Trump GUILTY as charged.

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You won't find a bigger fan of Clint Eastwood on this forum. Raised on his films since I was a kid.
Let's see now, Clint Eastwood Politics:

* Social Liberal and Libertarian
* Anti - War:
* Pro - Choice:
* Pro Gun Control
* Pro Same - Sex Marriage:
* Political Environmentalist:
* Publicly supported Obama:
* Publicly disapproved of Trump and supported Democrats in 2020

You wrecked yourself, ya fckn dingbat 🤣🤣🤣

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View attachment 203923

You won't find a bigger fan of Clint Eastwood on this forum. Raised on his films since I was a kid.
Let's see now, Clint Eastwood Politics:

* Social Liberal and Libertarian
* Anti - War:
* Pro - Choice:
* Pro Gun Control
* Pro Same - Sex Marriage:
* Political Environmentalist:
* Publicly supported Obama:
* Publicly disapproved of Trump and supported Democrats in 2020

You wrecked yourself, ya fckn dingbat 🤣🤣🤣

giphy.gif unfurl="true"][/URL]
OMG , look at how triggered this lunatic is over a meme with a Clint Eastwood pick ha ha ha ha ha . I didn't steal that meme because of the image I stole it because of what it says LOL.
View attachment 203923

OMG , look at how triggered this lunatic is over a meme with a Clint Eastwood pick ha ha ha ha ha . I didn't steal that meme because of the image I stole it because of what it says LOL.

They all get triggered.
They’re mentally unstable.

Jezz is just a typical sick leftist.
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That was hysterical that you blew a gasket and searched out all this completely bogus information in an attempt to prove Clint is different than who he portrays only to fail miserably . Clint despises leftists , he thinks they're scum.

Jezz :hys:.

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That was hysterical that you blew a gasket and searched out all this completely bogus information in an attempt to prove Clint is different than who he portrays only to fail miserably . Clint despises leftists , he thinks they're scum.

Blew a gasket 🤣
Literally took 4 seconds on Google.

I thought the pic was irrelevant? Isn't that what you said? Now suddenly it IS relevant? 🤣🤣
Clint is a Democrat supporter.
He's not the redneck Republitard poster boy you wish he was.
Ah you couldn't tick any more retard boxes if you tried, idiot.
Blew a gasket 🤣
Literally took 4 seconds on Google.

I thought the pic was irrelevant? Isn't that what you said? Now suddenly it IS relevant? 🤣🤣
Clint is a Democrat supporter.
He's not the redneck Republitard poster boy you wish he was.
Ah you couldn't tick any more retard boxes if you tried, idiot.
Wrong as you always are . Clint hates liberals with a passion , called them low life pieces of shit , says they have completely destroyed California .
Wrong as you always are . Clint hates liberals with a passion , called them low life pieces of shit , says they have completely destroyed California .


Bbbbbbbut CLinT sEz dUh LiBs RuInEd CaliFoRNya!!!


Ya fckn numbskull 😂😂😂

How’s this sick fuck -

Searches this forum for a pic of me, standing in front of a World War I memorial where dead Commonwealth soldiers are honoured and commemorated, and then proceeds to repost an edited version of it online with a made up, full of shit tagline accusing me of something he knows is an absolute lie. Something I’ve directly spoken out against on this very forum.

Here’s the original pic of me standing out the front of the Thiepval Memorial on The Somme, Northern France.


You should be ashamed of yourself for disrespecting the memory of servicemen of WWI.
I hope everyone else on this forum sees you for the disgusting, disrespectful, unpatriotic and spineless piece of shit that you are.

@Monkey Man , ban this amoral and reprehensible insect off this forum, please.
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Keep talking shit Pedo, you’ll keep getting more shit. Go back to grooming Jezze, the kids are waiting. BTW, nice phony snarl! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Fuck up, you nauseating little asshole.
Now you’ve openly disrespected the memories of deceased Allied soldiers.
You have no concept of honour or patriotism.
Bullshit pedo. I wouldn’t have cropped it faggiot. I told you to get back to grooming, now go you little wimp.