you gonna start cryin'

Go test one of your shoddy kit amps in the bathtub, retard.
Pride flags don’t represent another country.
It represents your religion..

You worship the almighty "woke wiener".

And you people demand allegiance to your Satanic religion.
Hail Satan. You’re next.