Tom Morello sucks in a big way...

i'll say this. i was a rage fan to a point back in the day and i think the band as a whole was amazing.

but this is my take on morello

sure, he's gimmicky in that he always has these off the wall sounds and that's his thing. but his standard riffing is great. it may not be paul gilbert technical but you know what? the second you hear a morello riff you know it morello.

that's something everyone wishes they had "their sound"
he has it...and plenty of gimmicks to boot. apparently back in the day he had his chops up but that's all hear-say.
Chris Cornell rules, his Soundgarden stuff is so much better, and he can pull it off live. He's just awesome.

Maybe the stuff you saw wasn't good but everyone has their good and bad gigs.
SgtThump":c26fa said:
... and I'm ashamed of you guys that are praising him in this thread.

What a tool that guy is. Yeah, he sure is "creative" when he plays a single note solo and rocks back and forth on a whammy pedal. Oh boy. :roll:


He's a fucking joke IMO. I've never understood how anyone can call that guy a great guitarist.
j666":d0d0f said:

so you gotta solo to be good? :o

I think you missed what I meant. I think he sucks as a guitar player. In a magazine, he admitted that he can't solo at all. The two statements are unrelated to each other, but are conveyed in such that shows his lack of ability when it comes to guitar playing. I never said that you have to solo to be good.
i'm not a fan of rap-metal, rap-rock, or any of that stuff as a general rule, but I know good shit when I hear it. the first RATM cd flat out rocked balls. i think it was more the intensity of it than anything else, and I really didn't like the political undertones of it, but it still rocked. that being said, Morello is a decent player, but it's his imagination with the instrument that gives him the extra edge.
also, Chris Cornell is far from being the best vocalist in rock. he has his niche, and he sticks to it....probably why he's so rich now. he's not versatile in any way, though.

the best vocalist in rock music is Mike Patton, bar none. the man might be crazy, but he's insanely talented.
Murdoch7621":6ebd2 said:
also, Chris Cornell is far from being the best vocalist in rock. he has his niche, and he sticks to it....probably why he's so rich now. he's not versatile in any way, though.

the best vocalist in rock music is Mike Patton, bar none. the man might be crazy, but he's insanely talented.

Take a listen to Ultra Mega OK -
Chris Cornell has miles of range and has more talant in his stool than Mike Patton has in his whole body. In fact the only way Patton could even approach Cornell's level of godliness would be to actually eat the aforementioned very talanted stool.
SgtThump":956a3 said:
Plus, he's just a tool in general. Everything from wearing his guitar like a bowtie to his stupid political views. Just a tool.

i'm surprised that you, of all people, would bring up someone's appearance. what, with the leather chaps and all. and stupid political views?...well, doesn't that include just about anybody?

and yeah, jimi looked funny too, jimi had political views and expressed them as well, jimi made funky weird noises, and yes...i am comparing morello to jimi and here's why. opinion is a muthafukker.

i don't think either of them played anything super-duper special as far as rhythms go, but they were both good. to me, jimi is a pretty standard blues guitarist and morello is a pretty standard "groove" guitarist. the thing that i think makes both of them great, is their creativity and ability to do something off the wall and new. from jimi puttin' backwards licks in his songs to morello making his guitar sound better than a pair of turntables.
they both were off the norm yet managed to stay in the public eye. not alot of guitarists can do this but most of them aspire to.
i listen to alot of metal and lean towards the extreme side of things but i've heard a ton of guitarists that can rip but they don't stand out all that much. these to did and do.
i'm not trying to get you to all the sudden think morello is god or anything. that would be as useless and unecessary as you trying to get me to think jimi is god. actually, try and convince me that kurt cobain was a great guitarist and i'll just laugh at you. :D
so i guess i see where you're coming from.
SgtThump":90e39 said:
I don't refer to things I don't like as "sucking." I just say I don't like them. However, Morello sounds like an amateur to me when it comes to playing leads. He sounds totally lost and even plays out of key sometimes like a beginner than has no idea what he's doing.

Plus, he's just a tool in general. Everything from wearing his guitar like a bowtie to his stupid political views. Just a tool.

Dude you've gone NUTZ! Morello is one of the frickin' most innovative, ingenious shredders in the business. He is second to none in touch, feel and most of all shear tone. The guy is a tone god!

Here it is to prove it with out a question:
SgtThump":2b75d said:

I'm pretty sure you're joking, right? That video was ridiculous.

At least you haven't lost your touch. :D
SgtThump":23788 said:
I don't refer to things I don't like as "sucking." I just say I don't like them. However, Morello sounds like an amateur to me when it comes to playing leads. He sounds totally lost and even plays out of key sometimes like a beginner than has no idea what he's doing.

Plus, he's just a tool in general. Everything from wearing his guitar like a bowtie to his stupid political views. Just a tool.

You come off as old and bitter when it comes to Morello, Chris. He has a Master's in Political Science from Harvard, btw. He's also received multiple awards for his political work believe it or not. Just because you disagree with his political views doesn't make them stupid. Frankly I'll bet you would be quickly humiliated in a politcal debate with the guy. I think he's great, and innovative. You don't, Congrats. However, I highly doubt you've listened to that much of his stuff, nor that you understand his hiphop/dj influences.

SgtThump":b0e76 said:
Sorry to offend the Morello fanboys. :D

You didn't. You just seem old and close-minded. :D

edit: I may have been wrong on the masters afterall, it may just be a BA. But he did just win the 2006 Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights award for example.
SgtThump":e4635 said:

I am old and bitter, so I can't really argue with that. lol... I'm not technically "old", but I sure act like it. :D

I agree that Cornell has sucked live from time to time but since Soundgarden went big Cornell has been often been called one of the best in the bussiness. Just listen to that Temple Of The Dog cd. And Audioslave is what many people these days consider a Supergroup. I think Cornell would be able to pull of some great renditions of some Led Zep stuff.
pop_n_fresh":11b3b said:
Chris Cornell rules, his Soundgarden stuff is so much better, and he can pull it off live. He's just awesome.

Maybe the stuff you saw wasn't good but everyone has their good and bad gigs.

Chris Cornell is my idol but he can't do shit live any more.
SgtThump":e3780 said:
If you guys want to hear a good live rock singer, go see Brad Delp in the band "Boston" or maybe Jeff Keith from "Tesla." Two totally different styles, but these guys are consistent and sound fantastic to me.

You have to go back 30 years and dig up Brad Delp? Brad sang high as shit but didn't have half the soul that Cornel has. I like Tesla but there singer always reminded me of a heroine addict. 8)