New member
The old rear loads with the 30/75 mix were excellent. One of the new front loads I received had a 30/100 mix. I found the 100's way too stiff and went to straight V30's. Then again, I am always messing around with speaker swaps but it is all amp dependent and not one size fits all. I usually end up dragging the V30 cabs with me though, as they are the all-around workhorse which will work with most of my amps and settings. I am not too hell bent on mids and tend to scoop everything quite a bit, which is why the 30's work for me. They may not work as well for the next guy. Scooping mids and Greenbacks don't go together at all. I do like to run two cabs though from time to time. One with V30's and one with Greenbacks and can generally pull something acceptable from the mix with a mic on both cabs.