Ohhhfff. Be careful. Conspiracy of an act will get caught if written. Like the internet crimes guy with us now on RT said earlier in one of these threads. I know you don’t mean it in the literal sense but law doesn’t care
The way I handle high end sales in the gun world is people connection- small world- we know everyone; same here on RT. I know a few of you. I’d assume there are people in every corner on the US on this forum as well. Use people local to the “new seller” who can assist in the purchase at least on first or second time of sale.
What I have always wanted to create was an “merchandise/escrow warehouse” if you will for high end items. Send item to said warehouse , send money to holding escrow account. Then everything gets sent from there by the holding company. If one party doesn’t send, well the party is over; obviously the money is transferred first that way shipping of item is not paid for yet….. one could start a new paypal through the escrow , “RT craigslist” if you will etc etc.. that way if some coxucker says “I don’t do that method; you tell him to eat a dick.
Yes it’s more money BUT if it cost 100 extra or 200 extra to guarantee a JMP or 57 Strat makes it to you then maybe it’s worth it. Insurance against dickweeds. Those are my post Friday night bourbon thoughts. ?