tried that Sykes/Bob Rock thing... clip

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COVID sux. It affects everyone slightly different based on your genetic code. Different variants give different results. Maybe a little more tweaking by the tweakers and instead of ~1% population death there will be 10%, 50%. Depends. 🫤. The key is hydration in non lethal virus infections. If you get dehydrated; that’s when organs fail. We have seen this happen to one of our own on RT. God rest his soul. Stay hydrated.
Someone had a mimiq pedal here, can’t remember who ? @JackBootedThug anyway it had a lot of noise running multi amps. (Ground loops maybe). I personally love running multi amps/pre’s, powers and used a Lehle ABY which helps significantly with the noise floor/ground loops. Clip sounds great btw. Not bad for feeling shitty
Get well
The mimiq didn’t work for me at all. Can’t remember how I was running it but it was a disappointment.
It does add a little noise, I guess I could put a gate in the amp loop to help for songs like this with pauses, but just for jamming if you have multiple amps or experiments like this it’s sooo fun
Exactly what I do all the time. Never sticking with one thing.
Clip sounds great.

Regarding Covid, my suggestion is to get ivermectin. I had covid twice, took ivermectin both times and within 24 hours I was almost symptom free and feeling fine.
The mimiq didn’t work for me at all. Can’t remember how I was running it but it was a disappointment.

every demo ive watched people are using it a different way, and its not how i do it. Bram uses his in a way that i know Khole does but i havent tried that. all i do is use it like A/B box, just plug in, one out to one amp and the other to the other amp, keep it on one dub and thats it. it looks like this..


i have the "stereo" out going right into my 5153 with the chorus in the loop, and the mono going into the iic+ rig


so now one track becomes "doubled" with the "mimiq'd" signal, this is what is sounds like with one take and each track panned L/R

if you listen to that clip, you would think its two separate takes or two different guys playing, and thats whats so fun when you are jamming by yourself with two rigs, you can have you through one rig, and then "mimiq'd" you playing the other amp, and it becomes this stereo goodness that you will probably never want to go back to playing without it
Thanks, I just use it like an a/b box on “one dub” and send it to each amp
Thanks. I knew that, I was more curious on settings. I think last time I asked you said you had all the settings maxed. My set up is surprising fairly quite now. I will probably replace the MXR ABY box with a Lehle or Radial. I do use an NS2 in X pattern.
I only had an issue with it when I was using it with two amps as my main splitter. That was also before I added a hum eliminator to my chain. With one amp it was quiet but to get the full spectrum you need two amps. Now I use the ms3 and am running my second amp with maybe 40ms of delay. I have a huge sounding bedroom rig. Pushing 220 watts of tube goodness. Enough power to let all my neighbors know how bad I suck….👍
and thank you everyone for the concern, i finally slept well last night and feel a million times better. i have covid a couple times before, but this time was really bad, be safe!!
Ivermectin bro…that shit worked for me. But I have o- blood and we seem to be really resistant for some reason.
Thanks. I knew that, I was more curious on settings. I think last time I asked you said you had all the settings maxed. My set up is surprising fairly quite now. I will probably replace the MXR ABY box with a Lehle or Radial. I do use an NS2 in X pattern.

i had the tightness all the way up, i think thats the "most drunk" setting :ROFLMAO:

I only had an issue with it when I was using it with two amps as my main splitter. That was also before I added a hum eliminator to my chain. With one amp it was quiet but to get the full spectrum you need two amps. Now I use the ms3 and am running my second amp with maybe 40ms of delay. I have a huge sounding bedroom rig. Pushing 220 watts of tube goodness. Enough power to let all my neighbors know how bad I suck….👍

i never even tried it with one amp, ive never tried the delay thing either, but i dont think thats the same cause its just delaying the same signal?? if i recorded one track, copied and pasted it into another track with a little delay it wouldnt really be doubling, it would just sound chorusy, the mimiq im guessing alters the signal somehow with varying delay times to simulate the differences of a human playing the same riff twice, or something haha
Sounds awesome but you've got to add vibrato to those chords!
Clip sounds great.

Regarding Covid, my suggestion is to get ivermectin. I had covid twice, took ivermectin both times and within 24 hours I was almost symptom free and feeling fine.
Twice? You know what that means. If there is a third time, Covid should be putting out for sure.
Sorry to hear about your illness. Nothing like some gear experimentation to distract the mind, at least
I've had Covid 6 times... it's nothing more than a slight inconvenience for me the last few times. But, OTOH, my younger brother got it once and it almost did him in.... Weird virus....

Anyway like the clip. I programmed my own Sykes tones in my Fractal FM9T. I'll post soon...