Title 42 Expires Soon. Flood the Sanctuary Cities

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It’s A Full-Scale Invasion: Joe Biden’s Immigrant Mob

In April, I visited the border in Nogales, Arizona, as well as other locations, to witness a full-scale invasion of the United States of America. What did I learn by witnessing it firsthand? What did I learn from the U.S. Border Patrol? What did I learn about Joe Biden and/or his handlers? What did I learn about the future of America?


Part 2: It’s a Full-Scale Invasion by Design and Fully Orchestrated by Biden and Congress

My final questions to you as an American: What do we do when our entire culture, language and ethos fragments into foreign enclaves? Have you seen France or Sweden lately? How do we pull ourselves back from the suicide-brink as spoken by historian Arnold Toynbee?

Not really pertaining to the border invasion but spoke to my son today. He said he received a "Preliminary Equipment" list he had to fulfill by Saturday as they head out Monday. He had to spend $265 out of pocket for new required clothing and will likely have to spend an extra 300 tomorrow for more on his lunch break. 8 hours of mandatory online readiness assignments due by tomorrow. He worked all day today and works tomorrow after his allnighter online shit. He gets 200/yr for a clothing allowance- the rest he has to pay for. Our Military is fucked beyond belief. Talk your kids away from going into the Military. They are thieves to protect the elite.
Not really pertaining to the border invasion but spoke to my son today. He said he received a "Preliminary Equipment" list he had to fulfill by Saturday as they head out Monday. He had to spend $265 out of pocket for new required clothing and will likely have to spend an extra 300 tomorrow for more on his lunch break. 8 hours of mandatory online readiness assignments due by tomorrow. He worked all day today and works tomorrow after his allnighter online shit. He gets 200/yr for a clothing allowance- the rest he has to pay for. Our Military is fucked beyond belief. Talk your kids away from going into the Military. They are thieves to protect the elite.
My stepson is finishing his sophomore year of college and has been saying since he was a kid he wants to go in the Marine Corps - the deal is he has to graduate college first and we're hoping within the next two years with four years away at school and watching all of this insanity, he changes his mind.
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Oh shit! Lifting title 42? How will our country ever survive when the border laws are returned to normal pre covid rules of 2019 and prior? No administration has ever let that happen.

Oh wait, nevermind. Fuckers crying wolf. :rolleyes:
Stripped Anus is all bout the "love". :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
