Unpopular Rigpinions V2

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Slash's lead tone in GnR's radio hits kinda sorta reminds me of Zakk Wyldes lead tones on NMT and Ozzmosis. Kinda scratchy and fizzy sounding. Think, the beginning of the song S.I.N. when he's playing without the band I notice it more than say during the solo of No More Tears it sounds less fizzy with the band.

Bark At The Moon > The Ultimate Sin in every way. (Though The Ultimate Sin is still a great record)

I didn't grow up listening to Satriani, but I think he's over rated and his tone has always been too digital and sterile sounding. I don't care for his tone or his legato runs.

Dimebag and his tone are over rated as well.
Slash's lead tone in GnR's radio hits kinda sorta reminds me of Zakk Wyldes lead tones on NMT and Ozzmosis. Kinda scratchy and fizzy sounding. Think, the beginning of the song S.I.N. when he's playing without the band I notice it more than say during the solo of No More Tears it sounds less fizzy with the band.

Bark At The Moon > The Ultimate Sin in every way. (Though The Ultimate Sin is still a great record)

I didn't grow up listening to Satriani, but I think he's over rated and his tone has always been too digital and sterile sounding. I don't care for his tone or his legato runs.

Dimebag and his tone are over rated as well.

I completely agree about the last two

I don't care enough to pay attention to slash or ZWs tone lol
Here we go, ‘bout to make some enemies with this one.

I’m tired as hell of 80’s rock and metal. It was damn great when it came out. That was a long time ago. Guitar is so much more than just this 10 year stretch of music.

Most of the people complaining about those who can’t play and don’t post clips typically don’t post clips and probably can’t play themselves.

Shredding is 100% played out.
I’m tired as hell of 80’s rock and metal. It was damn great when it came out. That was a long time ago. Guitar is so much more than just this 10 year stretch of music.

I honestly feel bad for a lot of the 80s guys and how they just can’t move on, I try to explain to them that their out of the cellar and under lock and key records, which I love as much as them, will still be there after they check out something else but they just can’t seem to do it, and when they do things like down tuning and aggressive raised voices get them irritated.
Most of the people complaining about those who can’t play and don’t post clips typically don’t post clips and probably can’t play themselves.
I would assume you're talking about me, except my clips are all over the site 😂

Very unpopular, and incorrect unless you lurk way more than the average "new member."
I honestly feel bad for a lot of the 80s guys and how they just can’t move on, I try to explain to them that their out of the cellar and under lock and key records, which I love as much as them, will still be there after they check out something else but they just can’t seem to do it, and when they do things like down tuning and aggressive raised voices get them irritated.
It’s music, you like what you like. None of those 80’s diehards are hurting over “not moving on”. They have the music they love that gets them through the day. So, they’re not a complete person if they don’t embrace modern era music they don’t care for? I don’t get it. What about guys who still only dig crooners and big band from the 40’s and 50’s etc. are they suffering if they could never get into The Stones or Jefferson Airplane? The 80’s guys are doing fine without your concern..Hell, this forum would dry up and blow away without ‘em…lol
Here we go, ‘bout to make some enemies with this one.

I’m tired as hell of 80’s rock and metal. It was damn great when it came out. That was a long time ago. Guitar is so much more than just this 10 year stretch of music.

Most of the people complaining about those who can’t play and don’t post clips typically don’t post clips and probably can’t play themselves.

Shredding is 100% played out.

#1: yeah agreed….BUT; it’s always gonna be there until those guys die out, just like our stuff is gonna be there until we die out etc….don’t get me wrong, I can always listen to some VH and have a good time with it, same with some Dokken and Ratt and what not, but it’s not anything I have in any playlist.

#2: this is true but not on this forum generally speaking. There are some SERIOUS heavyweights here that talk a lot of shit and then when someone asks them to ‘prove’ whatever they go ok, and then proceed to just fuckin SLAY.

