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I can only sum up Trump's performance last night with. (Trump is such a loser and spoke NOTHING about policies, just went after Hunter Biden.. what an idiot LOL)

To be fair, he did touch on the policy of white supremacists being ready if he loses. :gethim:
My expectation was that Sleepy Joe would put Trump to bed early in the night. I was wrong. Trump shit the bed long before Joe could tuck him in. Repeatedly.

And repeatedly.
If you read the transcripts of the debate, Biden clearly speaks in proper English with very few broken sentences. However, Trump speaks with physical emotion involved so the transcripts cannot show that. Meaning his words look like a 6 year old wrote them.
Let's talk about Chris Wallace's blatant partiality for Biden? :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:

He should be fired from Fox immediately as he is not impartial, objective, truthful and not fit to be a broadcaster.
Krull":2k7c1u81 said:
Sitedrifter":2k7c1u81 said:
If you read the transcripts of the debate, Biden clearly speaks in proper English with very few broken sentences. However, Trump speaks with physical emotion involved so the transcripts cannot show that. Meaning his words look like a 6 year old wrote them.

You actually read the transcripts of that shit show? :lol: :LOL:

Why was Joe Biden reading notes? I thought both candidates weren't give the questions in advance.

It's clear as day Chris Wallace wouldn't let Trump finish his sentences. He was the one speaking over Trump while letting that corpse, doped up on who knows what speak uninterrupted.

Totally correct!
WGAF":38dp0hjg said:
Let's talk about Chris Wallace's blatant partiality for Biden? :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:

He should be fired from Fox immediately as he is not impartial, objective, truthful and not fit to be a broadcaster.

Chris Wallace was partial to Biden and was untruthful?

Show the proof Mr WGAF

While you dig that up, let me tell you what I saw last night. (paraphrasing of course)

Chris Wallace: Mr Biden how are you going to handle the Covid pandemic if you take office.

Biden: We have lost over 205k beloved Americans to Covid with 40k/mo being infected and 1k/day dying and it continues under this administration. I will ....

Trump butts in: Hey Joe, where is Hunter? China, China plague, China very bad. Hey Joe how did Hunter make millions from China? Moscow women, China virussss China bad, China real bad. Whaaaa :cry: I paid my taxes but Joe's kid got rich from China, Moscow, China.

Sorry but after seeing that last night, Trumpy Bear is exactly what the educated have been saying about him
Krull and WGAF are seriously the delusional fuckers 'round these parts.

Chris Wallace talked over Trump? You again show you are nuts.

I think Trumpy needed his binky last night cause he got put in the corner by Joe.
I have never seen a grown man act like such a losing whiner like I did watching Trump last night.
1000 times worse for the leader of the free world to act like a 6 year old having a tantrum about Hunter Biden and his own lack of any policy or plans for healthcare.
Last night was a dumpster fire. All Trump needs to do is keep quiet long enough for Ol' Bumblin' Joe to talk himself into a hole. He came out on the the defensive and I'm sure his relationship with Wallace is part of that. I think he's just plain sick of the bullshit from people, especially the media. He was far from composed but the Lib-muffins cant even begin to imply the Biden was any better. The people who support either party alredy know where their votes are going and last night won't change that. But for prople that are undecided? Sorry folks, you're on your own if you use the debates as any deciding factor.
Krull":1t4cf1jy said:
Like I said in my first post in this TDS thread. You are clearly on drugs Siteclown, like the rest of the libtards.

What exactly did Biden say last night besides "that's a lie" to give you his vote?

Was it the fact Joe Biden called Antifa an "idea" and not an organization.

Or was it the fact that he doesn't support the Green New Deal when his website says he does.

Or was it the fact he's been in politics for 47 years and hasn't accomplished anything.

Shut up non USA citizen who has no voice in this.

If I was voting for Joe, it would be because of the 6 year old display of whining I saw from Trumpy Bear.

