FourT6and2":1valleyx said:
Yes, the presence knob on the Uber is key.
Turn up the presence.
Turn down the gain.
Turn down the bass.
Turn up the mids.
Turn up the channel volume and turn down the master slightly.
exactly this
the uber has a strange sort of preset presence on the circuit, and then a presence control that cuts upper mids along with the top end
just dial them back by using a higher setting
I had a similar problem with my main rig, which consists in a '73 les paul custom through a heavily modded '73 JMP 50w
my guitar is quite bassy, and my amp is VERY bassy, soft and saturated, like a Shiva x OD50 mix
first I had to find the right pickups for that guitar, and after a dozen pickups, I found that the right lower output pickups just sounded clearer and don't get mushed up with the high gain... these were riff raff and mule pickups, by bare knuckle
then a booster that will add the extra upper mids and cut the bass
I use mostly a ts9dx on ts9 mode, but a sd-1 does the job pretty well
I had a vintage maxon eq as a booster and it sounded even clearer than any overdrive
a non-basscutting pedal like a MXR CAE overdrive, OCD or lovepedal superlead simply won't do the job if your goal is cutting through, although they might sound great playing alone
then, I had to completely change my amp settings
don't be afraid about rolling off too much bass
you're a damn guitarist, not a bassist
if the amp is too bassy and the bass knob is anywhere above 0, there's no reason not to lower it
I use the bass on 1 (0-10, not clock time), sometimes 2, depending on the cab
and I'm talking about a 50w amp, which probably has much less low end than an uberschall
I crank the mids up to 10 (unless it's a meteoro cabinet, which is nasal as frak and sounds like crap), treble to taste, usually around 6-8
the presence knob doesn't suck much mids like the uber, but it gets VERY dark if I go lower than 5
I usually have it around 7-8, as it only gets spikey over 9 (unlike stock marshalls, that can get spikey at much lower presence settings)
other thing was to lower the gain a lot, to the point of a semiclean/crunch setting (around 4 on my amp)
if I set the gain up to 7, it's already Mesa levels of gain, and that will get things lost
so I set it to a soft crunch and then set the ovedrive pedal to level 10 gain 4 tone 6
all things combined = great midrangy present and thick but not farty high gain tone with just the right amount of clear picking response
and one of the most important things
if you want compression, abuse the CHANNEL volume, but if you want a punchy and cutting sound, lower the channel and try getting the MASTER volume as high as possible
just don't go too low on channel volume or things might get fizzy and thin on the drive channel