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When will I find it amusing to engage this asshat? I just don't see it happening
Diary Dem Inbred Donnie must be real scared of Trump. Thats all you write about all day everyday . MAGA MAGA MAGA ,Look at this fucking idiot that's in office now. Biden's a great leader for what?
I have it worked out to a formula :When will I find it amusing to engage this asshat? I just don't see it happening
Anyone who thinks the SV Bank collapse was a coincidence has not been paying attention to the details. The hidden hands at work here have left their fingerprints all over this one. And when it comes to this amount of money, there are no coincidences.
Meet Joseph Gentile, an executive at SV Bank.
Do you know where Joseph Gentile worked before he was at Silicon Valley Bank? He was the chief financial officer at Lehmann Brothers, which was the largest bank to crash in US history.
That’s one hell of a coincidence… but it gets even worse. Where do you think he worked before Lehmann Brothers?
Do you remember a company named Enron? Enron was an energy company based in Houston Texas and a Wall Street darling in the 90s. Do you remember Enron getting shut down in late 2001? Enron was the biggest bankruptcy in US history and the biggest audit failure. The founder and CEO were sentenced to 24 years in prison.
It just so happens Joseph Gentile was at the helm of all three companies before they went to the wall. And unlike his colleagues, he has never faced justice. The mainstream media want you to believe that this is just a coincidence. But there are no coincidences.
Mainstream Twitter users are joking that Joseph Gentile is just really bad at his job. But they don’t get it. There are no coincidences. And Gentile is really good at his job. He and others like him are doing the bidding of the global elite. And they are being richly rewarded – repeatedly – while ordinary people are being robbed blind.
What we are seeing is a push towards Global Government that is being camouflaged and cloaked in humanitarianism, multiculturalism, as well as manufactured threats such as global warming and pandemics in order to condition the population into accepting globalization and a One World Government.
In order for this to occur the elite are planning to create a global financial crisis the likes of which the world has never seen. Out of the ashes of this financial crisis will rise the phoenix of is a New International Economic Order. The public will be told that the new order is the only way to stabilize the world economy and save what little remains of their wealth. And if we learned anything from the manufactured crisis that was the Covid pandemic, then the mainstream masses are likely to fall for the deception hook, line and sinker.
It will be our job to educate the masses and stop this great deception from succeeding. Subscribe to the People’s Voice and join our Locals community to help us spread the word about the agenda of the globalist elite.
People often ask why the globalist elite would collapse the world economy. Wouldn’t that mean they destroy their own wealth in the process? The answer is no. The elite have been consolidating their wealth in order to protect it for centuries. The process of consolidation has accelerated dramatically in recent years, with the global financial crisis in 2008 and the Covid pandemic allowing the elite to get richer while the rest of us were made poorer.
When the world financial system finally crashes the elite will be positioned to buy whats left for pennies on the dollar. Where does this leave the rest of the world financially? The answer is in bondage to a Techno-Communist World Governmental System led by the World Economic Forum in Davos and the hidden hands that control the public face of that cabal.
If you pay attention now you can see that everything around you is being engineered towards this one goal.
Over the past century nation states have been forced into massive debt by central banks to ensure that once this collapse begins it will create a domino effect around the world.
We are currently seeing a shift towards a cashless society through the help of blockchain technology that will facilitate a new reserve currency under the IMF and World Bank known as the Special Drawing Right.
The globalist elite are also forcing their vassal states to move towards centralizing currency in the form of a so-called Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC, which by the way, is not currency at all – it is software designed as a tool of total social control.
It’s easy to see why CBDCs appeal to the far-left authoritarians in Davos. If they can cancel out your bank balance with a single keystroke, then you have no freedom, no autonomy. You are a slave to the system and completely beholden to the elite.
And the elite are becoming so arrogant they are even admitting their plans – and the fact that it is about total social control.
And in case you think this is a wild conspiracy theory and it could never happen here, you should be aware that the elite are quietly and deceitfully making moves to centralize currency right now, in the United States, without any public discussion.
Gov. Kirsti Noem of South Carolina caught them trying to change the definition of currency by burying it in the fine print of a 100 page bill. She joined Tucker Carlson last week to send a warning to all of us that we need to wake up to the agenda – and fast.
That'll fix it.President Biden: We Must Censor Americans From Discussing Bank Runs ‘To Protect Democracy’
The Biden administration has called for the censorship of Americans who discuss bank runs online, in an effort to ‘protect democracy’ and prevent a financial collapse.
President Biden: We Must Censor Americans From Discussing Bank Runs ‘To Protect Democracy’
The Biden administration has called for the censorship of Americans who discuss bank runs online, in an effort to ‘protect democracy’ and prevent a financial collapse.
It’s like talking about calculus to a bunch of worms.
You’re easily the second stupidest person here behind Picasso. But comebacks like that edge you even closer to the top spot.Except you don’t even know what calculus is and wouldn’t begin to know how to talk about it.
You’re easily the second stupidest person here behind Picasso. But comebacks like that edge you even closer to the top spot.
It’s not like it’ll be hard. This place is already a tumbleweed ridden wasteland. I’m just here to nudge it closer to to extinction and amuse myself in the process.Your plan to destroy this place will have to be better than that??
What will you do after that? Go back to cleaning pools and wandering the isles of Dollar General while mumbling to yourself?It’s not like it’ll be hard. This place is already a tumbleweed ridden wasteland. I’m just here to nudge it closer to to extinction and amuse myself in the process.
It’s not like it’ll be hard. This place is already a tumbleweed ridden wasteland. I’m just here to nudge it closer to to extinction and amuse myself in the process.
Your plan to destroy this place