#3: yeah also agree. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy a really well thought out solo that completely matches the song, and also enjoy something spur of the moment, but most of the time if someone breaks out into something and I can tell it’s just the guy wanking on some scales or whatever I’ll shut it down quick.
It’s music, you like what you like. None of those 80’s diehards are hurting over “not moving on”. They have the music they love that gets them through the day. So, they’re not a complete person if they don’t embrace modern era music they don’t care for? I don’t get it. What about guys who still only dig crooners and big band from the 40’s and 50’s etc. are they suffering if they could never get into The Stones or Jefferson Airplane? The 80’s guys are doing fine without your concern..Hell, this forum would dry up and blow away without ‘em…lol

It seems like they are hurting to me, it’s always them complaining there is no good new music out there, then when you try and show them new stuff they find every reason to not like it. Let’s not pretend they don’t often come into threads about new guitar players and take unsolicited shots and start talking about 1985 which I actually love cause it’s great entertainment.
It seems like they are hurting to me, it’s always them complaining there is no good new music out there, then when you try and show them new stuff they find every reason to not like it. Let’s not pretend they don’t often come into threads about new guitar players and take unsolicited shots and start talking about 1985 which I actually love cause it’s great entertainment.
There’s threads about new guitar players?
Gonna top up my opinion list after reading some of these

1. Nostalgia bias makes us all emotionally attached to the music we grew up with. Trying to re-live the past by telling other people their music isn't as good as the music you grew up with at highschool... is a room temperature IQ endeavour. You didn't live through the "golden era" of music. Your parents fucked, and you consumed the media of your time.

2. Modern prog metal is great and the community is fun.

3. I HATE when guitar players do open G / C / E / D then play generic pentatonic licks during a demo.

4. People hate Pete Thron and Beato because they live the dream and get paid to do what they love. It's totally natural to be jealous.

5. I struggle to watch Jimmy Page, Wilko Johnson, etc. Listening to sloppy playing whilst being told "This is a guitar hero," is jarring.

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This is going to sting:

1 - That holy grail piece of gear or the latest boutique offering aren't any better than what's already readily available. They are only sideways steps. Some will like it more, others won't.

2 - Active pickups sound better for almost all types of metal rhythms. Whether it's EMG or Fishmans, they're unilaterally better than any other boutique passive.

3 - "Fizz" isn't even bad. Yes sometimes it can be ear grating and fatiguing, but you're probably not EQing your amp right to make you tone blend into the top-end fizz well.
I would assume you're talking about me, except my clips are all over the site 😂

Very unpopular, and incorrect unless you lurk way more than the average "new member."

Yeah I’ve heard some of your clips - they’re great! Appreciate what you’re putting out there, always great to hear the Larry and others.

I played things up a wee bit for a spicier take. Still, I’ve absolutely seen folks shitting on others clips/playing who can’t seem to materialize any clips themselves. You’re not one of ‘em. Admittedly this might be more a TGP thing.
Yeah I’ve heard some of your clips - they’re great! Appreciate what you’re putting out there, always great to hear the Larry and others.

I played things up a wee bit for a spicier take. Still, I’ve absolutely seen folks shitting on others clips/playing who can’t seem to materialize any clips themselves. You’re not one of ‘em. Admittedly this might be more a TGP thing.

Thanks man I appreciate that. I like that guys here actually use their gear to make music and record tones.

It's pretty rare here, but yes TGP absolutely is a den of those guys that don't "post physique" 😂
IRs done right sound just as good as a mic'd cab... and depending on your tastes & ability, sometimes better
If being high as fuck and laying down some fiery guitar madness while stomping around, slung low, in your best satin dragon bell bottoms isn't a guitar hero. I don't know what is!...lol
Please see my bullet point 1

This is going to sting:

1 - That holy grail piece of gear or the latest boutique offering aren't any better than what's already readily available. They are only sideways steps. Some will like it more, others won't.

2 - Active pickups sound better for almost all types of metal rhythms. Whether it's EMG or Fishmans, they're unilaterally better than any other boutique passive.

3 - "Fizz" isn't even bad. Yes sometimes it can be ear grating and fatiguing, but you're probably not EQing your amp right to make you tone blend into the top-end fizz well.
1. Agreed
2. That hurt BIG time haha
3. Interesting take, however the one type of Fizz I can't stand or remove... is digital fizz from high gain VST plugin amp sims