I probably should have mentioned in the OP but if one is going after a particular tone would that change your advice? In other words, if they objective is closest to stock — then option A, and so on. I'm ultimately after a modded marshal tone anyways.Heyboer/Hammond are kinda the gold standard. Not the pinnacle but still very good. Can’t go wrong with either.
Mercury if you want high plate voltages and dc taps. But they’re expensive
Merrins are the closest clone to the originals but if memory serves me correct your gonna wait a while.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll have some lead time for the chassis/circuit anyways. Not two years though!I am ordering a power transformer from Marstran for my 67 Supertremolo. 12 week leadtime. Merren will never get back to you, been at least two years since I tried contacting him. Probably more at the mercy for what you can actually get your hands on at this point.
For a modded Marshall thing I’d go Hammond/heyboer. Personally I have some Hammonds in my clone and it’s spot on. And as you’ve seen by now nobody has a bad thing to say about heyboer either.I probably should have mentioned in the OP but if one is going after a particular tone would that change your advice? In other words, if they objective is closest to stock — then option A, and so on. I'm ultimately after a modded marshal tone anyways.