Title 42 Expires Soon. Flood the Sanctuary Cities

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Brownsville TX-Republic of the Democratic state of Mexico
A coworker quit here (Indiana) and moved to Brownsville. 6 months later he moved back, saying it was too hot…that may not have been the whole truth.

When Biden says he must "Finish the job" he's talking about finishing Obama's transformation of America and that transformation has been to turn the USA into a third world communist country .

Full-Scale Invasion of America: The Serious Ramifications to All of Us


View attachment 203455

CCN has a flair for photoshop.
BBC is now reporting on this, and BBC does not typically give much space to US immigration situations, so you *know* shit is serious

I feel bad for everyone in El Paso right now, by the sound of it, things are genuinely out of control
Someone tweeted the below . Nails it .

Someone needs to tell the Venezuelans piling up at the border that they don't need to come to us. We're turning into them.
This is exactly what happens...

They make it up north to NYS.
They then get work on farms.
They then find the large, round, toothless, white (caucasian) women on welfare to knock up.
They then have "American" babies that are taken care of within the system.
They then keep a few bucks, don't pay our taxes and send their earnings home...

This is something I learned delivering propane to migrant farms for a number of years.
Nothing racist (or sexist) about this post. Lol