Funny thing is, Trump HAD ZERO, NADA, ZILCH, NUTTIN on anything of relevance to the US citizens.
No healthcare plan
No Covid plan
No jobs plan
No infrastructure plan

So Fuck you little man. :rock:
Debate: 6-Arm Dumpster Fire :cry:
Trump: 90-Minute Obese Old Blonde Pussy Bitch Blow It All Out Rosarco Milk Styling Cream Tweet :D

Very Disappointing :thumbsdown:
Trump had him on-the-ropes several times but made the mistake of not providing clear air (silence) after making good "gotcha" points, instead choosing to continue talking.

If he'd simply paused strategically, the newsworthy soundbites and Joe's deer-in-the-headlights moments that would've resulted from said pauses would've made the debate look a whole lot different.

For Trump's sake, I hope his strategists point this out and encourage him to hold back at the right times next time... if he chooses to listen to them, that is. He just needs to dial the Attack Mode™ back from 11 to 7 or 8 and these debates will be slaughters.
Yeah, Wallace slipped in that loaded trick question when he asked Trump whether he would condemn white supremacists. What a gotcha moment that was. Wallace plays hardball for sure.
Krull":81gcfgcu said:
Did you guys see the same debate I saw? All I saw was...
Don't know why you quoted my post, brother; I thought I was fair.

Anyway, at the risk of repeating myself, I was referring to gotcha moments that weren't part of his designated 2-minute slots, where he interrupted Obiden and you could see and hear that he startled / befuddled him.

As I said, if he'd just stopped talking at those points, things would've looked a whole-lot different 'cause Sleepy Joe would've stewed in his own juices for what would've seemed like an eternity.
Krull":3cvz4abz said:
JackTripper":3cvz4abz said:
Yeah, Wallace slipped in that loaded trick question when he asked Trump whether he would condemn white supremacists. What a gotcha moment that was. Wallace plays hardball for sure.

Where in America is there White Supremacists running around burning and looting like Antifa and BLM?

Yes, you are correct that White Supremacist don't burn or loot property. They saunter into synagogues, black churches and random Walmart locations and shoot anybody that moves.
Krull":3e99ousq said:
JackTripper":3e99ousq said:
Krull":3e99ousq said:
JackTripper":3e99ousq said:
Yeah, Wallace slipped in that loaded trick question when he asked Trump whether he would condemn white supremacists. What a gotcha moment that was. Wallace plays hardball for sure.

Where in America is there White Supremacists running around burning and looting like Antifa and BLM?

Yes, you are correct that White Supremacist don't burn or loot property. They saunter into synagogues, black churches and random Walmart locations and shoot anybody that moves.

And what exactly does that have to do with Trump????

Yaya, like I said above, Wallace plays hardball with those trick questions.
Krull":jl9ynlxb said:
Man, when I look at those guys all I see is "establishment".

Bloody career politicians; they're a freakin' disease I swear. :doh:
Monkey Man":1e29ed9a said:
Trump had him on-the-ropes several times but made the mistake of not providing clear air (silence) after making good "gotcha" points, instead choosing to continue talking.

If he'd simply paused strategically, the newsworthy soundbites and Joe's deer-in-the-headlights moments that would've resulted from said pauses would've made the debate look a whole lot different.

For Trump's sake, I hope his strategists point this out and encourage him to hold back at the right times next time... if he chooses to listen to them, that is. He just needs to dial the Attack Mode™ back from 11 to 7 or 8 and these debates will be slaughters.
MM - I watched >50% of the debate "again", and it takes on a very different character.

From my purview Trump is clearly more relaxed, initially politically polite and Biden comes off as exasperated and obviously trained like stroke degenerates are instructed and told to whisper "the early bird gets the worm" when they feel IT coming on to vector right into the camera when he feels like Trump-Time is closing in on his SENILE shot-in-head skull.

Please don't do it unless you dare. I'm merely refreshaparaphrasing for yawl.
