So I went to the space early yesterday, swapped out the preamp tubes with some older (still good) Ruby's I had. The volume did come (I didn't think there was much volume issue before until I changed the tubes) back so one of the Tungsols must have been on its way out. I adjusted the EQ one the second channel as follows (clock again)
Master 11
Channel Volume 2
Presence 3
Treble 2:30/3
Mid 3
Low 1:30/2
Gain 3
Turned the amp on WITH NO BOOST and it was great..plenty of grime but the lows were very flubby and loose so I cut them back and wasn't too happy with it. So then I engaged the tube screamer and dropped my treble slightly to 1 o'clock, gain to 11 o'clock, and brought the lows back up to 3 o'clock. The amp tightened up and sounded nasty..really got into it for a while until the dudes showed up. Started playing with them..and I'm lost again. I'm holding up the bottom with my bass player, chugging away, and shaking the space but I'm not coming through still. I turn up the master to 1 o'clock and, while louder and definitely more noticeable, he's still coming through. Swap into my 6505, and hey..guess who's back. I may consider running the ABY with the 6505 so it's that much more immense sounding, but we're usually rushed for setup/breakdown so IDK.
I love my Uberschall and how beastly it stands alone (or maybe as a single guitarist), but I'm slightly bummed that in a band application it's not what I had hoped. I should probably keep it home with the price tag and the type of environment the shows I play are, but it would be cool as hell to shake the place. I know our record will be huge sounding anyways...
I have some new chinese 12ax7s on the way so I'll try those. I'm not giving up and still love the amp, but I need to cut as I have "lead" parts..not meedley meedely, but lead none the less haha.
Thanks for all the advice,
Jonny Mac